
Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Right 'Round, Baby!

How has it been 2 months since I've blogged?!?!?! I should be ashamed of myself. Really, I've just been so busy I don't even know what day it is! Ready for a crazy ride? And away we go!

  • Between rehearsal schedules, co-ops being moved or put off, nasty sick kids and a mama (once, and thank God, only once!), and throw in extras like fund raisers and concerts and life in general, I would actually forget what day it was. How does that happen? Very easily apparently. I let the boy go home from the park with a friend one day. When I was talking to hubby he said, " I thought we were going out for the baby's birthday." Well, crap. We are on spring break this week and I need it! A little down time to rest some. I may go take a nap when I'm done with this!
  • I was blog trolling yesterday. One of the blogs promised to blog every day. The last one was in 2010. There was one with a family that stopped blogging in 2014. It's kind of sad. Made me realize how long it had been since I've blogged. I'll try to be better, but refer to the bullet point above and try not to judge too harshly.
  • My Christmas present to myself was a yoga series called Namaste Yoga. It's by a woman named Kate Potter and I love it. It's the series that got me into yoga and realized how great it is for your body. I love the way it makes me feel strong. It is the standard to which I judge all other yogas. I may do yoga before I take a nap. Ooo, a nap from shivasana...
  • Because I've been doing more yoga, my carpets have never been cleaner. They get vacuumed at least every other day. There are 5 long haired females in this house. The dog and the cat are the worst! We have a Dirt Devil that just works, works, works. The only bad thing is that after each run of the vacuum, the canister has to be emptied. Somebody needs a haircut.
  • Ok, let's get political, because you know I'm gonna. This whole religious freedom thing that is going on in 2 states was inevitable. Big Sis and I were having a conversation. I said I don't like being pushed or bullied into something I don't want to do (not from her! She would never do that!) I said it makes me push back. So, what did people think was going to happen? You take away the rights of one group while shoving the rights of other groups down their throats. Did you just think they were just going to sit back and let it happen? We all have rights. Business owners have a right to decide who they want to do business with and who they don't. On the other side of that, consumers have the right to spend their hard earned money where they please. If someone doesn't want to do business with you, move on. So here comes the "But you've never been discriminated against before." Worse than just general discrimination, I've been discriminated against for what people THINK I am. Dark hair, dark eyes, dark skin. Yeah, nobody knows what I am, but they think they do. But I digress. Yes, I understand what this law means. I understand it's not about businesses and consumers. But you can't legislate love and acceptance, to or from either side.
  • And on to other topics. Not having cable or satellite means that we don't get to watch a lot of the popular shows. But you would be surprised at what great shows are on the antenna channels. We get a channel called Heartland that plays a lot of old TNN shows like Crook & Chase. They also play music videos and I get to hear a lot of artists I don't usually hear on the radio. One show I really like is Texas Music Scene. They had a band on called the Trishas. They were so good. The band is 5 super talented women. They have one band member that plays guitar and sings while she is playing the bass drum. It sits at her feet and she hits the pedal when she needs to. I highly recommend that you look them up.
  • Big Sis, Pop and I are taking a vacation! Good grief, is that like the Clampetts coming to Beverly Hills? We have never, ever taken a vacation just the 3 of us. We are headed to the beach for a few days. That's shocking, right? 3 Hawaiians going to the beach. I am super excited about this trip. The beach, the pool, the shopping, the eating. But, most of all, I am excited about seeing their faces! Oh, I miss their faces. To spend some time. What a precious gift that is, but thrown away so easily.
That's about all I have right now. The scent of cinnamon French toast is coming from the kitchen. I don't eat it, but I can still sit and spend some time!

Thursday, January 15, 2015


That's what it's all about, right? Well, that and the Hokey Pokey. Now, THAT is what it's ALL about. Hanging with my dance mamas one night, I realized that I have lived in this area for 20 years. Well, crap. How the hell did that happen? It started to clear the picture a little. Or muddy the water. Your choice.

