
Monday, July 21, 2008

A First

I have another blog I do. But I want that to be for the kids and what we are doing and to keep every body updated about the family life. This one is just for me. I don't know how long I'll keep up both blogs, but you never know. I might actaully make it work.

I now need to email my family and friends about the adult friendly version of my blog. I like to have a way to express my feelings and thoughts. Writing has always been good for me. It seems I'm better at the written word than I am at spoken word. I've never been a poet or a writer who wants there things read out loud. I feel like I'm pretty good at what I do.

I'm not very good sometimes at completeing a task. I started writing a book about two years ago. I took my love of romance books and have tried my hand at a couple. I think I did pretty good. It's the follow through and the finishing I have a problem with. I even let my husband read parts of it. That was a big deal for me.

So here I am, with two blogs and no where to go. Oh, wait. The chiropractor today. If you haven't been, go. I love mine.

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