
Sunday, December 27, 2009

Out With the Old

It's getting closer to the end of the year. This is the time that people start wrapping up the old stuff and making plans for the new. We took some time to look at our lives earlier last year and made some changes that I hope we can continue with. We have also made some new commitments to us, to our family, and to our lives.

One of our first commitments was to our health and the health of our children. We have done so much research on various aspects of our lives and our health. After awhile, the info starts to run together. Hubby and I decided that where we wanted to start was discontinuing vaccinations for the kids. I have said several times that this was not an easy decision and it wasn't. People have shaken their fingers at us and told us what bad parents we are. Do the research yourself and then make the decison that best suits your family. Leave ours alone. We also will not do flu shots of any kind.

Another big commitment was organic fruits and vegetables. Did you know that growers can use over 40 different pesticides on an apple? It doesn't matter if you peel the apple, the fruit has already absorbed the poisons. You eat the apple, you ingest the poisons. We have decided that we don't want to do that to ourselves. The produce that we consume is certified organic. That means that not only has the soil that the produce is grown in has been pesticide free for so many years, but the farms around them are also pestcide free. We eat most of it raw, but we do steam some of the veggies. I will say that there is nothing like fresh green beans that are cooked with ham. I know, where did all the goodness go? Into the flavor of the beans. I am from the south after all. It's good with corn bread, too. The kids are eating more fruits and veggies than they ever have. I believe the freshness is the key. Good nutrition and a healthy lifestyle are so important in preventing and curing many diseases and disorders.

I have made a commitment to not be so busy and running all the time. One of our biggest complaints last school year was that we were car schooling more than we were homeschooling. That isn't fair to the kids. It makes it hard for them to learn when they aren't being taught anything. I have made an effort this year to slow down. We do spend several days at home, instead of running like fiends. I am trying to check school work at a decent hour instead of two or three or four days later. That's not fair to my kids. It's also not fair to yell at them because we're running late for something I overscheduled. I am trying to stick with that commitment and learn what the word "NO" means. It is more important to make sure that my kids are getting a quality education than to drive all over town and forget our education.

Another important thing we have done is buy a crockpot. It doesn't seem that special, I know. It has saved us a ton of money on take out and allowed us to eat together as a family at a decent hour. On the nights we're out, it was cook and then reheat when we got home, or stop and drive thru. Those options weren't always the best. We would have to wait for dinner to reheat which could be as long as 45 minutes. That would put us eating dinner as late as 9:30 some nights. By then, we're all so tired, we just want to go to bed and forget dinner. Or we're so hungry we can't do anything but snap at each other. The drive thru option costs too much and just pumps junk into our bodies. The crockpot allows up to sit down at a decent hour and have a nice meal together, and not after 9.

Hubby and I made a commitment to spend more time together. We are reinstating our walks in the evenings. Granted we are power walking, but the warm up and cool down are great times to talk. We are turning the TV off more and just having conversations. I am making a bigger effort to turn the computer off when we are together. He had such a crazy schedule this past summer and it was hard to spend time, but the effort is always worth it. It helps us get connected and stay connected. We get to focus on our relationship, which is so important.

We decided that we will surround our family with people that genuinely care about our family and our kids and share the same core values that we do. That did mean cutting the ties on some friendships that were years old, but also forming new bonds. It has had a phenomenal effect on our family and the way we treat each other. We all still have our moments, but don't we all have those? We needed to pull our family closer together, not let outside influences tear us apart. We spend too much time together to have that happen.

Speaking of outside influences, we started censoring the shows that our kids are allowed to watch and the music they are allowed to hear. At this point, that is necessary. We have seen the negative effects some of the shows were having on our kids and we put a stop to it. The things the kids were saying, and sometimes the things we were saying to the kids, were not acceptable. So we started censoring ourselves as well. If it worked for them, it can work for us as well. And it has. Some of their friends can't believe they don't watch certain shows, but our kids just tell them how our family lives. I am very proud of how they handle the situation when it comes up.

