
Monday, October 12, 2009

Junk in my Brain

Lots of superfluous stuff floating around in my brain. It's time to empty some of it so I can add more useless drivel. Cue the lights. Add sound. Here come the bullet points. And action.

  • I have an addiction to Bath and Body Works. They have been sending me coupons for free travel size products and a % off of my purchase, which you can use together. My favorite scent is Moonlight Path. I have very sensitive sinuses and can't be in the store for long because of all the people that spray stuff to check the scent. Moonlight Path is the only one that doesn't send my nose into a seizure. It's kind of sexy, without being flowery. I can't stand the flowery stuff.
  • I am really liking my new camera. At recital last year, hubby videoed the kids and our ancient camera couldn't keep up. We got a new one, that will be ancient by the end of the year probably, but I love it anyway. It's a Kodak and I got a really great deal on it. It cost us less than $75 and takes really great pictures. When I added the software disc that came with it, we got some really cool features. You can turn your pictures into coloring sheets. Very cool, very cool.
  • I started a menu plan a couple of months ago. I did really good one month, then petered out. Our busy schedule has insisted that I go back to it. I did, and I love it. There are some really great websites out there for crockpot recipes and I need that. I normally don't like food cooked in a crockpot, but either food or crockpots or both have come a long way. So far, there is only one recipe that hasn't had the "you can make this again" consensus. It has helped tremendously, and I have been trying recipes that I normally wouldn't have tried. I can also take recipes that I already make and adapt them. BBQ chicken is on of those. I normally make it on the stove top, but I can make it in the crockpot and let it cook all day. Fall off the bone yumminess.
  • One of my websites for crockpot recipes, is having a giveaway. I will post the website, but suddenly I can't remember if it's a blogspot or dot com. That's weird. I can't check it either, or I'll get kicked off my blog. Look at my last post about the Samsung give away. They are giving away a $200 gift card to Best Buy. Follow the link from that previous post to get there. I keep dreaming about what I would do with a $200 gift card. One thing would be buy Christmas gifts. I wouldn't have to worry where the money was coming from and I could get lots of little things. Then I think I would just blow it on something I want. Option 2 is probably what would happen. Let's just be honest, OK.
  • I have started to really limit the amount of sugar I eat. I still have some joint pain in my thumb, and now have joint pain in the pinky of my other hand. It's hard to do that with all the chocolate I have in my pantry. I have cut down the amount of red meat I eat, but not the kids or hubby so much. I can't limit my dairy much more, because I don't eat or drink that much to begin with. I usually have a small glass of milk with dinner and that's it. Before you all go freaking out about my vitamin D and Calcium, you don't get that from your milk. By the time it gets to your table, it doesn't have much anyway. What it does have can't be absorbed efficiently by your body. I prefer to get my vitamin D from the good, ol' sun. It's much more efficient and is plentiful in our part of the country.
  • Speaking of Mr. Sun, he just won't quit pounding out the heat. We are having record heat for October because we are on the wrong side of a low pressure system. On the back side of the system, people are experiencing record lows and having early snow. Frankly, that sounds really good for us right now. I am so tired of being hot. I just cannot sweat anymore than I already am. I'm drinking so much water, I would float if I wasn't going to the bathroom every five minutes. A little relief would be nice. Just a little. Please? I just keep thinking, come on low pressure system.
  • These are the supplements hubby and I are taking: Juice Plus for overall health and wellness. Good nutrition is key to body function and immune system health. It is whole foods based, and keeps most of the nutrients. 17 fruits, veggies and grains, working in synergy for optimum health benefits. Two in the morning and two in the evening. Complex B for energy. I need this. By the end of the day I feel like I am dragging. I can tell when I haven't taken it and do not like it. I don't want to be asleep by 7 in the evening. COQ10 for bone and heart health, and periodontal health. I'm hoping that it will also help the inflammaiton and pain in my fingers. Fenugreek for our over active sinuses. It is so good for the boy that hubby and I have started taking it. It helped hubby this weekend and so far, so good with me as well. I can inhale through my nose without having to breathe through excessive mucus. Hubby and the big girl are taking Acidophilus and papaya for their tummies. Hubby has previously been diagnosed with an ulcer, but still has tummy trouble not related to that. The big girl has always had issues with her tummy. We'll see how it helps. Please look into the vitamins you use. Usually store brand or those you get at a super store do not have the right kind or enough of what you are looking for. Or they have fillers that you are wasting your money on. Always, always, always do your research.

I guess that's all for now. I will post more interesting fare again. Some day. When I get too much running around in my head, I have to empty the brain. Not all the way, just take some pressure off. I think I've done that.

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

I hope you are able to get your joint pain under control! I feel your pain, literally! I have noticed that sugar and dairy seem to affect mine. Also take fish oil if you don't already. It's supposed to be really good for joints.