
Friday, June 25, 2010

My Blog, My Posts, My Opinions, My Words

I'm going out on a limb here. I'm stirring a pot. But here goes, because you know me.

This is my blog. All opinions expressed here are my words, my opinions, my thoughts. All things contained in this blog are my thoughts put into words. If you don't agree with me, then don't agree. I will not change any previous post to make you or anybody else happy. If I have misquoted something I will apologize. But again, all opinions are mine.

That being said, I got an email from JP the other day. Apparently if you are a distributor, you are not allowed to blog about the product, or more specifically, you are only allowed an approved script. OK, I can see that. We wouldn't want anyone getting the wrong idea that it can cure cancer (it can't) and not be happy with the company. The email was from a post I did back in June 2009. Really? I'm not bad mouthing the company. I think it is a fantastic product that can do your body a world of good. Although I am no longer a distributor, I still believed in the product and recommended it to people all the time. We have had great results with it.

The one thing I always tell you about any product, topic, or decision is to do your own research. Always look at all sides of an issue and make an informed decision on your own. Don't take what I tell you as gospel. If you do the research for yourself and come to a decision based on the things that you have found out, good for you. I am not the seer of all things great. This company asked me to remove something from my blog and replace it. I am not going to do that. What I am going to do is remove the post. I will not give further advertising to that company. The things that were in the blog were things that had been told to me by my uplines. While I am not a great fan of censorship in general, I have chosen to censor myself. I know, that should have happened years ago.

But if you are looking for a great supplement to help you feel better, I can't think of one. Do some research and get back to me.


I think my hormones are out of whack. Maybe I AM just a bitch. I don't know. What I do know is that I am very, very snarky. And who has to take the brunt of that? My poor hubby. Bless his heart. That is not the "he is so stupid" version, that is the "poor guy has to put up with her" form of "bless his heart".

This morning as I was telling him we need to get on the same page about some stuff, he tried to make a joke. Normally, that's how I deal with a stressful situation. I am all about relieving the tension with a little haha, but today did it ever back fire on him. Then as we were talking, he walked out the living room and into the bedroom. Are you walking away from me? No, he was doing what he does at that time of the morning- getting ready for work. He could still hear me. It's not like our house is huge. I started to throw a fit and he said, at my suggestion, "Walk with me while I get ready." Just calm, cool, and collected, like I wasn't a raving lunatic. I love him. I don't know how he deals with me sometimes, but he always has a smile on his face when he comes home.

I think it's spreading. Or at least it must be in the air. At the library the other day, dealing with an issue that I have been dealing with for a while, a new lady stepped into the middle of it. I knew it wasn't going to end well when she huffed at her co-worker who asked for help. I hate being huffed at, specially when I ask for help. She did that great big intake of breath, and that set me off. Then when she started in on me, I could have beat her ass down right there. I thought I was going to have to use my customer service speech about me being the customer, blah, blah, blah. But I just spoke louder, told my story, and made her shut up. She told me that when the big girl's card got to over $5, she wouldn't be able to use it. I said fine, I'll use somebody's else's. She could do whatever she needed to, but I wasn't paying the money twice. She eyeballed me like she was going to beat me at this one. Kiss this, lady, right here. We both have snarky attitudes, and your's certainly won't beat mine.

And my final example, believe it or not, is the pool. Am I rehashing all that again? Yeah, because it just gets better and better. We got to the point, we thought, that we were ready to start construction. We even bought the liner, and it was $25 cheaper than it was last year. That's always a bonus. Hubby's brother, the one we got the pool from, said to let him know when we were ready and he would come on over. I knew it was too good to be true. He didn't. "No, man, I'm just going to take it easy today." There I went. The language was horrendous when hubby told me that. It was all I could do not to drive the 35 minutes to BIL's house, drag him out of his house by his ear, and drag him back to my house. Then, when I calmed down, we looked up what we need to do to set this pool up. It is hours and hours of backbreaking work. We need the help. I just broke down on the back patio and cried and cried. Hubby brought me a cup of coffee and stroked my back, and let me cry it out. See what I mean about hubby being the best? I did manage to pull myself together enough to help him work on the hole and start the leveling process. And the saga continues.

