
Friday, February 18, 2011


Great day at the park. No drama, no distress. The boy skinned his knees pretty bad and it really hurt. He even cried just a litte. I had to hide him, and I stood really close so he could lean on me. I gave him a quick one armed hug. That seemed to do the trick and his friends didn't see a thing. We got it all cleaned up, threw a couple of bandaids on 'em, and off he hobbled. Crazy kid.

After the park was the grocery store. I really don't like taking dirty, sweaty kids to the park, but what I don't like even more is coming back to town if I don't have to. And they were having a sale. It's Italian days and they had some really great deals. I spent $19.15, but I saved $34.54 with coupons. I had to get the boy one of those carts he could ride in. I like the ones at our grocery store. They have the buggy up front and the seat is just a bench. No cars, or animals or ride in carts that all my kids have outgrown.

By the time we got home, I was tired. I had groceries to put away. I got the good block mozzarella to make lasagna with. I mean the kind that you have to slice, you can't shred it. It was on sale and I had a coupon. I had a lunch bag that had to get emptied. I had dirty kids that needed showers. I had to pee so bad I thought I was going to burst. I do NOT use the bathrooms at the park, and I hate the ones at the grocery store. And I had just sat down to check my email after I went to the bathroom when my phone rang. It was my dad.

He is in Hawaii spending some time with my sister. Not Big Sis, my other sister. She is my half sister, and we only met once. My dad wanted to know if I wanted to talk to her. My first thought, and actually I said it out loud was, "I just got home from the park." Dumb ass. What I did was stop and take a breath. "I would love to talk to her."

I have often wanted to talk to her. I would get snippets of information about her from time to time. But I would have liked to have a relationship with her. I would like to have a relatonship with her now. She is my sister, after all. At one point I had an email address for a store that she owned. I thought many times about writing her a letter, but I never did. I regret that. I was unsure of what to say, unsure of her reaction, unsure of many things. But here was an opportunity being handed to me. I wasn't about to throw this one away, too.

I hope that today was a first step. I hope that there is another step made. Her daughter, my niece, is one of my friends on Facebook now. Is that one more? I hope...

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