Those are some of the things that we have done. It has made us a better family and drawn us closer together. We are the crazy people that love to spend time together. We will continue to focus on our family in the new year. It is important to us that our kids know how important they are to us and how much they are loved. It is also important that hubby and I focus on each other and continue to grow in our relationship with each other.

Here's hoping your new year is fruitful, prosperous, and joy filled.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Time keeps on ticking, ticking...

Steve Miller had that right. I don't know where the time has gone. Yes, I do. I was busting my hump trying to prepare for about 12 events in three days. But don't let that fool you. I loved it. I am one of those freaky people that likes to have lots to do. Not house work lots to do, but other stuff lots to do. And suddenly, it's almost Christmas.

I was preparing for our home school Christmas party. I love to have people and entertain and kids running crazy through the house. We don't get much company where we live, so I offered my house for a Christmas gathering of our park families. It was wonderful. The kids ran and played outside until it started to rain. Then those wet, smelly kids came pouring into the house. I handed out towels as they came through the door soaking wet. Loved it! When it stopped raining, they went back outside. Everybody brought a dish. I had a meat and cheese tray, made brownies, and put together a fruit tray. The moms, and one dad, talked and talked and talked. That is my favorite part. The conversations were varied and informative and I have a couple of new websites to go to. The company makes all the work worth every minute.

While I was cleaning like a fiend and making sure I had everything I needed for that event, I was also preparing for a Christmas workshop at church. This year we did a Santa's workshop theme. The kids were able to come in and make gifts for their families. They got to make their own wrapping paper to put it in. They were able to make snow globes, decorate hats and shoe strings, paint sun catchers, put together angel and toy soldier clothes pin ornaments, decorate their picture with Santa, paint the inside of a glass ornament, and put together snowman soup. Santa came to make sure they were working hard like good elves, which they were. We had a toss the bean bag into Santa's bag and pin the beard on Santa. Everybody was a winner and got a prize. Then we had story time and milk and cookies. They all had a great time, and so did the adults that volunteered to help. I have heard nothing but rave reviews. Of course, do you think they would tell me to my face that it was bad? I hope not. At least email me.

While I was shopping and preparing for that, I also had to get ingredients and supplies together for a lasagna Christmas dinner with the youth. I made two, and brought a whole one home. Cool by me. That meant I didn't have to cook the next day. That was a lot of work, too. Setting up, tearing down, cleaning up. The youth enjoyed it and we got to say good bye to our associate pastor, who was with us for the last time. She is moving to a new church and we are going to miss her to pieces.

And if that wasn't enough, hubby and I had to do the Christmas shopping. Aaarrrrgghh! Will it end? Yes, too soon. We took our time and even managed to stop and eat sushi for dinner. He had to stop yesterday and pick up a couple of things we had forgotten. I got most of it wrapped, and will probably finish it tonight. Just in time for it to get torn open. I'm pretty excited about the kids opening their presents. We didn't go huge this year, and even put some Christmas money in the Hawaii account. We also were able to do birthday shopping for January and February.

We have all the fixings for Christmas dinner. While I'm out today, I'll pick up black eyed peas for New Year's dinner. We pick up our pasture fed beef on December 31, just in time for dinner. I wanted a roast or a big cut of beef and there it is. We're also having roasted potatoes and butternut squash, broccoli, and maybe some homemade rolls. If you're coming over, let me know. I need to figure out a dessert because we are going to need something sweet. Maybe a cheesecake. Who knows?

So, I've been busy. It has been a great Christmas break for our school. We've taken a break until the New Year, and I am glad to not have that on my plate. We are on hiatus from dance and co-op as well. Hubby has four days off for Christmas and we are going to enjoy every minute of it.

Merry Christmas to you all! May God bless you this upcoming year and through all time. May peace and joy and love be your constant companion.