I am just trying to figure out my issue, or issues as the case may be. I'm just trying to take a breath and calm down. I'm just trying not to show my snarky to too many more people. Good luck with that.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Making Friends...Or Not

I blame my mother. Sorry, Mermie, there has to be a fall guy and you're it. It's not really that bad. You should hear the good stuff I say about you. There I go, round and round again. I think I have ADHD. I'm sorry, what were we talking about? Oh, yeah, the way I tend to show my ass over and over. This time it was at a church council meeting. Look at me go.

We have no youth director at our church. There is a core group of about 4 of us that have taken leadership and responsibility for the program and the kids involved in it. Every month we have a council meeting that encompasses all the committees and ministries of the church. Each sends a representative and we give updates and reports and answer any questions about recent activity. The core four of us have decided to rotate the attending of the meeting. I always seem to cause some kind of ruckus or another. Wouldn't you know Sunday was my day? Big smile!

We had two members of our congregation go to the Conference meeting. That is where all the churches in the state get together and talk about comings and goings. One of our delegates was giving the report on a speaker who's report was on Africa and how the United Methodist church can help. Apparently, the gist of it was that we needed to change the politics. It wasn't clear to our delegate whether he meant our politics or theirs. That's when I popped off at the mouth. I really need to stop that. My comment, which I didn't realize was as loud as it was until I saw every one turn and look at me, was "We need to work on the politics in this country before we can even think about helping someone else. We can't even get our own stuff straight."

You should have seen the faces. You should have seen mine when I realized that I did say it out loud. I wasn't there to stir the pot. I was there to listen and give a report about what our youth were doing. That was going well.

The next part was when the delegate was talking about the speaker's recommendation that we work closely with the UN. My snort was a little louder than I intended. My comment of "Why would we waste time working with them? They're trying to undermine everything the US has ever stood for" didn't seem to go over well. Oops. Once again, it got quiet and all eyes were on me. While I normally don't mind that, this probably wasn't the best time or place to air my politics. I know what tact is, I just don't always know when to use it.

The third point that was made was that the US should forgive the debt of third world countries to help them get on their feet and establish themselves. Yeah, well, there I went again. It was almost like I couldn't stop myself. "We can't pay our own debts. China owns more of us than we do. We should start collecting more of those debts and make everyone start standing on their own." I meant to whisper that. I did. I just whispered it loudly. To the guy sitting next to me, who kept rolling his eyes. I'm not sure if he was agreeing with me or waiting to get me alone so he could throttle me. Either way, the faces were all turned in my direction again.

I need to try to remember to use my powers for good. I need to try to remember that there is a time and place for everything, not every time and every place for everything. I need to continue to educate the masses about the trouble our country is in. I just need to pick a better time for the education. Thankfully, I don't go back to a meeting for four months. We'll see how much trouble I can get myself into then. God help them all, and me, too.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Reading My Brains Out

That is one of my favorite things to do. From the first second I could sound out a word, I have had a book in my hand. I would watch my mom read through books almost as fast as she picked them up. I'm the same way. It is not uncommon for me to be reading two or three books at one time. It's all about the mood. My idea of getting away is sitting in the local book store, grabbing two or three books off the shelf, and finding a nice, quiet spot to read my brains out. This is just a couple of things going on right now.

Charlaine Harris has written a couple of different series. The Sookie Stackhouse series has been turned into True Blood on HBO. I watched the first season because we had HBO, but am waiting for it to come out on video and our library to have it. I have a friend of mine that thinks they are a little risque. Honey, read a little Lora Leigh. That is risque. It's also what they call erotic romance or erotic fiction. It's porn. But she tells a good story. Back to Charlaine, though. I'm not reading Sookie in order, but that doesn't matter. I've seen the first season. Even though the show doesn't follow exactly with the books, I can figure it out.

She also has a second series that I started. The main characters name is Harper Connelly. She was struck by lightning and is now able to communicate with the dead. I have to say that so far, I am really enjoying that series. I'm only on the first book, and about four chapters in, but still. I like to have a series. I'm hoping that whatever happens gets wrapped up nice and tight. I like a series that ties all the loose ends in a nice little bow. When I'm done with this book, I'll request the next one.

