
Wednesday, October 12, 2011


I sit here surrounded by school books, lesson plan book, and various pens, pencils, and erasers, and instead of doing what I should be, I'm blogging. I got a text from Big Sis, oops, I mean my blogs, earlier and they said I could work out some stress here. Duh, why didn't I thnk of that? I have a smart Big Sis, I mean, blogs.
  • I have been doing "Breast Cancer Awareness" posts on Facebook. These are not establishment friendly, but what did you expect from me? I'm not usually establishment friendly. I am trying to educate people about alternatives. I am trying to educate people about where their money goes. I am trying to educate people about not following the status quo and saving their lives. Can you tell I'm a little passionate about that? As always, I suggest you do your own research. And, joy, I found a place that will do a thermogram for a very reasonable price. It pays to have alternatives.
  • I have been reading again. I love it! For awhile I didn't have a chance to read. You would think that waiting for one of my kids while they were dancing I would have time. Not when I know most of the moms that are waiting for their kids. Lots of talking going on instead. We have a couple of hours between some of those dance classes. You would think I could read then. Yeah, no, that doesn't happen either. But I am making time in our packed schedule. I have expanded my horizons to include some non-fiction as well. And even though I am not a Gator fan, I am going to read Tim Tebow's biography.  I am almost done with Dean Koontz's Frankenstein series. Then who knows what. At this point we are more surprised when there isn't a message from the library that I have books in. 
  • I was doing an online bible study, but I have to say, that isn't for me. I like the physical presence of people. Some of these women have great insight. You can tell that they have really studied the bible and the history in the bible. It kind of made me feel inadequate. I don't feel like that very often. I am continuing on my own with that particular study. I may take a trip out to the bible store and see what they have out there. I may walk the maze of silence while I'm there. I could always use some quiet time. 
  • I am a chocolate snob. It's time to clean out the candy dishes since we are coming to "candy season". We don't keep much candy or eat much candy. You can tell by how old some of ours is. The other night hubby went to get a piece of candy out of the chocolate dish (yes, I have two candy dishes. One for chocolate and one for non-chocolate. Chocolate will take on the flavor of the fruity candy, so I seperate them.) and put one back thinking it was that nasty Palmer's chocolate. I could have slapped him for even suggesting that. Poor guy. You would think after almost 17 years of marriage, he would know better. That man is crazy.
  • I am getting an iPhone in the next couple of days. The 4S is out, but that means that the 4G has been discounted by $100. At least the one I want has been discounted. I'm getting the big mama 32 gig. I would get the big daddy 64 gig, but I don't need that much. I know the processors are faster and the camera is better on the 4S, but I'm looking at my bottome line. That extra hundred bucks means an Otter Box for my iPhone. I just cannot rely on my phone anymore. I never know when it will work and when it won't, so it's time to break up. The big girl is as excited as she can be. She gets my iPod. Look out world. 
So there you go. Nothing too strenuous. But now I have to make dinner. It's clean out the fridge night. Veggie co-op is this week and I need the room. Too many containers hogging the shelves. Then I get to lesson plan. I am such a procrastinator.  

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