
Thursday, March 27, 2014

Sick Day

I had trouble sleeping last night. When I did sleep it was almost like Mr. Sandman only left a miniscule bit of sleeping dust instead of the 25 pound bag I normally like. I slept fitfully and way too lightly and woke up with a migraine. Do you know how much I had to do today? Poor hubby was helping out today, but he got stuck doing it all. He's the greatest. My headache is below migraine status now, but it's still a headache and it's pissing me off. My headaches are triggered by my nutrition and a little bit by my environment. It used to be that my allergies caused some of my migraines, but since I've been eating better the last couple of years, not so much. Now my allergies are to the junk that's in processed food. And confession time: I had a fried bologna sandwich on white mountain bread. That is about as processed as you can get. Ugh! No wonder I have a headache. So, to fill some of my quiet time while everyone else except the dog is gone, I'm going to blog. You are so lucky!

  • Talking to some of my homeschooling friends, we are a little freaked out about high school for our kids. I sit and look at the work that my kids have to do and there is so much. The curriculum that my kids use is very tough and I can guarantee you that we do more than the average student would. The boy will be an 8th grader next year and the big girl will be a junior. They will share a couple of subjects next year, but, good gravy. And if I decide to follow the guidelines the state outlines for homeschoolers to get college tuition money, which is discriminatory and someone should sue, the load is twice as heavy as public school. How in the world is it all going to get done? And then there's the foreign language. Our attempts at Spanish and Latin have been huge flops. They are interested in German, so I may look into that. So much to think about my head is starting to hurt. Which would be my cue to move to another topic.
  • I found out that there are some pretty great channels available on our Roku. I added History, A&E, and the Smithsonian channels. I could watch "Duck Dynasty" if I wanted to. But I don't want to. I wish AMC had a channel and I could watch "The Walking Dead". That would be amazing!
  • A plane disappeared. A whole plane and nobody was doing a very good job of finding it. Now there is satellite evidence of a debris field and nobody can get there to check it out. I like the meme that's been showing up on that social site. It says "The NSA can track your cell phone and know where you are, but they can't find a whole plane?" My heart aches for those that lost loved ones on that plane. I cannot imagine the pain and grief. When my mom died, at least I knew it was happening. It still sucks, and it still hurts, and I still think it's the stupidest thing that could have ever happened. But this was sudden and unexpected. I never want to know that feeling and I pray that I never do.
  • I have a huge stack of books to read. And they just keep piling up. I've had to recheck some. Others had holds so I had to turn them in and get back in line. I started a couple of them, didn't have time to read them, so I read the first 5 chapters and the last 5. If there was a question about what had happened, I flipped through until I answered it. I despise reading like that. Sometimes, though, it's just the way it has to be.
That's about it for now. I think I'm going to nap. And take another Advil. And see if I can get hubby to bring me a cheeseburger.