
Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Sex, Vaccines, and Chinese Chicken

Can you tell I have a couple of things on my mind? Not that they are mutually exclusive or anything. I'm listening to the news as I surf around and read blogs and stuff. Between that and some of the news I'm reading on the internet, my mind is spinning faster than ever. Good grief. Like I need my mind to go any faster. Here we go.

I am so tired of people thinking that handing out condoms will encourage kids or teens or whatever age group to go out and have sex. It's not permission, it's protection. Frankly, when I was a teenager, my friends and I, although we thought and talked about sex, were not in a big hurry to have sex. A condom would not have made me run out and find the nearest boy to rip our clothes off and do the wild monkey dance. I had such a horrible body image the thought of a boy seeing me naked just freaked me out. I couldn't even stand the thought of my mom and sister seeing me naked. Condoms don't flip a switch and suddenly everyone who has one is a sex maniac. They won't go running down the street screaming, "SEX, SEX,SEX". Take a breath. I can't say I'll be calm when my kids decide to have sex. I will say that hopefully I am raisng my kids right and they will take the step seriously and responsibly, on their wedding night.

The Guardasil vaccine has now been approved for boys to prevent genital warts. Can we go back to condoms for a minute? They are for protection, not permission. Protect yourself, boys and girls, and cover it up. If you use a condom correctly, if you take all of your precautions, you don't have to worry about that. Most people, roughly 85%, use condoms incorrectly. If you provide them, and teach the proper way to use them, you could cut down on STDs, pregnancy, and a whole myriad of consequences. They are not 100% safe. They will break. But the majority of the breaks are caused by improper use. That being said, I will not vaccinate my children, boy or girls, with this vaccine. There have been too many instances of death with this vaccine. Granted there were extenuating circumstances with some of the deaths, but that should be taken into account as well. Why did you give the vaccine to girls with those problems? Why was every instance of interaction not discussed and addressed? Collateral damage, anyone? It has not been around long enough to determine any affects on fertility or anything else. I don't want the government to say 20 years from now that the vaccine caused this side effect or that. They will, but I don't want my kids to be collateral damage.

And finally, Chinese chickens. Congress has approved, after much help from Tyson, to agree to let chickens be imported from China. What? They put lead in the paint of toys they aren't supposed to, they ship toxic dry wall, they add melanine to baby formula. Why in the hell would we allow them to ship chicken for us to eat? Oh, that's right. Tyson owns the chicken farms. Silly me. No, stupid us if we end up buying chicken from China. They certainly do not have the standards that this country has. Have you ever been to a chicken farm here? It's enough to make you never want to eat chicken again. They walk around all day in all the other chickens' poop. Ewww! The Chinese had to slaughter almost 100,000 chickens a couple of years ago due to the avian flu. The only reason they did it was the amount of sicknes going around and public pressure. And we want to eat their chickens? My family and I do not eat any Tyson products now and I encourage you to do the same. I don't trust anything that comes from China, and now I do not trust Tyson. If they are willing to pay Congress and do business with China, I have no respect for their leadership and no confidence in their products.

I don't have all the answers. I just know what is right for my family. After our big vacation in a couple of years, we are going to be more self sufficient. We are waiting until then to get our animals. It wouldn't be fair to ask anyone to come look after our animals for that length of time. And we will not be buying chickens from China.

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