
Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Favorite Things

This is one of those containers that you get for free when you grind coffee beans at the grocery store. It is fantastic. I have a couple that I can use for different things than coffee. They are great for crackers or cereal, and they travel well. You seal them on all four sides and they do a pretty good job of keeping things fresh. They make my life easier and keep my coffee ready to go. I like it so much better than the cans preground coffee comes in.

This is a hair "thingy" I got at BikeFest. That's our annual weekend for the bikers to come and invade a neighboring town. We had the in laws keep the kids and hubby and I got to walk around and act like-are you ready- adults. I saw this and fell in love. It is fabric over a malleable piece of wire, or something, and you wrap it around your hair. I can't do it by myself, so hubby has to help. This picture was taken towards the end of the day, but when my hair is first done, it looks really cool. I get all kinds of compliments and it definitely gets noticed. You can stretch it longer or make it shorter. As much hair as I have, it sure has to work overtime with me. Love it, love it, love it.

This is not just a picture of my dirty trash can. The true star of this shot is the green clips on the can. They are trash bag holders and they work like a charm. When we moved into our house, my goal was to have a trash can. Our other house was so small that we didn't have room for a trash can, so we just had a bag on the floor. The problem with the cans, though, is that the bags don't stay. The wider the opening, the harder for the bag to stay. Put something heavy in it, the bag slips into the can. Yuck! We have tried clothespins, but that holds the lid open. I got these at a big box store that I can't stand to go to. They were only $1 and they are hanging in the aisle with the trash bags. My next trip, which will hopefully be a very long time from now, I'm getting another set. I may get some and give them as gifts. They don't fling off like the clothespins, the bag doesn't fall all over itself and get covered with trash, and my life is so much easier.
If you have favorite things, please share. If we can all help each other out, what a better world for all of us.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Kentucky Derby Pie

Here is a recipe that I got from my friend Berta. She made it for co-op last year when we studied Kentucky. This is the pie that they serve at Derby functions. It is sugar in a crust and is ever so good. I suggest you have a big glass of milk standing by.

3/4 C margarine, melted
1 1/2 C sugar
3/4 C flour
3 eggs, slightly beaten
1 1/2 tsp vanilla
1 1/2 C walnuts
1 1/4 C chocolate chips

Mix in order given and pour into unbaked shell. Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes. Let stand to cool. Refrigerate at least 1 hour for pie to set.

This is one of the best pies I have ever had. I would suggest you let it set at least 2 hours or overnight. I was looking for a refrigerated Pillsbury crust to use because I don't do crusts very well, but found frozen Mrs. Smith crusts instead. They came in the aluminum foil pan and it was cheaper than buying crusts and pans seperately. If you are diabetic, this is NOT the pie for you, unless you substitute.


Thursday, September 24, 2009


We have been stuck in a food rut for quite awhile. It seems like I only cook the same stuff day after day after day. That's one reason we have thought about going a little more vegetarian. That and we get really great produce every two weeks. With our busy schedule, it just seems like I have lost my creativity. Maybe it's more that I don't feel like I have time to be creative.

Recently, we bought a crock pot. That has helped us out of our rut a little. We have tried some really interesting recipes and some that were OK, but probably won't be repeats. I had a friend send me a website that has 1400 crockpot recipes. We are out three nights a week until pretty late, so it's nice to have dinner ready when we get home, instead of having to find something to cook or throw cereal in a bowl. It has also flowed over into the nights that we are home or get home at a decent hour.

I have hit some sales at the grocery store that included B1G1 on shrimp. I like shrimp, but I don't know a million different ways to cook it. The easiest is a stir fry. I have veggies for a stir fry, and we always have rice. But we are so tired of that. I have dragged out my trusty Better Homes and Gardens cookbook and found a couple of really neat recipes that I thought would be hard due to the amount of ingredients listed. The first was a Shrimp Mornay that was really good. I substituted mozzarella cheese for the swiss the recipe calls for. I'm the only one that likes Swiss, and I don't eat enough of it to justify buying it. I always have mozzarella for homemade pizza. That is one of our favorite meals to make. Everybody gets to pick their own toppings and put their's together. The Shrimp Mornay is actually the Crab Mornay recipe, but at the bottom it has the Shrimp version and any changes. It was really, really good. It was rich and flavorful and you serve it on toast points. We just used some Chicago bread I had and toasted. Yummy, yummy. Tonight I did Shrimp Creole. It was super good, too. The boy and the baby didn't like it very much for different reasons, so they had rice with soy sauce for dinner. Hubby, the big girl and I ate it like there was no tomorrow.

