I really hate it when I tell somebody something and they disregard me. I think I got this. Really. If I say it, I mean it. I may say it in a hateful, mean way if you piss me off, but I am aware of my opinion. I'm not always aware of what's coming out of my mouth until it's out, but still. Case in point.
This past weekend was our dance recital. It was amazing!! My kids rocked it and I have to say, I did, too. During practice one day, we were talking about that social media site almost everyone belongs to. One of my dance mates was talking about unfriending people. I said I wasn't going to unfriend her. She went on to say that she disagrees with 90% of what I put on there. She was speaking politically. She said that we all have our delusions. She even said "Poor, Cristy." Um, ouch. I'm sure my opinion is the right one. You can't get me to agree with her politically, but that's ok. I even told her that. I just agreed that some of us are delusional and that we all live in our version of a perfect world. That kind of shut her up. She asked me one night at recital if I watch "The View." My response: not if I can help it. I'm pretty sure I know what I mean when I say that. That kind of shut her up for a minute, too. I just don't talk politics with her and we get along just fine.
I had to get a haircut before recital. I was wearing a side braid with some cool colored braids weaved in. It was heavy and I needed to lighten the load. Thursday morning, hubby and I go run errands and a haircut was one of them. We walked in to a chain place and the woman at the counter asks for my name. I give it to her. She asks for my phone number. I ask why. It was their way of tracking us. I don't like to be tracked. I know. Every time I log onto a website or print a coupon, I'm being tracked. That doesn't mean I can't limit what I want to limit. She asked for my email and address so they could send me coupons. No, thank you. She was a little taken aback when I declined. She took it in stride, though. The guy cutting my hair, though, is a different story.
The big girl did my hair for recital. We had put it together beforehand to see how it was going to work out. We figured out how much needed to be cut off and still be long enough for all the extras. I told the guy to cut off 3 inches. He insisted on 4. I was insistant that it would be 3. I explained to him, twice, what was going on and that 3 was all that could be cut off and still be long enough. He insisted on 4. I asked, calmly, for another stylist or 3 inches, one or the other. He cut 3 inches off. He said I need to come in more often to get a haircut. I said I know. Then he started in on how I think I may be saving a dollar, but it was important for hair health, blah, blah, blah. See, I know all that. I just interrupted him and said, politely, "Dude, I homeschool 3 kids. It's not the money. It's the time. Let's talk about something else." I won't be going back to him again. I'm pretty sure that I know what I mean. I even informed him that I had worn my hair long probably longer than he had been alive and it was time for him to hush. Politely, of course. I didn't want to come out bald. I could go on and on about how much of an arrogant ass he was, but that would be the whole blog.
Our next stop was the grocery store that was next to the hair place. They've started using digital coupons. You can sigh up on their website and have coupons sent straight to your phone and attach it to your debit or credit card. The cashier asked me if I had any. I said no, I don't like to be tracked, but thank you for asking. She continued with her spiel. Again, no, thank you, but thank you for asking. She looked like she was going to start again. I held up my hand, looked her straight in the eye, and said "No, thank you!" I handed over my printed coupons, paid for groceries, and out the door we went.
Hubby asked if eveyrone had lost their minds. I said hell, yea! I think I handled myself pretty well for being so damned aggravated. I didn't yell, I didn't scream. I did fuss a little, but that was because I was prodded. And prodded. And prodded!! It was definitelt an interesting day. I am thankful I got a nap or that evening could have ended badly!
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