
Sunday, May 1, 2011

Another List Bites the Dust

I think I need to carry a note pad with me and write things down as they come up instead of trying to list them later. I usually sit at the end of a long day and try to remember something from the morning that I thought would be a great blog. Good luck with a tired brain. I do have a list though.

  • I have a ton of photos in my computer. I need to get them on a flash drive or something and it would free up so much space. I know that, but it's doing it that I can't seem to get done. It also doesn't help that we have been slammin' busy with field trips and events and the camera has gone to every one of them. I need to get them off my chip, too. See how easy it would be to take care of both? In taking and downloading all these pictures, I have discovered a new appreciation for the software that came with my Kodak. I am not a great photographer, but I like to take pictures. I try to capture some random stuff, but I also like a few posed shots. I try to keep my eye on what's in the background. I have to say that my favorite feature is crop. That helps so much. Now if I could figure out how to make me taller and thinner and make it believable...
  • Digging our tower, digging our tower, digging our tower. We have had it a week and a day and we have a little squash. I'll get a pic (see what I mean?) of what the plants look like. That will probably be in the morning since our camera is dead. It's charging as we speak. That bad boy has gotten a ton of use these last couple of weeks. We should hopefully harvest soon. the lettuces are beautiful. I get hungry when I look at it. 
  • One of my favorite things about the tower is that it is American made. The big blue box store used to be American made only for many years. When Sam died, they lost their minds and got greedy. Tax cuts for companies to ship work overseas didn't help any either. That wasn't very well thought out if you ask me. Part of the problem is the American worker. When you work on a factory line, turning a screwdriver for 8 hours a day, do you really need $60 an hour? No. But that's where we had gotten with many of the factory jobs. Although many jobs were turned over to mechanical entities and some were shipped over seas, the American worker demanded more money. I think the jobs need to come back, the companies need to pay a decent and fair wage, and we would all benefit. Maybe $20 an hour to turn that screwdriver is a little more acceptable.
  • One of my Facebook friends posts these pictures with funny sayings. One she posted was the cover for a fake book. It had Dr. Phil's face and was titled Advice I Pulled From My Ass. When I got done laughing, I thought, Wait a minute. That's where I get all my advice, my ass. I could write a book! I would make millions. And I would be a published writer. Whoowee! That's a good day right there.
That's what I got for now. You know I'm starting a new list as soon as I post this. That's just the way I roll.

1 comment:

Big Sis said...

I think the field trips did you good. Your post was more upbeat this time. Love you!!