  • We lived in 3 places during the first 10 years of marriage. We've lived in our current home for 10 years. That's half of my marriage!! Whoa!!!
  • My FIL will be 73 this year. That means when we got married he was 53. Hubby and I are getting closer and closer to that age.
  • In the first 12 years of our marriage we owned 10 vehicles between us. It might be 11, but I lost count. In the last 8, we've owned 3.
  • When we bought the mini van 8 years ago, it had 70,000 miles on it. We've put 100,000 miles on it on that time. Since it's an '04, we've put less miles on it per year than the previous owner. And we are in the van ALL THE TIME.
  • I used to never leave the house without hair done and make up on. Now, y'all are lucky I don't show up everywhere in my "good" pajamas.
  • I never wanted to get married or have kids. Then I met a guy. And married him. And had 3 babies with him.
  • I always liked small cars. I was afraid to drive large vehicles. We're in the market for a Suburban or Tahoe for me.
I bet you can come up with a couple of things yourself. I'm gonna go shake it all about and turn myself around..

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Keeping Up with the 7's

I did a 7 blog on the family side of this, so I guess it's time to get to 7 here. And there's an update to the previous blog. I know you all want to read that!

  • Hubby has been out of town. He comes back tonight and I am soooo excited about that. It's been a long 5 days without him. He went fishing with his dad on a trip they used to take every year. His dad has been worried about making the trip by himself so when he asked hubby to go, hubby jumped at the chance. Please spend time with your parents if you can. They are precious and can never be replaced. They had a great trip. They caught fish and got to catch up with some friends that his dad hasn't seen in awhile. The weather was mostly good, just a tad on the chilly side. The norm is for them to have dinner at a seafood place Thursday night, a fish fry Friday night, and you're on your own Saturday night for dinner. Hubby and his dad had some friends invite them for dinner. Awesome. I'm so glad they had a great time. That makes it an even better trip.
  • Every October I use that social site to counteract the attacks from Big Pharma about breast cancer awareness. I always get 1 whackadoo that messages me that I am spreading fear to people. No, I'm spreading facts. I always do my research before I say anything. I am not one that just reads it on the internet and takes it as gospel. Thank you, no. Please educate yourself about whatever treatments are available to you. Don't take the doctor's word for it. Do you know how, when, and where your doctor was educated? You should check that out and see what standard of care he was taught. Usually, it's the same old, same old that has been taught for years with no updates. But, please, always do your own research!
  • There was a young lady who publicized the fact that she was going to take her own life because of a very aggressive cancer. She said there was no treatment. That is a huge decision. I don't agree with it. There are so many doctors out there that are curing cancer with alternative treatments. Curing. Without debilitating, deadly chemo and radiation. Curing cancers just like the one she had. Curing cancer. How great is that? Now, if the FDA, Big Pharma and the government would get off their case, that would be amazing. But, if they did, there would not be nearly the profits they are making now. It's all about money. And it should be about people like this young woman who thought there was no hope. That's why I do my posts every year.
  • For those of you that read the last blog, here's the update. You thought I was going to save it for last, didn't you? I sent out an email of performance dates for my kiddos. She sent me one back saying she would try to get the kids to a couple. Holding my breath for that, but I digress. She also said that my niece was probably singing with her school at 1 of the events my kids are dancing at, but the chorus teacher didn't usually put out a schedule until the last minute. Ok, whatever. When I said that the group had performed before us the year before, all of a sudden there was a schedule. See, I know people that have kids in the same group. There is a schedule. I just don't like to be jacked with, I really don't. That's what pisses me off the most. Stop playing the game, stirring the pot, or whatever you want to call it. Be honest and stop trying to make yourself look like you are the victim. Own your shit. And, please, Thisoldmarine, if you're reading this, I would LOVE it if you would leave a comment. Really, really.
  • I am so ready for a break. Our nonstop dance schedule can be exhausting. Our nonstop school schedule is exhausting. I much prefer a more relaxed school atmosphere, but when the kids get older, it's a little harder. There is so much that has to be done. When I start to feel that way, I just remember that this is not the norm for all time. My big girl is a junior this year. I don't know where the time went, and really I don't care. I just know that it's gone. I read an article that said having your kids in all the activities they want to be in is bad for them. I agree. My kids would be in everything if we had the time, money and inclination. But we don't. And guess what? They are happy kids. They are focusing on something they love and it makes me happy that they're happy. They are finding their way through life as well adjusted young women and man. And I wouldn't trade a minute of what we do. 
  • The holidays are coming up. This is my time of the year for my mini-meltdown. It seems to start earlier and earlier every year. Thank goodness for self-medication.
  • We are thinking about a Christmas without gifts under the tree. Hubby and I have talked about going some places we want to go to and doing some things that we've wanted to do, but just haven't. There is a wonderful luau at Disney that we think the kids would love. I want them to see Cirque Du Soleil. We'll see. Hopefully, it'll work the way we want it to.
That's my 7. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. Here's hoping y'all are educating yourselves, taking ownership, and enjoying your lives. Peace! 

