
Thursday, March 28, 2013

Intolerant Is in the Eye of the Beholder

I am so sick of the news. I rarely watch anymore. I do have my TV on GMA in the mornings, but that is more of a timer. I'm usually on the internet or my phone. I should be doing so many other things, but what fun is that? I know the hot button issue right now is the Supreme Court getting ready to rule on gay marriage. I have an opinion, I just choose not to share that. Instead, let's talk about rights versus privileges.

It is my right to be able to live a happy life. Our founding fathers said so. It is also my right to bear arms and voice my opinion. It is my right to vote. It is my right to bitch about the election and people that aren't informed before they cast their vote. Our founding fathers said so. What we tend to forget is that if it isn't in the Constitution, it's a privilege.

Driving is a privilege. Nowhere in the Constiution does it state that I have a right to drive a car. That could be because there were no cars back then. I bet if you would have given Ben Franklin another few years, he would have come up with something. Technology has advanced while that priceless piece of paper has remained the same. Having a cell phone is a privilege. Again, technology advances while the founding fathers are not even dust anymore. And that will happen. Technology advances every day, but it provides us with privileges, not rights.

I am intolerant, bigoted, opinionated, loud mouthed and brash. I can be grating and belligerent. I don't look for conflict, but if you get in my face, I will jump back at you. Lord mercy, don't talk about my kids or hubby or I will bury you so deep they will never find you. I am also one of the sweetest, nicest people that you will ever know. I will go to the ends of the earth for my family and friends. I love to laugh and make other people laugh. My opinion is mine. Don't try to change my mind unless you come with facts, not opinions. I don't do mamby-pamby or wishy washy. I have little to no patience for whiners. I would rather spank my children than take stuff away or put them in time out. And guess what? Some of that is my right. Some is my privilege. Some is my honor, but that's a different topic.

Political correctness is destroying this country. The big, bad world is big and bad, hence the label. To tell the truth, I think it started when we started using the phrase "African American". Ok, if you aren't from Africa, you aren't African American. You're...wait for it...American. Now everybody classifies themselves as something other than good ol' American. I don't call myself Polynesian American. If hubby were to call himself Caucasian American, people would freak. Being politically correct is a privilege, not a right. And it's stupid. Can we call a spade a spade? Trash is trash whether it's white trash or niggers. See, again with the classifications. Why? Someone might get offended. Fuck that.

I think my biggest gripe is that if I don't agree with main stream media, or those that are pushing an agenda, I am intolerant. If I say anything against gay marriage, I am intolerant of gay people. If I say I am for it, I get vilified by the other side. I am intolerant of idiots and stupid people. There are both of those on each side of the argument. If I disagree with the president, I'm racist. Honey, I didn't agree with George W. either. Know what that makes me? Intolerant of red necks. Wait, what? I married a red neck, so take that back. I don't agree with the POTUS because he's an idiot. It has nothing to do with the color of his skin. We have black people that have openly said in interviews that they voted for him because he's black. Isn't that racist? Yes, yes it is. But not if we're being politically correct. I would rather offend.

My friend ALT at High Strung Musings wrote a great blog about being cream. It was about rising to the top like cream instead of sinking to the bottom like coffee grounds. I'm coffee grounds. I have no filter. Don't ask the question if you don't want the answer. But don't expect me to sugar coat it. Don't ask me to be politically correct. Well, you can ask, but it won't happen. I am not cream. I don't like being cream. I think people need to be offended. I think people need to be rattled to make them think. That is one thing that is sorely lacking in our society. Free thinking has become a crime where before it was celebrated. Having money and being creative have become reasons to be spurned. Who's intolerant now, bitches? Stop and think. Use that brain that God gave you. It's amazing! ANd wait 'til you see the world in technicolor!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Bringing It Up

I've been taking notes again. Every time I say "I'll remember that when I get home", I don't. Here's what I've got.

  • I have noticed an influx of side ponytails. Why? I'm wondering why we thought they were cute. At our weekend confirmation retreat, there were many, many teen and tween girls wearing the infamous hairstyle. To tell the truth, though, I would rather see the side ponytail than the ugly, sloppy bun that a lot of girls are wearing. The sloppy bun says you don't give a crap what you look like. The side ponytail says at least you made an effort.
  • 80's fashion is back. I can remember my mom saying something about 60's fashion coming back in style during the 80's. I guess it runs in cycles. My big girl will look at something and ooh and aah. I tell her the 80's called and they want their fashion back. Some of it should have died then. Some of it really isn't that bad. Just, please no ginormo shoulder pads. Yeah, I rocked 'em. But that was then and this is my era of better fashion sense. I even had the jumpsuit in bright, conflicting patterns that was form fitting, but had the huge collar and shoulder pads. Some styles need to stay dead.
  • I am losing my boobs. At first, it was kinda cool. I actually went up a cup size. It has to do with the distance of your boobs from your chest, or something like that. I get it. I bought new bras. Now I'm falling out of them. I don't mean spilling over the top like I've been known to do. I mean slipping out underneath. That means the band is too big. That sucks. Now, it's more new bras. Bras are expensive. I hate trying on bras. But maybe now I won't be limited to minimizers and full coverage. I could actually get an add a cup size bra. Please, don't make me have to get a padded bra. That would really send me into a huge depressive mood. Like, for years.
  • While we're talking about bras, can we talk about underwear? For a while, I had an issue keeping my undies up. I lost weight, they were too big. And we're back to that. I cannot keep them up. Again. I have even tried making sure the top is under my belt when I put it on. That helps not at all. I've been telling my friends I may just stop wearing undies at all. I don't dare wear a skirt. The only thing keeping my undies on my body most of the time is the fact that my pants have a crotch in them. Without that piece of material, they would hit the floor. And I would step out of them and keep walking like I don't know who in the world just lost their panties at the mall. Or Disney. Or wherever. Can you imagine? Losing you undies, not me without them. Well, if that floats your boat, that's ok, too. Just please imagine me without stretch marks, please and thank you.
  • Hubby had the day off yesterday so we went to Disney. Duh. He was wearing his Longhorns t-shirt. A very nice employee asked if we were from Texas. Hubby said no, but I said I was. The very nice man said I was a good woman and hubby should hang on to me. I said I've been telling him that for 18 years. He was a very nice man.
  • That conversation started the whole seceeding conversation and moving when it did. Hubby said he wasn't sure he wanted to live in Texas because the limestone under the state made it prone to sink holes. I said a huge sink hole could open under the whole state and it wouldn't matter. He asked why. I said because...Oklahoma sucks hard. Hahahahaha!! I know, old joke, but it had me giggling for the rest of the day. I'm even smiling now! I love a good state rivalry.
All right. That's all you get for now. I have to get ready for school. Oh, yeah, and a puppy. That's on hubby. And that's a story for another time.     

