I've been asked some questions about my blog topics and my stance on those topics. So I thought I would take a minute to clear the air. Enjoy! And I do welcome questions. If you don't understand all my ramblings, I am always here for clarification.
I am pro-choice, not pro-abortion. There is a difference. I believe that the option needs to be there. I believe that God gave us free will, which includes making a choice. As I have previously stated, I know several people that have done it. Although I do not believe in the procedure, I understand the reasoning behind it. And in most cases I sympathize with the painful decision. And it was a decision that was made after serious thought and debate. But in the end, it is not my choice to make. I do not think that it should be used as a form of birth control. That, to me, is an "abuse of power" if you will. There are other options. But, again, not my decision to make or support.
And no man should tell a woman what to do with her body. It is her body. It is the woman that will have to change her life for the care of the baby, not the man. It is the woman that has to deal with all the changes to her body, not the man. And no other woman should make that decision for anyone either. The only one making that decision is the woman who is pregnant. The best thing that I can do is listen with an open mind, ear, and heart. And if my opinion is asked, I'll give it. But I can always say "I will pray that you make the right decision." And then pray. And ask if she wants to pray with me. And then pray. That may seem passive, but having been in the situation, that was the best thing I could do for my friends.
I am very much for gay marriage. I have friends that are gay, and they are judged from every sector of the community. And why? Because they choose to love someone who is the same sex. And that is bad how? Aren't they experiencing those things that most people want to experience? Don't we all want to find that one person in our lives that we can share with? Have a family with? And call our own, our family? Why should it be different for a man who loves a man, or a woman who loves a woman? They are people, too. We all bleed red, we all breathe the same air, and we all need the same things to live and thrive and survive.
I do not agree with constitutional amendments that prohibit or define marriage. That is not what an amendment is for. An amendment is for how our government should act and operate, not who our citizens should marry. To me an amendment like that goes against the grain of what this country has stood for for so many years. Haven't immigrants been coming here to pursue a dream?
And yes, Virginia, there is a difference between a pedophile and a homosexual. So please do not leave any comments about homosexuals stalking our young children and trying to molest them. Or trying to turn our youth of today into homosexuals. Have you been in the hallways of a public high school? Society and the media are doing a fine enough job of exploiting yet another segment of our society. Don't blame that on homosexuals, blame that on the media.
And I really don't care to hear, "Well if gay marriage is approved, then that opens the world up to all kinds of marriage, like adults and children." Are people really that stupid? Molesting children is illegal, homosexuality is not. Interracial marriage was shunned for decades, and now look. I am the product of an interracial marriage, and so are my children. We need to get over our self righteous attitudes.
Which brings up topic number 3. I am very much a Christian. But I am also a pretty liberal Christian. Growing up outside the church, in the world so to speak, my opinions don't necessarily follow the path. I have to reconcile my ideals with the ideals of the church. But the thing that comes up most often is the love of Jesus Christ for us. So Jesus doesn't love everyone, just people he likes? Not according to what I've been taught. Jesus loves us all. And God made and formed each and every one of us. He knows the decisons we are going to make, the thoughts we are going to think, and the actions we are going to take before we ever do. And thank God that He is there for us at all times. When we make a good or bad decision, He is there. We just need to open our hearts and minds to Him and listen to the good words He has for us.
Having said that, I will restate a previous opinion. Get the church out of politics. Our government is there to protect the majority of the people. The saying "You can't please all the people all the time" should apply here. The government is here to do what is right for the people, not the church. If we had politicians that were in it for the people and not themselves, I think we would see that the policies and laws would follow what God wants for us. But when you have shove it down your throats, super Christians trying to make policy instead, that convulutes the process. They are lobbyists, they just work for a different team. Most lobbyists are just leeches anyway. Pushing an agenda for a self absorbed, self involved entity just leads to laws that no one wants and no one needs. Digital TV? What was so wrong that Congress had to make a law that we needed digital TV? And if we need it so bad, why are we being charged for the converter box?
And now to degrees. I do not have a degree. Several of my friends do, and are working very hard on continuing their education to attain more degrees, or a higher level degree. I don't have a problem with that. I have even thought about going back to school to finish my degree. Or just to get one. My problem is with those that have one and seem to think that because I don't, I'm not as good or as smart. Yes, I know that it is tied to my abandonment issues and feelings of inadequacy. In my dealing with the medical community, there are several people that treat others like dirt because they do not have letters behind their name. I do not have letters behind my name. But if you count the apostrophe in my middle name, I have 26 characters in my name. Does that count? We all have an area of expertise, whether or not we have a degree or certificate or whatever.
And when things get a little further along in our homeschooling adventure, I would also like to get back to school for myself. I am seriously thinking about a degree in nutrition. I'm thinking about becoming an herbalist of all things. I have really enjoyed our explorations into the world of nutrition and herbal remedies and supplements that hubby and I have been taking. It fascinates me that something as common as ginger and peppermint can have so many different uses for our bodies. I really want for my family to eat better and feel better and get away from the over preserved and over processed foods that are on our grocery store shelves.
I hope that I have cleared up some things. I probably made some even muddier. But I am an evolving person still, as we all are.
1 comment:
I think it's time we had a Hawaiian in the White House! :-) Of course, I think you're are totally fabulous in so many ways, and this post makes me want to hug you and give you a high five at the same time.
And as for degrees...I'm sure you'll get one (if that's what you want) when you're ready to get one. There is no timetable. I think it's actually better when you wait because you really know what you want.
I think life is a journey. We're all works in progress.
Love you,
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