I have been on a couple of different websites, and even some blogs of friends, that have interesting recipes. I am trying to step out of my box and add different things to our table. I could spend hours on the websites, just surfing around getting ideas. Some recipes will call for things that I don't normally stock, or have never used before. Sometimes, I'm a little scared. Now I try to think about what I do stock that I have to substitute. Most of the time it works for me. Or, if it's something I don't like, I leave it out. Bay leaves are a good example. I don't normally have bay leaves and don't particularly care for it. I just add extra Italian seasoning or basil and call it good. It works almost every time.

The crockpot recipes call for chicken stock with alot of recipes. I do not like to buy chicken stock, so I need to make my own. I would rather do that anyway, because I can control what goes in it. This weekend I will roast a whole chicken and use the bones and any left over meat on the bones to make stock. I am really excited about that. I like having stock when I need it. It's great for boiling noodles, too. It gives it more flavor. Just add a little to the water. When I want to make something that needs stock, I can just grab it out of the fridge or freezer. Wine seems to be another of those things that I don't keep around. Even though we don't drink much anymore, it seems we always have beer in the fridge. I like beer, but it doesn't always substitute well for wine. It's all a learning process anyway.

I might make some chicken spaghetti this weekend. It is a recipe that my Aunt Kathy used to make and is so very, very good. The first time I made it, hubby eyed it for a minute, a little unsure of what he was in for. It is now a favorite. My mom used to make Mexican Chicken that looks a little like vomit, but tastes divine. Don't look at or smell your food, just eat it. That's always an option. I don't know if I've ever made it for hubby. They both called for cooked chicken. I boil it anyway and I would already have the stock. Decisions, decisions.

Tomorrow is park day and I have a fridge full of organic produce. Grocery shopping has become our norm after the park. I need to stock up on some things for the week and beyond. I guess I need to sit down and make a menu. Again. I am great at the starting, not so good at finishing. I need to get better at this so I'm not running around trying to figure out what to make for dinner, or realize that I don't have everything I need to throw some stuff in the crockpot.

I'm off, now, to do some writing. Caleb and Amanda have been screaming at me that their story needs to come out of my head. I'm not posting it, so calm down. I won't make you sit through that again, even though Tyler and Lydia's story was pretty good. I'll let you know about the cooking adventure. Let the games begin!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Guilty as charged

I had someone ask me one time where I get the title for my blogs. They just happen. My friend commented that she never knew what the actual topic was going to be just by the title. Sometimes I don't either. On with the show.

Usually on Saturdays, I spend some time just wallowing in my bed. That is one of the few days I have to just lay there and count the bumps in the popcorn on my ceiling. The kids don't usually bother me and even make their own breakfasts. It usually consists of cereal and occasionally toast. It's not like they are frying bacon and scrambling eggs. Sometimes, they come in one at a time and snuggle. I love my snuggle time. But when they all come in, I kick them out. One is good, two I can handle, but all three usually ends up in a fight about something. If hubby is working, which has been a ton this summer, I have the TV all to myself.

I find myself floating from channel to channel until I catch something that isn't a commercial. I hit the guide button on the remote, find something I want to watch and click the button. If it's a commercial, I hit guide and see what else is out there. That is how I found my guilty pleasure: The Real Housewives series. It started with Orange County, then New York, Atlanta, and then New Jersey. I have to say my favorite is the original, Orange County. I really do not like Atlanta, but those women will fight about anything and that makes me laugh. Who gives a crap if one wears a wig, because that weave on your head is screaming fake.

