
Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Slugging It Out

No, I didn't get in a fight. I could have, but I chose the high ground. It sucked, just so you know. I am not about walking away. I am about beating my opinion into you until you see things my way. Anyway...I've been lazy. You wouldn't think that with everything I do all day, but for the most part, lazy has been the MO. I am a slug. If it gets done, it takes FOREVER. That changes today. I even opened the curtains in my room to let the light in. That is saying something.

  • My house is a sty. After four days of recital, a day at Disney, and a million other things, there has been minimal cleaning happening. I have laundry stacked in the living room, my bathroom is atrocious, there are things growing in my shower. I'm not sure they're carbon based life forms. They could be anything. The only thing that even got close to being accomplished on the cleaning front is the dishes. That doesn't count, though, because we ate out for three days. Just dinner, but that was enough. My body is in defensive mode from all the junk. I am slowly but surely getting us back on track. It'll probably happen about the time we start school again. And get really busy. Shit.
  • I am loving our Disney passes. We have the best time just popping down there for a little while then coming home. My favorite part- Epcot serves beer. So do a couple of the other parks. Does it make me a bad parent that I like to drink beer at Disney? It is the happiest place on Earth, right? It only makes sense to serve beer. All those screaming kids, sometimes belonging to you. There must be alcohol just to get through your day. Animal Kingdom has a place that is a full bar. We don't go there. Animal kingdom yes, bar no. That could end badly.
  • I hate trying on bras. I love my boobs, but trying to contain these two is like herding cats. Good luck! And all those pretty, lacy bras that supposedly add a cupsize do NOT fit women with real, saggy boobs (I probably should have said saggy, real boobs. At least I put a comma between the two. That makes them real and saggy, not real saggy.) I fall out of them just trying them on. I did find one bra that is pretty and lacy and actually lifts the ladies. It does not, however, seperate them all the time. Depending on the shirt I'm wearing, I occasionally look like I have a firm, perky boob. Just one. It pushes them up alright, but it also pushes them together. One day, one day, I'll find the right bra. I wish that was today. 
  • I have started wearing pajamas to bed. I know what you're thinking: TMI. What I mean is that I change my clothes before I get in bed. I used to just sleep in whatever shirt I wore that day, unless it was a sweaty day. Now the thought of sleeping in all the junk that I was in all day grosses me out. I have got to change my clothes before I get in my bed. Who wants to sleep in WalMart? That's what I felt like. Like I was sleeping in the atmosphere of all the places I had been that day. Blech! 
  • I don't like finding out that someone I really like has a mean streak. I found out some things about someone I really admire this past weekend. I felt kinda heart broken. I know we all have those things that happen when our front door closes, but still. I really don't like finding out that the mean streak was aimed at someone else that I greatly admire. Just makes me want to slap them both. One for taking it, one for dishing it out. Grrrrr...
  • On the inlaw side, hubby freaked me out. He asked as we were heading to recital if I had ordered a DVD. No, I was gonna do that, I just hadn't yet. Why? His mama wants a DVD. So she can watch her grandkids dance. Why haven't you seen them dance the last ten years? That's how long the big girl has been dancing. She has not been to one performance. I have to say that I have not been very generous about the time my kids get to spend over there. Since all of the crap started last holiday season, they have seen the two younger ones twice and they haven't seen the big girl at all. That's eight months. I think they are finally seeing what living without the "good" grandkids is like. And they don't like it. It's about damn time. I was a good girl. I ordered her a DVD, flesh screaming the whole time. It was the right thing to do, but it sucked my ass doing it.
  • This has not been easy for hubby. I know it hasn't. He loves his parents. I don't blame him. I love mine, too. He is torn between the people that birthed him and the woman he chose. I still encourage him to go see his parents as often as he can. He even took his daddy fishing. They didn't catch a darn thing, but they enjoyed it. That's all you can ask for, really.
That's about all I got for now. I marked some stuff off my list. I guess something did get accomplished today. That means nap time. Whoo hoo!!


Big Sis said...

**I'm with you on the house thing. I'm in the midst of finishing a certification and EVERYTHING gets pushed back.
**I'm really pissed that the one and only time I've been to the Disney World parks that I had NO IDEA there was beer!!!
**Don't even talk to me about bras.
**Really wish I could've seen them dance.
**I love you all!!!

That is all!!

Amy Lou said...

I am making lists of all the things I want to get done this summer. I hope a list will make me accomplish something...