I hate the media. It doesn't matter what network you listen to. They are all trying to get you to "look at me, listen to what I say, don't look over there." Have you seen the way people handle themselves lately? I blame believing the hype. Look at what we find acceptable. More people know who the Kardashians are than who's running for President. I cannot believe I put that name on my blog. You get my point? Along with all that came a trilogy.
50 Shades of Grey was supposed to be "the" summer book. Then it became the "summer trilogy". Some libraries were banning it. Some stores pulled it off their shelves. Meanwhile, some libraries were buying as many copies as they could. It supposedly saved Amazon and a couple of big bookstore chains. Really? It was supposed to be the BDSM manual. It was a marriage saver. "We've never had better sex!" someone said on national TV. Wait, what? You haven't had great sex? It took these books? You know what all this hype meant? It meant I had to read the books. So I did.
Our little library that we go to had a temporary librarian. She was about my age and pretty hip. She also liked to wear these low cut tops that just screamed for people to look at her boobs. So I did. They were nice. But I digress and lose 10 readers all at the same time. Our library system had not one copy. She ordered 3 of each book. Then the library suddenly had several copies. Nothing like a good bandwagon to jump on. I was the first to get the book from our library. She automatically signed me up for the other two so I would be the first to get those, too. Told you I liked her. They were good books, too.
The thing they weren't was what the media had hyped them to be. They were a great read. They were a quick read, too, which is what I like. It flowed well. The story was decently strong. But it wasn't a BDSM manual. It wasn't even that great for sex. When you listen to all the interviews and discussions, you expect erotic fiction. Did they have lots of sex? Well, hell yeah. But so did I when hubby and I first got together. If we had 10 seconds alone, some body's pants were down within 1 and we were pulling up and zipping by 10. DO NOT tell me you weren't the same way when you first met your partner. I had a friend tell me that when hubby and I got married, every time we had sex the first year, put a quarter in a jar. Your jar will overflow. The second year, you're to take a quarter out every time you had sex. You would still have quarters in your jar. We wouldn't know because my BIL stole the quarters while we were on vacation. (See, that shit goes way back. Do you still wonder why I have issues with the family?)
I expected EROTIC FICTION!!!!!!!! Yeah, that isn't what I got. If you want EROTIC FICTION, you need to read Lora Leigh or Jami Alden or Selena Kitt. Now, those ladies will make you wet and squishy in places that you didn't know could get wet and squishy. Every time I see a new Lora Leigh book is coming out, I am on the library website, marking my place in line. She has stories with a plot (shocking), relationships with alpha males (lots of telling what to do, but with vulnerability), and action (as in fighting, not sex) in her stories. They are mostly about military type men. If you like a sexy spy novel, read her. Jami Alden has several series, but she also does stand alone books as well. And Selena Kitt has a Baumgartner series that is just sex on a page. It will work you up good and proper for sure. You can only get her books on Amazon, if you're interested. Now, those ladies know how to write erotic fiction.
50 Shades was a really good relationship novel with lots of sex. It was about a man and woman who needed to find what was working and what was definitely not working. It was about a virgin who had to catch up and quick. There was a learning curve and she decided that she didn't need an A. B or C was fine. It was about changing and finding that place inside that allows you to be comfortable with who and what you are. It's about deciding what is a deal breaker and what is a deal maker. There were a couple times in the book, I could have smacked them both. Do not let that man intimidate you!! Who the hell do you think you are to talk to her that way?!? Fuck you!! Wait, that's what he wants. Well, her, too, and now that I've read it, maybe I do, too. Digressing...
If you want a good book with quite a bit of good sex, go for it. If you are looking for erotic fiction, it's ok. It's not the best, but it'll do. Don't believe the hype. I did what I encourage all my readers to do. I did my own research. I liked the book. As we speak, I'm waiting for my email for my links to the digital version of the trilogy from our library so I can reread them. They were good books, but they weren't worthy of twitchy palms. Maybe a little spasm.
Laters, baby.
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