
Friday, August 24, 2012

7 Quick Takes

There are so many ways to blog. I like to surf for different blogs sometimes. People will put some stuff in a blog. I am one of those. I've read about people who thought they had conceived after being told for years that she could not have children. She thought God had given her a child. That was a strange blog. I like the photography and art blogs. Those are fun. When I get to a recipe blog, I sit up an pay attention. One format I like is 7 Quick Takes. It goes something like this.

  • We are three weeks in to school. Some days are better than others. We are trying to find a groove. We need to find it quick because things really pick up in September. Tomorrow we go to find the boy some ballet shoes and a white shirt. You would not believe how hard it is to find a white shirt. We try one more time. I hope we find one. 
  • I have lost my kitchen mojo. What the hell is that? It's actually pretty normal for me. I've been in a rut for a while with everything. I have a touch of depression since my mom died. Well, duh. I had hubby and the kids each pick some new recipes. Now I get to plan a menu. I need to clean off my desk and gather the recipes and get to it. Tomorrow. Did I also mention I have a touch of procrastination happening? Pissing me off is what it's doing. That is my other goal tomorrow. I need to do that before we go get shoes so I can coupon. I have a stack of those on my desk, too. See, there's that procrastination/depression thing again. If any of the recipes are good, you know I'll post them. 
  • Wow, that last bullet point went all over the place, didn't it? Was that about the cooking or the emotional wreck I am? Good grief, it was about both. It's like my Gemini twins were fighting to be heard. That was weird. 
  • So much going on with my park mamas. We all have our issues, but some of them are going through some pretty heavy things. Makes my heart hurt to have my friends hurt. It feels good to know you have a group of friends that will always be there for you. Much love and many prayers for my mamas. 
  • The divorce is getting ugly. So much to say. And I did. And I took it down. My nephew blocked me. I could see his posts, but I wasn't allowed to comment or like his statuses. I blocked him back. I knew it was his mother. Then I didn't want to be that childish. If she wanted to creep, she could creep away. Then I got unfriended. All because I don't agree with his mother. See, now that's not right. So I put that as my status. And I called her out. I also said may she rot for the damage she is doing to her children. And that was wrong and I know it. But I have to say my friends are the freakin' best ever because they played right along. I love them. Doesn't make what I said right, though, so I took it down. It was the right thing to do, but that didn't make it any easier. 
  •  As much of a hard ass as I am, I promise I can be really sweet. Really, ask hubby. Maybe not him. Ask my kids. Wait, maybe not. Just kidding. They all think I'm a sweetheart. And a bad ass. 
  • See this seven takes thing is pretty easy. Technically, two of these probably don't count, but they got a bullet point. 

I like it because I get to use bullet points and it's a random blog. I told hubby I was in the mood for a political blog. He started looking for snipers and black SUVs. He's so cute.              


Amy Lou said...

I'm stealing the 7 points thing. And you are a badass. A sweet badass. A fierce, loyal, family first badass. You are my badass friend and I am lucky to have you on my side!

Frazzled-By-Days-End said...

Hard to tell if you need a hug or a kick in the pants! I can give you both...and if you are lucky, both at the same time. ;) Yeah, I'm talented like that!! :D