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Stupid Is as Stupid Does...Or, My Adventures with My EX Sister in Law

So I got this email:

B is having a birthday party here at the house on Nov 1st. She would like to
invite the big girl, the boy & the baby. Would they be allowed to come?  Not sure of
the time as of yet, just wanted to be able to give you time to think about it.

I changed the names because I don't do names. Anyway, this is from my EX sil. I always capitalize the EX because it makes me happy. Keep in mind a couple of things:

  1. There is no love lost between the 2 of us. AT ALL. I can't stand her and she can't stand me back. I'm ok with that.
  2. I had texted her when the big girl was having a birthday party. She didn't respond. Hubby and I didn't want to be like that. So we responded with the following. 
If the party were somewhere other than your home, we would be more than happy to have the kids attend. But thank you for the invite.

We don't go to her house. My in-laws loaned my bil and my sil quite a bit of money to buy the house. Like, half the house. My other bil (hubby has a ton of brothers) did most of the work that needed to be done. As soon as it was completed, she told her hubby she was divorcing him. That's not suspicious at all, is it? We don't go there in protest. That, and the first time hubby and I went to see the house, she didn't even greet us. Didn't say hi, bye, or kiss my ass. I thought it was a nice response. This is what I got back.

That is fine I will let B know.

I thought it was over at that. And I was good with that. I should have known she would pop my happy bubble. This is what I got later this afternoon. All I could think was "Really?"

However I would like to say that I have let my children come to your house without an issue, ever though I do not care for you, because I want the children to have a relationship with you and your family. Because to me it is important for the children to stay connected with their family. B is quite upset and said seriously my own Aunt said that. I hide nothing from my children and let them know exactly how I am talked to by others. She is very hurt. However since you have decided that your children are not allowed to be at my house then I have now decided the same for my children. If they are to get together it will only be at E's. I am sorry that you have made it come to this for both you and my children. 

Did you read the last line? Somehow, she makes a decision and it's my fault. I'm a bit confused by that. It's not the first time. We had a dispute about birthday parties. Yeah, did I mention we're both really mature? Anyway, she decided that they were not having birthday parties for their kids anymore and it was my fault she had to make that decision. Um, what? And because I can not leave well enough alone, I responded.

And again, AGAIN, you decide that you cannot leave well enough alone. Or even ask what the deal is. Instead, you involve children in adult business. We aren't coming to the house for a few reasons:
  1. We are not "drop and leave parents". Never have been, never will be. As much love as you and I have for each other, do you really think that would be ok?
  2. You didn't bother to greet hubby and I the one and only time we were at your home. You couldn't even take the time to come and say hello, but when your friend got there, you dropped everything. How's that for family?
  3. We do not agree with your decision to not pay back D and E for the money that you borrowed from them, knowing that you were going to divorce their son.
But since I have you here, why don't you tell your kids this. You have never been about family and you never will be. You have no idea what "family" means. I send you a list of dates to come see the kids perform, and Not one time did you bother to show up. The only reason B saw them was because D and E brought her. You couldn't even come to recital on $5 day. Your excuse of having no money is old and tired. Surely, you could come up with $15 or $20 for the family to come see them. Do we get the same courtesy of a performance schedule? No. We show up for our performance and B is coming off the stage. Thanks for the heads up that our niece is going to be there!