It amazes me how out of touch these women are with the real world. I used to say that I would love to be able to afford a big house, expensive cars, really expensive clothes. But watching these women, I know that I could never live a life like they do. I could never be that out of touch with the real world and let my kids have that kind of excess. Are they nuts? No, just stinking rich.

Most of the kids are absolutely out of control and think the world, and their moms and dads, owe them something for just being born. And the parents let them think that. My sister and I had to beg my mother for Nikes when they first started to get really big in the 80's. We finally got a pair. Most of the lids on these shows go to private schools and drive expensive cars. My first car was a '77 Mercury Monarch. I never drove it. You want to talk about a piece of crap. It wouldn't run long enough to get it out of the driveway, much less to school. I used to think, "One day when I'm rich..."

The parents aren't much better. One mom spends so much time at work, she and her husband have drifted apart. Not a big surprise really. She would rather be at work than at home with her hubby. I can't wait for mine to come home. He worked today and actually came home after 8 hours. It was so nice. Of course, I had to mow the yard while he cleaned out his truck and cleaned the windows on both of our vehicles. Then there was dinner to cook, showers for the kids, and taking the dog for a walk. Life never stops that's for sure.

I think why I like these shows is the reality check they provide. I can shake my head and wonder how these people think that their life is so important in the grand scheme of things. Their grandiose visions of what life is and the reality of life clash. It also makes me realize that I could never live in California, the land of fake boobs and everything else. At least my boobs are real. I am only really the center of the universe on my blog. These shows really make me love my life and enjoy where I am right now. Most of the families featured in these shows have been affected by the economic crisis on a grand scale. We are slowly but surely trying to put dirt back in the hole that we have dug for ourselves. We haven't qualified for any of the government programs that have come about recently. We fit right on the bubble. But we are working hard to do this ourselves, without help, which is a much better example for our kids than spending $4,000 on a shopping spree when you have no job and no income.

These people crack me up and make me shake my head at the same time. I am drawn to them like a moth to a flame. I am not living vicariously, I am thankful to be living. I also know what not to do and how to not act should the big check ever come in. And if the big check does come in, we're buying the 362 acres behind us so no one can build ginormo houses and film a reality show. I don't need the pressure.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

This post is NOT PC.

This post does not conform to today's standard of politically correct. If you know me at all, or follow this blog, then you know that I don't care about that. Today's standards are full of shit anyway. When you read this, please read carefully and thoughtfully.

This is an email I received from a friend of mine:

Muslims who want to live inder Islamic Sharia law were told on Wednesday to get out of Australia, as the government targeted radicals in a bid to head off potential terror attacks.

Qoute: "Immigrants, not Australians must adapt. Take it or leave it. I am tired of this nation worrying about whether we are offending some individual or their culture. Since the terrorists attacks on Bali, we have experienced a surge in patriotism by the majority of Australians.

"This culture has been developed over two centuries of struggles, trials, and victories by millions of men and women who have sought freedom. We speak mainly English, not Spanish, Lebanese, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, or any other language. Therefore, if you wish to become part of our society, learn the language.

"Most Australians believe in God. This is not some Christian, right wing, political push, but fact, because Christian men and women, on Christian principles, founded this nation, and this is clearly documented. It is certainly appropriate to display it on the walls of our schools. If God offends you, then I suggest you consider another part of the world as your new home, because God is part of our culture.

"We will accept your beliefs, and will not question why. All we ask is that you accept ours, and live in harmony and peaceful enjoyment with us.

"This is our country, our land, and our lifestyle, and we will allow you every opportunity to enjoy this. But once you are done complaining, whining, and griping about our flag, our pledge, our Christian beliefs, or our way of life, I highly encourage you take advantage of one other great Australian freedom, the right to leave.

"If you aren't happy here then leave. We didn't force you to come here. You asked to be here. So accept the country you accepted."

Now, supposedly, this was said by Kevin Rudd, the Prime Minister of Australia. While I can neither confirm nor deny that since I didn't research it, I can say that I agree with almost everything that was said. I don't care who said it. That makes me simple and small minded. It makes me racist and a pig. It also makes me feel patriotic as hell. Insert "America" for "Australia", and that is how I feel about this country.

