
Tuesday, April 27, 2010


I haven't forgotten you. I just haven't blogged on here. I've posted on the other one, just not much to say here. You know how that happens. Now I have things to say and not enough time. On the bright side: bullet points.

  1. I know my kids like her, but if I have to hear one more freakin' Taylor Swift song, I think I will go postal. Poor baby really can't sing. She's cute enough I guess, but her voice is awful. My van and my iPod have become the official "No Taylor Swift" zones. I have lots of stuff on my iPod for those long waiting periods that kids have a hard time getting through. It keeps them occupied and me happy. But I just cannot do it. She's almost as bad as Miley Cyrus. At least Taylor Swift enunciates and doesn't sound like she's speaking with rocks in her mouth. Great, now I have the heebie jeebies.
  2. Franklin Graham has been banned because of his views of Islam. Here's an idea: if they stop blowing people up, Franklin Graham might change his mind. I'm sorry that a few bad apples are spoiling the bunch, but you don't see the peaceful, loving muslims on the news. You see the ones, hear about the ones, that want to kill people because they dared make fun of Muhammad. You hear about the ones that say the earthquakes are because women dress too promiscuously. You hear about the ones that spread hate and violence not peace and love. And, although it may seem like it's coming to an end, this is still at the moment a country of freedom of speech. Now, because he says they are evil, and Obama is one, he can't come pray at the capitol. Lots of words to say and none of them good.
  3. Speaking of bad apples, did you know that one really does spoil the bunch? It's the same with pears, too. They release a chemical from the spoiled spot that causes the rest to spoil. When we open the pear box at our co-op, they are indivdually wrapped in paper to keep them from touching. If one is bruised, it won't effect the others too badly until we can get them out of the box and away from each other. They apparently don't play nice. Can you imagine opening the box and seeing fighting apples or pears? I'd pay a little change for that.
  4. We have given up major gardening this year. We may still do tomatoes and onions, but we have missed our window of opportunity. With all the rain and the cold we just weren't able to get everything done we needed to. Our garden area is overgrown, our compost pile isn't anywhere close to being ready. We have one little planter that is full of compost that we could plant in. Hubby even transplanted some squash from the compost pile to the planter. They are doing very well. He says they're pumpkins, I say squash. I don't care which one they are. I'm just glad they're growing. Now to get the rest of the way off our butts.
  5. We had to schedule a weekend to do yard work. That's how busy our schedule got. It was bad. We swore we wouldn't be that busy this year, but we are. Volunteering for youth has really taken a huge chunk of time out of our weekend. I will say that it is worth it. The downside is that we have to cram a bunch of stuff into Saturday. But working in the yard this weekend, not going anywhere but the grocery store was so nice. We have decide that we need to schedule two weekends a month to just stay home, work around the homestead, and spend time together. We got a ton done and we have the sunburn to prove it.
  6. I had to go back to a menu. I had let it fall by the wayside and have been regretting it. I have been frustrated, making meals that I would probably not do. Hubby and I sat down, and figured breakfast, lunch and dinner for the next couple of weeks. We made a grocery list, mostly stuck to it, and so far, so good. We decided that on our really busy days, we would plan some things that hubby doesn't mind making. Not that I am a gourmet by any means. But if it seems too complicated, hubby freaks a little. Me, too. I just take a breath, look at everything, and then decide. Of course, we added some favorites like burritos, and hamburgers on the grill. I need to look up a recipe for sweet potato french fries. I'm the only one that likes sweet potatoes, so I'm looking for ways to cook them that the family will eat them. If you have a recipe you would like to share, please do.
  7. My friend, M, is having a Pampered Chef, couponing class tonight. She had me at Pampered Chef. I love that stuff. My favorite by far is the bar pan. That thing makes everything great. I can cook chicken nuggets, cookies, breaded fish, whatever, and it comes out beautifully every time. No muss, no fuss, just great. I think I'm going to buy another one. You can never have too many bar pans. I may get a cutting board as well. I like those, too. If you have the money, or get the money, to invest in great cookware or gadgets, that is really the best way to go. Love their stuff.
  8. Speaking of coupons, I have been having fun with them lately. I went to the store yesterday and saved $32.38 and spent $11.04. I love those days. I was even able to get organics. Makes me wish I had my deep freeze. It also makes me wish I had somewhere to put a freezer. I got two bottles Scrubbing Bubbles for 54 cents. That breaks down to 27 cents a can. I got three bags of organic frozen french fries for $1.94. That breaks down to roughly 65 cents a bag. I also got three bags of organic tater tots for the same price. You can do it, too. Plus, I got free stuff.
  9. Family drama, family drama, family drama. I am so sick of family drama. At least it isn't my side this time. On a bright note, hubby's oldest brother has been calling him more. I'm not sure if it was us trying to move to Texas or what, but there seems to be something growing in that relationship. I don't know if the brother is seeing hubby as a postive influence in the changes we've made or brother is changing or what. I'm just trying to rise above. Don't think for a second that I won't get down in the muck. I seem to be drawn to muck. Some days are better than others.

I told you I had things to say. Now I have to prepare for the day. Good thing the breakfast on the menu is cereal. It's not teaching the kids to cook, but at least they won't starve. Now I need to teach them to open a can of soup. You can never have too much in your repetoire. See ya'.

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