You always say you want them to have a relationship with "their family". How many times have you picked up the phone, texted me or hubby, or emailed us to schedule time for the kids to be together? Let's count them: 0. Absolutely not 1 time. The kids get together because we are the ones that do the scheduling and the planning. Not you. 
Many years ago, you made the decision to not have birthday parties for your kids because of the issues we had. I got the blame for that as well. YOU made that decision, not me. You take responsibility for your actions and your words. You need to take responsibility for making this decision as well. I didn't do this. YOU made up your mind, so you get to take the blame, not me. If you want them to get together only at D and E's, then so be it. But YOU made that decision. Own it. By making this decision, though, you are going against your belief that "it is important for the children to stay connected with their family." And so you know, the last time the girls were at the parents' house, B wanted the next sleep over to be at our house. I have no issue with that. Now you get to explain to her that it's your fault she can't come. You're hurting the kids, not me.
Slow your roll when you come at me. When you point the finger of blame you have 3 fingers pointing back at you. And if family was so important to you, you would know the correct way to spell E's name.
See how mature I am? I know, I know. Walk away. Fuck that. I am not a walk away kind of gal. I am an in your face, shoot it from the hip, kiss my ass kind of gal. I am so excited to see the next response. Are you sitting on pins and needles like I am? We'll see how it goes.

Monday, August 4, 2014

Rules of the Road

When the big girl was a baby, hubby and I made a deal. I would birth the babies and he would teach them to drive. I have a feeling his learning to drive experience was different from mine because he said "ok". He can be such a sucker. 15 years later, I think he's realizing that he got the short end of the stick. I like to say that hubby teaches her how to drive and I teach her how NOT to drive. There are some observations that need to be made, so hang on while I tell you how absolutely horribly you drive!

  • Turn signals are NOT optional equipment. Want to know how I know? They come standard in EVERY car you buy. You can even get a ticket if you don't use it, or it's not working. And, really, I have no idea where you are going, so if you use your blinker, I won't ram my minivan into your trunk. And when you want to change lanes, it lets other drivers know that you are exiting one lane and entering another. That could prevent a lot of road rage as well.
  • The left lane is for those drivers that are traveling the fastest, or at least faster than the 10 mph UNDER the speed limit that you want to drive. You can get a ticket for driving too slow, specially in the fast lane. It impedes traffic and can cause an accident. If your turn is coming up, but not for miles, MOVE OUT OF THE WAY!! Trust me, it isn't those speed demons that are causing the issues, it's you! And when other drivers creep up to your rear end, that means move, not go slower.
  • So, let's talk about this tail gating thing. When my grandmother died many years ago, I wasn't able to get a flight into the closest major airport, but I was able to get a flight into my hometown, and then ride with my brother in law. I am not sure that is ever an experience I care to repeat. Holy cow! I have had drivers get so close to back bumper, I felt like I was cheating on hubby! When I can see the color of your eyes in my rearview mirror, you are way too close. Some drivers think that NASCAR drafting rules apply. And I get the whole "if I get as close to you as I can, then I'm sitting in the wind break and saving myself some gas." I am not your way to better gas mileage. I'm one of those that will tap my brakes gently a couple of times to let you know that you are way too close for not buying me a drink first. Then I'll tap them a little more forcefully. Then I just get mad and slow down and become one of those drivers in bullet point number 2. I have even backed off when I realize that I'm closer than I need to be.
  • Use your brakes. There are these great lights on the back of your car that are red and when you hit your brake, it lets me know that you are slowing down. Again, I am good, but even I am not intuitive enough to know that you are slowing down. Only you can prevent me from running into your bumper and then beating the crap out of you because you didn't use your brakes. And, like blinkers, brakes are NOT optional equipment. If your lights don't work, you can get a ticket! Oh, the things you learn when you read my blog.
  • The right of way isn't always yours. How many of you actually read the handbook that the DMV releases? Show of hands? I am a geek, so I did. Who has the right of way when you and another driver stop at a stop sign at the same time? Whoever is on your right is the correct answer. If you are across from each other, it's whoever doesn't have to cross traffic. For example, if you are making a left hand turn and I am going straight, I have the right of way. I am not crossing traffic, but you have to cross my lane of traffic when you turn. At a light, if you have a green arrow and I am making a right hand turn, I must yield the turn. You should turn into the inside turn lane, but many people don't do that. They turn wide, so just wait. Please. 
I could go on and on, but I won't. Most of the problems on the road boil down to an "I am so much more important than you" attitude. We all have to share the road. So share, dammit! Except for bicyclist. They really suck. Why would you pull your bicycle into the road when traffic is flying at 55 mph? Because of all the damn signs that say "Share the Road". It's a 2 way street, buddy. Oh! See what I did there? And remember the slogan from years ago. "Arrive Alive" And don't get in my way or I'll use really bad language as I pass you and honk my horn at you and show you how tall my middle finger is. And my kids are in the van. Let's not be a bad influence on them! 

