
Tuesday, May 18, 2010


I have stayed away from the political for awhile. I was making hubby nervous. He's so funny. I am pretty opinionated and love to express myself. He's worried I'm being monitored. Let them monitor. I haven't made any inflammatory statements, so whatever. Moving on. I think it's about time to state my opinion on Arizona. Everytime I hear the name of the state, I think about Ron White. "They run two a day through Arizona." Hilarious. Anyway...

The feds are bad mouthing AZ. The people of AZ are protesting. There is a big push across the country to boycott the state and withhold much needed tourism dollars. All of this because of the immigration law they just passed. It's not even really an immigration law, but an illegal alien law. It doesn't really deal much with immigration, but it does deal with people entering this country illegally. And it isn't even a new law. It just says that the state will now enforce the law that has already been put in place by the federal government. The federal government just isn't enforcing the law. The state has had to take matters into it's own hands.

Arizona, specifically the Phoenix area, has a very high kidnapping rate, one of the highest in the nation. The majority of the kidnappings are those of illegal immigrants. Mexico is so busy fighting corrupton and drug cartels that they don't have much time to worry about it. But our resources are being spent on people that have chosen to live here, live off of our systems, and do this illegally. Most of the kidnappings are done to force the family to work for the drug cartels and for ransom money that the families don't have.

The president (do I really have to go there) has decided that instead of backing the state in their efforts to control who comes across our borders, instead of offering mad props to a state that has finally said enough is enough, has decided instead to bad mouth the governor and the good people of Arizona. Not surprising really since he seems to think that the root of all evil in the world is the US. You are not ingratiating yourself to a group that vote for you. They are illegal and do not have the right to vote. The US Attorney General, who is an idiot in his own right, has said that he does not agree with a bill that allows racial profiling (again, Ron White comes to mind. If you haven't seen him do stand up, please do. Funny, funny, funny.). This is the same man that is trying the 911 conspirators. They are prisoners of war and should be treated as such, but the arrogance takes over. The problem with both of these men is that they haven't read the bill. It specifically states that there has to be contact by law enforcement. That means that they cannot just pull someone off the street and ask for their papers. The police have to be called to a scene, or pull someone over for a valid traffic stop. Instead, they choose to bad mouth.

There are countries around the world that have very strict immigration laws. There are some countries that will throw you in prison for crossing their borders. What do we do? We tell them if they have a baby here, they can stay. Then you can have money from our broken system of welfare and we will support you. You can work really hard for money under the table that you don't have to pay taxes on to replenish the money you are sponging off the system. We will make it even easier for you by teaching your children how to speak English and go to our schools for free. Schools you don't support by the way because you don't pay taxes. We will even label our food products, signage, and everything else in your language because we need to make it easier for you to live here. That is the biggest crock of shit. Other countries require you to learn the language. English is not the language of the world anymore, but it is the language of this country. I know that we have more immigrants than those from Mexico and other Spanish speaking countries, but those are the ones that are making the most noise about this law.

I guess the big question is where I stand on immigration. I think that you need to do it the right way. I think you need to learn the language. I think that if you take from the system, you need to give back to the system. These are my opinions. Do not think for one miniute that the Obama loving main stream media is giving you all the info on this issue or any other. Do your own search. Listen to the 70% of the citizens of Arizona that voted for this law. Our next vacation may be to Arizona. We are choosing to support the laws of our country. I know, I've broken a couple. Some of our laws are stupid. But this one has to do with the security of our country. We aren't talking about parking your elephant downtown on Sundays. Look that one up. I think it's Georgia. We're talking about the security of our country in a time where it seems everyone wants to kill us or demean us or make us a socialist country.

I don't have all the answers. I'm great for ambiguity sometimes. But I do know that I am proud to be an American. If you live in this country, you should be, too.

1 comment:

Mermie said...

I can't believe the thoughts of some stupid people in this world. What is wrong with trying to protect our country. The immigration law is mostly for the terrorists coming in from the south. If you are going to another country to live and work, why would you not want to be a citizen of that country. That young girl in Ga or Ala who is going to college, has lived in the US most of her life and is an illegal alien. She's not stupid, why did see not get her citizenship in all the years she's lived in the US? I don;t get it. And please learn to speak English!!!