
Monday, October 17, 2011

Head in the Clouds

After having to hear about it for weeks now, I finally did it. I got an iPhone yesterday. I didn't get the 4S, because I wasn't willing to shell out that kind of money. We did shell out some cash, but we also got the warranty. I gotta have that. You never know and when you shell out cash like that, you want to protect it. Makes it sound like I spent millions doesn't it? I didn't. But I did spend our piano tuning money.

My phone that I had was on it's last legs. It would shut itself off randomly, and sometimes not so randomly. Every time I sent a text, I would have to wait and see if it would shut off. One day, I literally turned my phone on 12 times. Since that's my line with the world when I am out and about with my kids, I wanted a phone that I could depend on. We'll see how this goes. So far, so good, but it hasn't been 24 hours yet.

I like that I'll be able to get online when I need to. I like that I can listen to my tunes when I want. I like the cool headphones and wall charger that came with it. My phone is white, my case is purple. I'll get an Otter Box in a couple of weeks, so hopefully that'll help if the kids drop it while they play games. If they can get it away from me. Good luck.

I also signed up for the data plan that makes me a personal hotspot. You should see the smile that comes over my face when I think of that phrase. "Personal hotspot". You should see hubby's smile. That makes me feel good. I'm a personal hotspot. Yes, yes I am and thank you for asking.

And I didn't lose anything. Now I need to figure out the calendar and setting it up and adding things to it, because trust me, I need a calendar with me at all times. As quickly as ours fills up, I need the master copy with me. Another great use for my iPhone and one less thing I have to carry with me. Those Angry Birds get heavy, you know.

We'll see how the next 24 hours go. I hope this phone doesn't start turning itself off. I'd hate to have to kill it. But on a bright note, it could be Angry Birds fricassee for dinner. Not that I've ever made a fricassee. First time for everything!


Big Sis said...

Took me a while to get the hang of it. Luckily for me, there were about 20 family members visiting when I purchased mine. I found out all kinds of neat stuff. Call me if you need help. I'll see what I can do. Oh, and you don't need an appointment with me. Love!!!

Amy Lou said...

Awesome! Hope you are still enjoying it. I am behind on my blogging as well as my blog reading!