I am so sick of the news. I rarely watch anymore. I do have my TV on GMA in the mornings, but that is more of a timer. I'm usually on the internet or my phone. I should be doing so many other things, but what fun is that? I know the hot button issue right now is the Supreme Court getting ready to rule on gay marriage. I have an opinion, I just choose not to share that. Instead, let's talk about rights versus privileges.
It is my right to be able to live a happy life. Our founding fathers said so. It is also my right to bear arms and voice my opinion. It is my right to vote. It is my right to bitch about the election and people that aren't informed before they cast their vote. Our founding fathers said so. What we tend to forget is that if it isn't in the Constitution, it's a privilege.
Driving is a privilege. Nowhere in the Constiution does it state that I have a right to drive a car. That could be because there were no cars back then. I bet if you would have given Ben Franklin another few years, he would have come up with something. Technology has advanced while that priceless piece of paper has remained the same. Having a cell phone is a privilege. Again, technology advances while the founding fathers are not even dust anymore. And that will happen. Technology advances every day, but it provides us with privileges, not rights.
I am intolerant, bigoted, opinionated, loud mouthed and brash. I can be grating and belligerent. I don't look for conflict, but if you get in my face, I will jump back at you. Lord mercy, don't talk about my kids or hubby or I will bury you so deep they will never find you. I am also one of the sweetest, nicest people that you will ever know. I will go to the ends of the earth for my family and friends. I love to laugh and make other people laugh. My opinion is mine. Don't try to change my mind unless you come with facts, not opinions. I don't do mamby-pamby or wishy washy. I have little to no patience for whiners. I would rather spank my children than take stuff away or put them in time out. And guess what? Some of that is my right. Some is my privilege. Some is my honor, but that's a different topic.
Political correctness is destroying this country. The big, bad world is big and bad, hence the label. To tell the truth, I think it started when we started using the phrase "African American". Ok, if you aren't from Africa, you aren't African American. You're...wait for it...American. Now everybody classifies themselves as something other than good ol' American. I don't call myself Polynesian American. If hubby were to call himself Caucasian American, people would freak. Being politically correct is a privilege, not a right. And it's stupid. Can we call a spade a spade? Trash is trash whether it's white trash or niggers. See, again with the classifications. Why? Someone might get offended. Fuck that.
I think my biggest gripe is that if I don't agree with main stream media, or those that are pushing an agenda, I am intolerant. If I say anything against gay marriage, I am intolerant of gay people. If I say I am for it, I get vilified by the other side. I am intolerant of idiots and stupid people. There are both of those on each side of the argument. If I disagree with the president, I'm racist. Honey, I didn't agree with George W. either. Know what that makes me? Intolerant of red necks. Wait, what? I married a red neck, so take that back. I don't agree with the POTUS because he's an idiot. It has nothing to do with the color of his skin. We have black people that have openly said in interviews that they voted for him because he's black. Isn't that racist? Yes, yes it is. But not if we're being politically correct. I would rather offend.
My friend ALT at High Strung Musings wrote a great blog about being cream. It was about rising to the top like cream instead of sinking to the bottom like coffee grounds. I'm coffee grounds. I have no filter. Don't ask the question if you don't want the answer. But don't expect me to sugar coat it. Don't ask me to be politically correct. Well, you can ask, but it won't happen. I am not cream. I don't like being cream. I think people need to be offended. I think people need to be rattled to make them think. That is one thing that is sorely lacking in our society. Free thinking has become a crime where before it was celebrated. Having money and being creative have become reasons to be spurned. Who's intolerant now, bitches? Stop and think. Use that brain that God gave you. It's amazing! ANd wait 'til you see the world in technicolor!
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