Discuss the topic amongst yourselves, if you wish. Write a dissertation, or just a simple comment. This is just another wake up call to where our country has been and where it is headed.

Friday, September 11, 2009

SHUT UP!!!!!

Do you ever read the signs that are outside churches? I love 'em. You know, like the one that says: CH CH, What's missing? You are. Sometimes the sayings are cute. Sometimes they make me a little sad. But the one up the street from us is pissing me off! It says: Lord, Keep your arm around my shoulder and your hand over my mouth. That's a great sign. Since I've read it, though, I can't seem to control what is coming out of my mouth. It's my bad attitude coming out in full force. Tell me no, or I can't, and it is on. But why this sign? And why can I not just shut up?

We were at my in laws this past Sunday and I got sick of listening to myself. How often does that happen? To answer the question "Are you talking just to hear the sound of your own voice?", yes, I am. I love the sound of my own voice. I am wise and philosophical, and funny, and a little full of myself. There is no denying that I have a tumultuous relationship with my SIL. I have tried very hard to take the high road. There are times that I could have said so much, but refused. I didn't want to be the one spreading rumors or throwing gossip around. Sunday, however, was a different story. It seemed like every time her name came up I did not have one nice, decent thing to say. I have never been so happy to leave my in laws. That meant I didn't have to spew forth with all my verbal garbage. Horrible, horrible.

Wednesday we get to dance class and I am ushering my kids to the back room. One of the dance moms that I have known for a couple of years now was talking to the ballet mistress. The mom asked if my kids were out of school for the day. Standard reply, no we home school. She commented on my sanity and how intact it was. Some days I can barely hold it together, but it was nice to hear. I started to say that I would rather be with my kids than with anyone else, but what came out was how I would rather be with my kids than leave them to the horrible teachers in public school that we dealt with. Where did that come from? And it got worse from there because I had to elaborate. More verbal garbage, more spewing. I finally went into class just to shut myself up.

Today we were at the park, having a lovely time. We talked all kinds of great topics then got onto our lack luster President. Anybody have any tape? The shiny silver duct tape will do, thank you. Staples would work. I don't feel like I said anything inappropriate, I just said it really loud and voiced my opinion every chance I got. Did I mention that I was loud? Criminy jeepers. You would think I had been drinking or smoking crack or something. If I had been smoking weed at least I would have been mellow, but none for me thank you.

Hubby and I were having our quiet time this evening and I mentioned my little problem. The story is much better with the audio. The noises I make to simulate verbal spewage are quite entertaining. He said a prayer for me. How nice was that? He just stopped, asked if I wanted to pray about it, and we did.

Tomorrow we go to a local theme park with a bunch of teenagers and get to see a Christian concert. It's an all day affair, well into the early morning hours. I hope I can control myself and my mouth. I have been kicked out of many bars, but I do not think it would be cool to get kicked out of church. If you have some time, please pray for me. I need all the help I can get. And I need to just shut up.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

No SUVs Yet

It has been a while and I apologize. I have been busy, but really haven't felt like blogging. Crazy I know, but true. Today I got myself into a really great topic that has me pretty fired up. It's been all over the news, but not until I Facebooked about it. Before you know it that will be a verb you know, as in: I Facebooked until my fingers fell off and I couldn't see straight. But now, on with the show.

Last night we were driving home when hubby called and said to put it on an AM station he was listening to. It was Lou Dobbs and normally I don't listen to talk radio. As manic as I am, I think it would really make me crazy. They were talking about a planned speech that Obama was going to make to the schools in the country. It was going to be pumped into the schools and the Department of Education was sending pamphlets for teachers to use as a teaching tool. My ass, that's what it was for. It was to indoctrinate our children into the Obama Regime.

Let me clarify a point before I continue. I do not have a problem with the President showing up at a school and giving a speech. I don't think that it should be political. Do elementary kids really understand the difference between a Republican and a Democrat, left wing versus right wing, rhetoric or true, heart felt words? Except for the occasional political savant, I'm going to say no. I have a huge issue with the President being pumped into schools and students being made to listen to his speech and then having to do an assignment about it. Specially one that was geared the way this one was. On to the ranting and raving.