I am also reading a book for book club. I have been on the email list for this book club for a year now, but for one reason or another haven't been able to make a meeting. I'm trying to make the one in July. Anyway, the book is Look Me In the Eye by John Elder Robison. It is written by the brother of the man who wrote Running With Scissors. I haven't read the brother's book, but I am enjoying this one. It is about a man that has Asperger's that wasn't diagnosed until he was already grown. It is amazing how normal he may seem, but the conflict that he goes through. Pretty good so far. Even if I don't get to the meeting at least I read the book.

I notice that Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand is supposedly being turned into a movie. That is one book that I have heard lots of conflicting reviews about. I'm still not sure I want to read it, but it may be one I add to my list anyway. I hear it is either really freeing or is about the fall of democracy. OK, whatever. I just know that I need to read it before it gets too much more press. Yes I know it's 30 years old and is still getting lots of press. I'm just sayin'.

The big girl is reading the Twilight series. I have no desire. I know, they're great books. I am just not interested. There is one mom at the park that won't let her daughter read it. She has even gone so far as to ask that the girls that have read it refrain fron discussions about it when her daughter is around. No, tell your daughter to remove herself from the conversation. Sorry, soap box. Wait my blog. Soap box is allowed. Moving on before I get too side tracked. The big girl is loving it. She is on the fourth book so far and has read each of them in as little as three days. It's almost annoying trying to get her to do anything while she's reading them. Then again, she reads like her mama. I guess I'm ok with it for now. Until I have to tell her three times to sweep or unload the dishwasher.

I like taking a summer break. We are usually so busy during the school year that I don't get much time to read. I am loving it right now. We enrolled the kids in the summer reading program at our local library. They have one for the adults now, too. Next time we go in I'm signing up. Maybe I can win a prize, or even find some new books I like. Who knows? Alright, that was my quickie post. I have books to read. Catch ya' later.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Politics or Business as Usual

In the state that I live in, we are in the middle of a race for the Governor's office. I really don't like politicians. I really don't like politics I should say. The job is to get elected as a "public servant". They then take that office, which they were elected into, and decide to tarnish every good thing it is supposed to represent. The only thing that is as bad as a politician running for office is business people running for office.

Politicians, by nature, will tell you what you want to hear. The only way they get a paycheck is if you like them enough to hire them. You hire them by voting for them. They promise you every thing you want. They will fight for and accomplish every goal. That's great. What most people don't realize is that there are safeguards in place that prevent one person, supposedly, from having all the power. Most of the promises are more about lying in your face to get elected. If they are running for a first term of an office, that's like being the last one hired. They are the bottom of the totem pole. It's almost like being in line to be the first one fired if the company takes a down turn. You have to have tenure to be able to get anything done. But people don't understand that. They hear what they want, see what they want, believe the bull.

Businessmen just piss me off. When I was in the business world, the word I had the hardest time with was delegate. If I said it would be done, the only way I could guarantee it would get done right was to do it myself. I still have that problem. I was taught that if you treat your people well, they will treat your company well. They will grow your business for you because they are content in their work environment. Business any more is about what the stockholders get. How much money can the CEO make? When hubby worked for Sprint, they went on strike. As someone who benfits from the paycheck he was bringing home, I couldn't understand why they couldn't get what they wanted in the new contract. Yes they wanted more money. Yes, they wanted increased benefits. They are also the first face that people see when it comes to the company. They are the ones that are yelled at by customers if something isn't right, regardless of the fault or praised for a job well done or a problem fixed. Did they get everything? No. Not even close to what they wanted. But the CEO got a multi million dollar raise when he closed the deal with Nextel. You can afford to pad his already huge bank account, but you can't compensate the guys that are doing the every day work, keeping your company afloat, making the customers that are paying that salary. With business, it's all about how much the top people can make and crapping on the little guy.

I don't think either should be in charge. To me, neither has the best interest of the people in mind as they go to the capitols, state or federal. It's about who can make the most money or who has the most power. I think there ought to be term limits. Maybe they should just put the names of all those that want to serve into a hat and draw names. That would keep someone from being beholden to monetary supporters. Then at least every body would have a fair chance at winning. Between filing fees, advertising, and who knows what else, most of us common people couldn't afford to run for office if we wanted to. I've got kids to feed, so I can't afford much anyway.

