
Thursday, January 15, 2015


That's what it's all about, right? Well, that and the Hokey Pokey. Now, THAT is what it's ALL about. Hanging with my dance mamas one night, I realized that I have lived in this area for 20 years. Well, crap. How the hell did that happen? It started to clear the picture a little. Or muddy the water. Your choice.

  • We lived in 3 places during the first 10 years of marriage. We've lived in our current home for 10 years. That's half of my marriage!! Whoa!!!
  • My FIL will be 73 this year. That means when we got married he was 53. Hubby and I are getting closer and closer to that age.
  • In the first 12 years of our marriage we owned 10 vehicles between us. It might be 11, but I lost count. In the last 8, we've owned 3.
  • When we bought the mini van 8 years ago, it had 70,000 miles on it. We've put 100,000 miles on it on that time. Since it's an '04, we've put less miles on it per year than the previous owner. And we are in the van ALL THE TIME.
  • I used to never leave the house without hair done and make up on. Now, y'all are lucky I don't show up everywhere in my "good" pajamas.
  • I never wanted to get married or have kids. Then I met a guy. And married him. And had 3 babies with him.
  • I always liked small cars. I was afraid to drive large vehicles. We're in the market for a Suburban or Tahoe for me.
I bet you can come up with a couple of things yourself. I'm gonna go shake it all about and turn myself around..