The speech was supposed to be about education and the need for kids to stay in school. I personally think kids need to be out of public schools. Public schools have taken a socialist stance that has just gotten worse over the years. Bring school supplies for everyone to share. Make sure you buy the requested 3 boxes of crayons and bring them in the first day so little Jimmy can have some, too. His family is poor and can't afford them. They are freakin' 12 cents a box before school starts. Are you telling me that little Jimmy's mom and dad can't afford one box of crayons? Dig in your couch cushions, clean out your change cubby in your car, and you can probably afford a few of those supplies. But I have to tell you, we can't afford 3 boxes of crayons for every kid in class. I know they are only twelve cents, but there are at least 18 kids in a class. Multiply 12 cents by 3 boxes by 18 kids and you have $6.48. Still not a lot of money, but if we did that for every school supply that is on the list, we would break the bank. Kleenex, hand cleaner, notebook paper, pencils, pens, stupid planners that you can only buy at school. Why does a third grader need a planner again? Oh, yeah, the schools are preparing the kids to be good little government workers.

The pamphlet itself is what I have issue with. The questions were worded in a way that made Obama seem like we need to worship him. What can you do to help President Obama? This may just be hearsay, but from what I understand, the teachers were supposed to follow up with the students and make sure they had done the things they wrote about. What? The other questions were worded in such a way that it made it seem like the kids were being told that if they disagreed with the president, they were wrong. The questions were leading and I don't like where they were leading. If anyone has a copy of the original pamphlet, I would love to see it. If you have a copy of the new pamphlet, I would love to see that, too. The questions were changed because of public outcry. Yea for public outcry. They are much less leading but there are still protests.

Then of all things, ABCNews's Jake Tapper, in a story he did for World News Tonight, stated that there was outcry about the indoctrination of children, for which there was no evidence. You could have knocked me over with a feather. With questions like "How can I better serve the president?", he is going to ask that question? Where has his head been? I normally like him. I really enjoy Charles Gibson, but I don't know what to think now. Is Jake Tapper on the payroll now? I would be better with questions like "How can I better serve my country?" or "How can I help my family during tough economic times?" or something not aimed at the president.

Many families have called schools and voiced their opinions about this speech. There has been a grass roots campaign that has gone nation wide in keeping kids home from school on Sept 8. I know several families that will keep their kids home that day. Many schools have said they will show the speech, but participation will not be mandatory. Where are you going to send the kids that they won't see or hear it when the whole school is wired? Yet another reason we homeschool. I may watch, since it is supposed to play on C-SPAN. We'll see. I would like to have the pamphlet. Just something else I can gripe about.

Obama's staff is putting out the word that this is a speech about education. This is a speech about kids staying in school and setting educational goals and sticking with them. The rub is that the schools are so focused on test scores, that educational goals are almost useless. Sure I can want to take as many science courses as I want, but when all I learn is what is on my state's standardized test, I'm not learning what I should. I'm being left behind. What happened to "No Child Left Behind"? Its a crock, too. My niece is being left behind. It's not pretty, either. Educational goals would be great if they were based on a system that allowed them. The current system doesn't. Obama's staff says this shouldn't be about the left or right wing, or even be political. When kids are singing songs praising Obama set to the tune of the Star Spangled Banner, I have issue. Check out YouTube. You'll see it. A friend of mine posted it on Facebook. When the President opens his mouth, it's political. He's the President.

Hubby says I need to not be so vocal. I need to start looking over my shoulder for the black SUVs following me and guys who talk into their shirt sleeve or collar. I say there are too many other fish to fry right now. I posted on Facebook and got great response from my friends. I think I may scare some people. I just want this country to start running on the principles that it was founded on. I want a President that doesn't have an agenda set for him by those who donate the most to his campaign. I want a leader that will lead us into the future with hope and happiness. I want a leader that will stand up for what is right and just. I don't feel that now. I certainly would rather have God back in our schools than the President making a speech via satellite.

We need to be more careful than ever. We need to make sure that our representatives are doing exactly that. We need to be on the look out for black SUVs.