I could finish that thought, but we all know where I'm going with that. They are all the same and they all stink. I am surrounded by people who say "I would, BUT". You would but you don't want to take the time. And that's OK. Just say "I don't want to". I would much rather you were honest, with me and with yourself, than start offering excuses.
This blog has helped me see that I, too, am good at offering excuses. I can hide my head in the sand with the best of them. If there is an issue I don't want to deal with, I can put it to the back of my mind and not think about it. I can convince myself that I am doing the right thing. Not always the smartest egg in the bunch, but there's my excuse #1.
I was talking about budgeting and menus on Thanksgiving. I make my menu for at least two weeks, but usually three. I base it around hubby's paychecks and our organic co-op. It helps me know what I need from the co-op, and what I need from the store. It helps me stay on budget. It helps me know what coupons I'm looking for. It helps me not feel so panicked about dinner on our long days and nights we're gone. It helps me be accountable. "We could never do a menu or budget. We always change our mind about dinner and have a hard time with a budget." You can't because you don't want to. It's not for you. Continue to live your life, but don't offer excuses. I do it because I want to. I have a financial goal I am trying to reach. i think about being debt free and a trip to Hawaii.
I had a friend who wanted the boy to go to a Boy Scout meeting with her son. I said no, because I didn't want the boy to think he was going to be in Boy Scouts. I have no desire to put him in Boy Scouts. I don't have the time, and it's not my thing. Yes, I know, we're talking about the boy. But we're also talking about the person who would take him to meetings. That would be me. We're talking about the person who would have to shuttle him to all the activities. Again, that would be me. Hubby has been working so much that I am responsible for getting all the kids to our activities. Not shuttling around and making a tight schedule even tighter. Thanks, but no. I told her that was not an activity that we would be participating in, but thank you for the offer.
One of my favorites is "I could never home school". Yes, you could. You don't want to. And that's fine. You don't have to is the glorious thing about it. I didn't think I could either. I love it. Here's the other that just kills me. "I don't want to spend that much time with my kids." Then why did you have kids? Really? It's a choice that not all of us have to make, or feel we have to make. We were forced into a situation and this was the best solution. It has been amazing for us. If you don't want to, don't. But be honest about it.
Hubby is the excuse king. Some of our conversations are him making excuses and me tearing them down. It's like taking down a wall brick by brick. It can be exhausting, but I want him to know what a great man he is and what he's capable of. I do know that he comes by it honestly. I come by my bitchiness honestly, too. Some things just travel generation to generation. The baby is getting really good at offering excuses. I just work on her like I work on her papa. And people wonder why I'm so tired. I bust down walls all day.
I don't always realize that I am offering excuse after excuse. It's like I suddenly hear myself and realize I am doing what drives me crazy about other people. I have to stop myself and just get honest. Isn't that always the way? I point out what others do, then turn around and do it myself. I've done that most of my life. Look, there's excuse #2.
This job has taught me about excuses. Whenever somebody needs a sub and asks me, I just say, sorry, I can't do it. We don't offer excuses, we just give the answer. This allows them to move on to the next person and no hard feelings from anybody.
Yes, it's taken me this long to remember the end of that sentence!!! I have no excuse!!
You are too funny.
Love you
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