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Overwhelmed and Underpaid

So much going on and I'm taking time to blog. How did it get to be Thursday already? I know. Tick tock, baby, as hubby would say. That tick tock needs to slow the hell down. Here's what I got.

  • I am teaching the confirmation class at our church again this year. We haven't had one in 4 years. I taught the last one, too. I think hubby and I may be done with "church" as it pertains to going to a building every Sunday. It is not my faith in God that isn't strong, but my faith in people. People are stupid and they piss me off. Not a way to sit in church and praise God. There is always talk about the youth being more present in the church and the church loves seeing the young people. Guess when the celebration of confirmands is happening. Palm Sunday, which is phenomenal, but at our 6 pm service. Which is attended by the band that plays. Not church members, not the general public. There won't be anyone from the church there to see the kids take their oaths. So what's the point? To generate more publicity for the service. Don't use these kids for that. Try advertising. I wrote an email. I had hubby proof read it so it didn't come off too bitchy. If it were up to me, it would be bitchy all the way. Hubby said something about tact, whatever that is. We'll see how that goes.  
  • My desk is a mess. It gets that way, which isn't the problem. It's the stuff in the piles that NEEDS to get done. The boy has had his iPod on my desk since Christmas waiting for me to call Apple. He forgot his passcode. I finally called. The fix would have worked if his power button worked. Our new debit cards came in. I haven't activated them in the two weeks since they've been here. I finally got that done. There's a couple more things I need to do as well. I told hubby he needs to help me. I see that huge stack of paper and I freak. It's just easier to not do it than start at the top. Some of it just needs to be filed. Some of it needs to be shredded. It just needs to take care of itself, dammit. The teacher's guide to the big girl's Geometry needs to get on the phone and call for a return authorization. Some pages are falling out of it and it's brand new. I might con hubby into calling.
  • I have been clipping coupons for Easter goodies. I do this every year. The Easter Bunny that comes to our house has taken to putting together baskets that are unique to each child. He told me this year he wants to put one together for the big girl that has makeup stuff and nail polish in it. For the boy, he wants to do a Pokemon/Nintendo DS theme. The baby will be fairies or Barbie. He is so cool that way. I'm clipping the coupons to help him get good stuff relatively cheaply. He's a good bunny. I wish he would leave me a basket...
  • I am digging Rand Paul. Filibuster all the way, a la Mr. Smith Goes to Washington. If you haven't seen that movie, you are missing a classic. Pop some corn, grab a drink, and snuggle on the couch or in bed and start watching. I admire people that stand up for what they believe in, depite adversity. 13 hours! And thank you to those who helped him get it done. I hope people are more aware of why he did it (opposing a man who would use drones on American citizens, guilty or not). I am a Ron Paul gal. I was a little leary of Rand when he was first elected, but I am liking him more and more. Apples not falling far from the tree and all that.  
  • Dinner almost wasn't last night. I am having the hardest time. I just do not want to cook some nights. Hubby cooked 3 times last week. Poor guy, he thinks that's alot. Our schedule went a little wonky last week so lucky hubby. I would go out every night if it didn't cost us an arm and a leg and wasn't so horrible for you. I say that, but I would get tired of other's people cooking after about a week. They just can't make it like mama can make it. The night before we had a lovely dinner of baked chicken breasts, roasted sweet potatoes and golden beets, and black eyed peas. Those peas were super yummy. Last night we ended up with BBQ meatballs, steamed broccoli, and brown rice with amaranth. It was so good there wasn't anything left.
  • There's another thing that's on my list: amaranth. I was given about a pound as well as puffed amaranth. I have no idea what to do with either. I added a little amaranth to the brown rice just for giggles. It's small like quinoa, so I'm not sure I'll be able to eat it alone. The puffed amaranth is bigger (and puffier!) so that may not be so bad. It's just one more thing.
  • I also get to plot the next 3 years of school for the big girl so I can make sure she's on track. I attended a Finish Well conference and I feel like I'm already behind. I hate that feeling. Already we may be looking at a second computer or lap top for 2 classes she'll be taking next year. Yea! Looking at all the components of her language arts, the rest of her curriculum, and her online classes, we're looking at 8 different things for her for next year. Good thing she has her own planner. Poor girl.
That's about as good as it gets right now. I am trying to focus on those things that did get done as opposed to the rest I still have to do. And naps. Naps help.