Margaret Cho had a great quote about racism in her act many years ago. It's one that stuck with me. It's something along the lines of "Racism is like the weather. With weather, it's not the heat, it's the humidity. With racism, it's not the hate, it's the stupidity." Well that just sums it up nicely, doesn't it. Not only have we had a lot of hate floating around our country, but way more stupidity than should be allowed. Or the other phrase that I like: common sense just isn't that common. I sure wish common sense was running rampant. What a great day that would be! At the risk of alienating some people, you know I just have to open my mouth, or keyboard, because that's what I do.
Can we talk about this Chick Fil A boondoggle? I like that word. Of course we can talk about it. It's my blog. We can talk about anything here. First of all, an entire company is being vilified because the CEO was asked his stance on what has become a key issue. Dan Cathy was asked what he thinks about gay marriage. His response was that he believes in the biblical view of marriage. People went stupid! They didn't go nuts. They skipped that and went straight for the good stuff.
The GLBT community immediately called for a boycott of all the restaurants. They are mostly franchises owned by independent owners, who, amazingly, have their own opinions and beliefs and secrets hidden in their closets. All of a sudden, Christians were being sent to the lions. Again. For what one man said. At no time did he spout hate rhetoric and say that homosexuality was from the devil. He didn't say anything like that. But the press took it and ran with it. Suddenly, we aren't smart enough to read the comments for ourselves. Let's all jump on the "Hate Chick Fil A" bandwagon. No, because their waffle fries are lovely.
The extreme Christians went into overdrive. Let's all praise this man for standing up for our Christian values. Let's persecute all the gays and only eat chicken! Wait, what?!? Y'all are just as stupid as the other side. He didn't say that either. But, suddenly, this became a major issue and Christians need to stand together. Now we have a champion for family values! Um, ok, take a breath. Let's get a lemonade and talk about how you need to actually listen to the quote as well.
Then there's the millions of us that are stuck in the middle of all this, looking at both sides, thinking you're both idiots. What I can't stand is sheeple. Let's jump on whatever bandwagon fits our criteria and beat our drums and make ourselves be heard. Shut up, shut up, shut up.
One thing that irritates me is that it's being said that Chick Fil A gives money to organizations that spout hate. I looked up who they give their money to. I'm a freak that way. I always say do your own research, so I did. I know that there won't be anything that says: We promote hate around here. Here's what I did find, though.
- Core Essentials: This program is provided to schools to emphasize and explore core values and good character. These help reinforce good character and promotes family values. I don't see that as bad. Are you saying that families with two moms or two dads can't benefit from this program? Don't we want our kids to grow up with a strong sense of ethics and right from wrong? Don't we want kids that will grow up to be productive members of society that work hard and give back to the community? Do we want kids that don't think the world and society owe them something just because they exist? Seems like a great program to me.
- All Pro Dad: This is an organization that helps fathers be better fathers and mentors to their children and children in the community, promoting strong families and strong fathers. There are former and current NFL players and coaches involved in this particular group. They meet once a month for breakfast and spend time with each other fellowshipping and mentoring with each other. Once again, is this for just father's of "regular" families? No. It's for fathers that want better for their families.
- Family First. While the information for this organization doesn't state that they are a Christian organization, it may be. I did not take the time to read the blog, and I should have. It seemed pretty straight forward to me, though. Check it out for yourself. This group was co-founded by Tony Dungy, former NFL coach of the Indianapolis Colts and Tampa Bay Buccaneers. I like Tony, but that's me.
The main website said that the franchise owners in each community are responsible for what groups they donate money to and what they support. To find out what they give time and money to, just call them. They will be more than happy to give you access to that info. It says so on the website.
This blog isn't meant to bash gay marriage or GLBT community. It also was not meant to promote Chick Fil A or even Christian values. It was meant to open your closed eyes to a major problem in our society today. That would be being offended. Every comment is not laced with hate and anger, from either side. Shame on all of us for being offended by someone exercising a right that has been long fought for-freedom of speech. If you ask for an opinion, don't get pissy when it isn't yours. Don't just take everything at face value. Take the time to look it up for yourself. DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH, LAZY ASS!!!!!
I have friends that are gay that I love very much. I have family that are gay. I love them very much. I have a 12 year old niece that is transgender. She felt, at the tender age of 7 or 8, that she was not supposed to be a girl. Her mother, who is bisexual and living with her girlfriend, took steps to help ensure that she could live the life she is supposed to live. She lives as a boy and is treated as such. I cannot imagine what it took for that tender-hearted girl to bring the feelings that she didn't have words for to her parents. I also have friends and family that are amazing Christians and teach me every day that all people are made by God and His love for us is pure and never ending. They teach me that being offended is useless and wasteful and spouting hate, no matter what side of the issue you stand on, is wrong. We should all learn these lessons.
Strength and bravery come in many shapes and sizes. There is so much more to worry about in this country right now than where I buy my chicken sandwich and waffle fries. There is an election that will soon be taking place that will determine where this country goes in the next four years. Let's focus on unemployment, jobs, healthcare, and just getting through this life being the best people we can be, to and for each other. Let's keep our eyes on the prize of a united country where we don't force our beliefs on each other, but have open and intelligent dialogue about those beliefs. And, for goodness sake, don't ask my opinion if you don't really want it.