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

A Farmer and His Dog

You know the song. There was a farmer who had a dog. And Bingo was his name-o! Yup. This blog is about bingo! My mom loved bingo. When she would go play, we weren't allowed to tell her good luck. We always had to tell her break a leg. Like she was going to be in a play. Because she was totally weird. When I was about 18 or so, I would go with her to the VFW and play. Nothing like playing bingo around a bunch of horny, drunk, OLD men when you are young and nubile. I'll tell you one thing for sure. There is no better place to make you feel pretty. But in a gross, I think my granddad just chatted me up kind of way.

Hubby and I have started playing bingo again. We played a few times when we first moved out here. We only played a few times because the workers were rude. They were complacent about their jobs because their jobs were secure I guess. Old people love bingo and we live in the land of old people. We swore we would never go back. We finally found another place and loved it. The people were super nice, the volunteers were super nice, and I won pretty often. They closed. Apparently, someone liked the money coming in way too much to share like they were supposed to. We haven't played in years, but got a wild hair one night and decided that's what we wanted to do.

Wouldn't you know the only place to play was the place we swore we wouldn't go back to? We went back. And we are actually pretty glad we did. It's owned by someone else now and most of the original workers aren't there anymore. I don't know that any of them are there. There is one super sweet lady from the place that closed and I'm glad she's there. And you play free on your birthday! I like free bingo! Here are just a few observations from our last few trips.

  • Bingo has changed A LOT since we last played. There are more games and that's not always a good thing. They play pull tab games. It's little cards (OK, some are actually pretty big, but whatever) and you pull a tab back to expose the bingo cards you play. They are extra games. I wish they would list them on the program so I know when I get a nap and when I don't. Some pay upwards of $4,000 if you bingo on the right number. I am a bingo purist. I don't like them. Yes, you can win some serious cash, but the odds are greater that you won't. Some of those babies are expensive. Some are only $1. But you could dollar yourself half to death. Really, though, the only tabs I like to pull are on a beer can. But that's me.
  • Since the pull tabs are extra, the volunteers go row by row, calling out the name of the game they're selling and you can tell them if you want one, or more. They walk by calling out things like "Birds! Get your birds!" "Pink Fastball! Anyone for a Pink Fastball?" My favorite by far is the Super Ball game. Oh, yeah, you know I'm going there. "Super balls. Get your Super Balls!" Um, are they like Superman's balls? Able to leap a building in a single bound? Are they hairy? Do they hang low? I would love a job I could get away with calling out "Super Balls! Get your Super Balls. Because your balls just aren't that impressive!" 
  • They have a security guard at the door. I guess it's in case they get robbed? If you could see the guards, though, you would not feel very safe. I sat 1 number away from $1,000 last night. If I had won, I can tell you I could keep a mugger away better than he could. The guard even carries a gun. I'm wondering if he's like Barney Fife and carries his bullet in his pocket. With his super balls, maybe?
  • There was a funny on that social media site. It said "What did 1 saggy boob say to the other? We better perk up before someone thinks we're nuts!" There were a bunch of nuts at the hall last night. And ladies, bathing suit tops are not general wear. Leave them for the beach or the pool. Sometimes it's like being at Wal Mart! A bra, however, is a must. Unless you want your boobs to be your super balls. Yup, I am using that for all it's worth. I just cannot help but giggle every time!    
  • I like to make sentences with some of the numbers. The caller says "B4". I say "Before what? That lady puts on a bra?" Hahahahaha! The caller says "O69". I say, well you know what I say and you can bet your bra it has to do with super balls!
Honestly, though, we have a really good time playing bingo. We have met some really sweet people there. Most of the volunteers have a smile on their face and will go out of their way to help you. We're really glad we decided to start playing again. Every night is a different special, so if you pick the right night, you can actually play bingo cheaper than you could go to dinner and a movie. And the entertainment in the non-smoking section is amazing! Besides, if it wasn't so much fun, why would the farmer name his dog after the game?