I'm just thinking out loud. I'm being inundated with political ads. I'm sick of listening to people tha are supposed to be representing me telling me I'm wrong when I don't agree with what they are trying to pass. Pointing fingers never helps. You did this when you owned this company. You don't understand the people you represent. Blah, blah, blah. I think they should all shut up. If I ever ran for office, I would just hand out the address to my blog. All of my indescretions have been posted about at one time or another. I can see it now:"Did you do THIS?" "Yes, twice because it was so much fun. Want to see the pictures? They're on the internet, just look them up." We should all be comforted by the fact that I can't run for president. I, unlike the man who sits there now, freely admit I was not born on American soil.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Over the Hill

Yesterday was my birthday. It was fabulous. I did what I wanted. I ate what I wanted. I played Wii until my thumbs were sore. My mom asked how in the world I got to be 40. Tick tock, Mom. The clock doesn't stop, dammit. I wish it would at least slow down a little. My friend, Z(J) said welcome to the top of the slide. Thanks. My response was, "The view is great from up here." Over my 40 years, I have learned a couple of things, believe it or not. Want to hear them? Of course you do. That's why you're reading my blog.

  1. Always make your bed. My mom says that no matter how messy your room is, if you make your bed, it looks neater. She's right. You ought to see my room right now. Messy as all get out, but my bed is made, so it's not so bad. I like the clean lines of a made bed. I like pulling back the covers and slipping in it at night. If I nap in my bed, which is rare, I use a throw. I don't like messing up the covers until bed time. There is something luxurious about getting into a made bed. Anything that can bring just a little pleasure, like a made bed, should be taken advantage of.
  2. Get over it. Really. What ever wrong was done to you, short of bodily harm and financial ruin, get over it. Even the financial ruin isn't as bad as you think. Been there, twice. If somebody offends you, get over it. In the grand scheme of things, life is too short to carry that crap around. I'm trying to get rid of my burdens. I am trying to get over all of the "hurts" and "anger" that I carry around about certain people. If you carry it around, you give them control they don't deserve. If it's you, figure out why you did what you did and move on. Beating yourself up will not help. Picking yourself up, putting one foot in front of the other, and moving on will.
  3. The person you are today is not the person you will be in 10 years. It's inevitable. The people you surround yourself with is what you will become, pure and simple. It's a flock mentality. My best advice about this is to surround yourself and your famliy with people that share your goals and values and morals. Surround yourself with people that are trustworthy and honest. Surround yourself with what you aspire you and your family to be. But remember that you are surrounding yourself with people. We are all malleable and we all make mistakes. When you do, or they do, see #2.
  4. Love doesn't hurt. Love doesn't make you feel angry. Love doesn't make you feel stupid. Love doesn't make you feel bitchy. Love isn't a negative emotion. Love is beautiful, and joyous, and amazing. If you feel any negativity because of love, that isn't love. As bad as it may hurt at the beginning, as hard as it may seem, walk away from the negative "love" and you will find the beautiful, joyous, amazing love. Don't stay because of excuses. Leave because of them.
  5. Excuses ARE like assholes. Are you giving reasons or excuses? Listen to the words and really think about them. If a solution sounds too hard, you are probably giving excuses. If you find yourself saying, " But you don't understand...", you are giving excuses. Quit whining and move on.
  6. Your children are, wait for it, children. Egads, it's like a news flash or something. They are human beings with feeling and emotions and you need to nurture their ambitions and their confidence and their abilty to see the world with rose colored glasses. These beautiful creatures have been loaned to us by a gracious and loving God. We need to protect these precious treasures and teach them what love and joy and happiness is all about. The roughness of a kitten's tongue, the beauty of a field of blue bonnets, the wonderful healing power of a hug. These are the things that are the most important to them. Spend time getting to know the beauty of your children. Rushing here and there for this activity or the other is not nearly as important as talking with your child. Talk WITH your child, not to or at, but with. Amazing the difference one word makes.
  7. I love you. Words packed with power. Say them as many times a day as humanly possible. Break your record every day. Mean the words when you say them, too. And remember, I love you.

That's what I've got so far. It's not deep and insightful. I don't have winning lottery numbers. I do have a wonderful life. I have a husband that was hand picked for me. I have three wonderful children that are constantly teaching me about life. I have had 40 years to get here. I am excited about the journey for the next 40. And beyond.