
Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Bringing It Up

I've been taking notes again. Every time I say "I'll remember that when I get home", I don't. Here's what I've got.

  • I have noticed an influx of side ponytails. Why? I'm wondering why we thought they were cute. At our weekend confirmation retreat, there were many, many teen and tween girls wearing the infamous hairstyle. To tell the truth, though, I would rather see the side ponytail than the ugly, sloppy bun that a lot of girls are wearing. The sloppy bun says you don't give a crap what you look like. The side ponytail says at least you made an effort.
  • 80's fashion is back. I can remember my mom saying something about 60's fashion coming back in style during the 80's. I guess it runs in cycles. My big girl will look at something and ooh and aah. I tell her the 80's called and they want their fashion back. Some of it should have died then. Some of it really isn't that bad. Just, please no ginormo shoulder pads. Yeah, I rocked 'em. But that was then and this is my era of better fashion sense. I even had the jumpsuit in bright, conflicting patterns that was form fitting, but had the huge collar and shoulder pads. Some styles need to stay dead.
  • I am losing my boobs. At first, it was kinda cool. I actually went up a cup size. It has to do with the distance of your boobs from your chest, or something like that. I get it. I bought new bras. Now I'm falling out of them. I don't mean spilling over the top like I've been known to do. I mean slipping out underneath. That means the band is too big. That sucks. Now, it's more new bras. Bras are expensive. I hate trying on bras. But maybe now I won't be limited to minimizers and full coverage. I could actually get an add a cup size bra. Please, don't make me have to get a padded bra. That would really send me into a huge depressive mood. Like, for years.
  • While we're talking about bras, can we talk about underwear? For a while, I had an issue keeping my undies up. I lost weight, they were too big. And we're back to that. I cannot keep them up. Again. I have even tried making sure the top is under my belt when I put it on. That helps not at all. I've been telling my friends I may just stop wearing undies at all. I don't dare wear a skirt. The only thing keeping my undies on my body most of the time is the fact that my pants have a crotch in them. Without that piece of material, they would hit the floor. And I would step out of them and keep walking like I don't know who in the world just lost their panties at the mall. Or Disney. Or wherever. Can you imagine? Losing you undies, not me without them. Well, if that floats your boat, that's ok, too. Just please imagine me without stretch marks, please and thank you.
  • Hubby had the day off yesterday so we went to Disney. Duh. He was wearing his Longhorns t-shirt. A very nice employee asked if we were from Texas. Hubby said no, but I said I was. The very nice man said I was a good woman and hubby should hang on to me. I said I've been telling him that for 18 years. He was a very nice man.
  • That conversation started the whole seceeding conversation and moving when it did. Hubby said he wasn't sure he wanted to live in Texas because the limestone under the state made it prone to sink holes. I said a huge sink hole could open under the whole state and it wouldn't matter. He asked why. I said because...Oklahoma sucks hard. Hahahahaha!! I know, old joke, but it had me giggling for the rest of the day. I'm even smiling now! I love a good state rivalry.
All right. That's all you get for now. I have to get ready for school. Oh, yeah, and a puppy. That's on hubby. And that's a story for another time.     

1 comment:

Big Sis said...

I love it when I get on my computer first thing in the morning and find a new blog.

**80s stuff. I know, right?? I remember that jump suit. That store is still around and still has great stuff, NOT from the 80s anymore. I actually saw an ad for those damn jelly shoes, too.

**After May, you and I can go bra shopping together!! It's gonna be awesome!!

**A sinkhole just means less labor costs when building your pool. BTW, the last couple sink holes on the news were NOT in Texas. Just sayin'.

I love you!!!