Monday, June 9, 2014

Rage Against the Machine

  • One night at Disney we met up with some friends. It was my friend's son's 21st birthday and it was the Food and Wine Festival and it was Eat to the Beat, which is the concert series that runs with F&W. While P and I were waiting for everyone to get through Test Track, a very nice man from England sat next to me. He was enamored with my southern accent and liked the fact that I am from Texas. And a conversation about music began. Crazy, right? We started talking about all kinds of music and he asked me about Rage Against the Machine. He asked if I agreed or disagreed with their lyrics. My response, "You know, when you're 18 and uninformed, you kind of follow along with whatever your crowd agrees or disagrees with. But in all honesty, I never really listened to the words and just liked the way the music sounded. I still listen to them, but I couldn't tell you where the politics in their songs lies." All of that to say, it's a random, winding blog!!! But with a title like this one, I just had to tell that story.
  • Since my mom died, I have anxiety attacks. It is so hard for me to get out the door and I am squealing into the parking lot in the nick of time. If you need a getaway driver I am sooooo your chick.
  • I find it interesting that my dad hasn't called or texted me since his great grandbaby was born. Not even really his. It's my stepmom's. It's almost like he forgot that he has 7 other grand kids that love him and would actually like to hear his voice once in awhile. And wishing your daughter happy birthday on Facebook is just wrong. Try a phone call. Apparently, not only do I have anxiety issues, I have bitchiness issues, too.
  • Hubby was at work one day and witnessed a car wreck. It wasn't horrible, and everyone walked away. There were gawkers, including a hairstylist. While watching the cops and firemen work, she struck up a conversation with hubby. She was commenting on how much she really likes firemen, but cops are jerks. They're too macho for her. Y'all should meet pilots and bull riders. I guess when you have a dangerous job, you suddenly think your dick is huge and your shit don't stink. 
  • I am still reading through my giant stack of books. I'm down to 5! I actually left one on the hold shelf at the library and didn't pick it up. I knew I wouldn't get to it any time soon, so I can check it out when I have the time. Now to find the time.
  • Apparently, the mainstream media has started to place blame for the recent violent rampages and attempted mass killings on the violence in Hollywood. They do this and turn around and praise Hollywood stars for their great performances in the latest blockbuster action flick. What a yucky cycle that is. Is anyone else paying attention? If you aren't, start. The msm wants nothing better than to keep you distracted. From what are they distracting you? Checkout the next bullet point.
  • VA scandal and the exchange of prisoners. While I understand that we have to bring everyone home and while I understand that all charges are being investigated (sure they are. I believe everything the government tells me), again, pay attention. I always say "Do your own research." That would apply here as well.
  • Has anyone shopped at Aldi's? I've been in there a couple of times and I still have no idea what everyone is talking about. We don't eat much of what they sell. I did find out they have grass fed beef, but have you looked at it? I. Just. Can't. Do. It.
  • The storms around here can get pretty powerful in the summer. Yesterday, we lost power 5 times in a 1 hour period. When that happens I have to reset the time and date on our old answering machine or the message light flashes and flashes. We don't use it, but I still have the last birthday message from my mom saved on it. If we lose power and I have to reset the time and date on it, it plays the message. It breaks my heart. It starts out with her slurry voice and I know what is going on. She was dying. And I miss her. And I love her. And I think my anxiety level just went up 1000%. Is medical marijuana available yet?
And that will be a topic for the next blog. You know where I stand on that!