- The amputation has been completed. There will be no holidays for the forseeable future with the in laws. It's just easier. Hubby and I are still talking about when and if the kids will be able to see their grandparents. Before you rush to judge, take a breath. Hubby's point is that he feels like he missed out growing up without grandparents. How would he know is my question. How do you miss something you never had? My point is that if I am not welcome, neither are my kids. And they may say that I'm welcome, but I'm not always treated like that. What are they saying to my kids? Better be not a damn thing. It's better to not grow up with all that toxic junk than to grow up with grandparents. Still debating.
- We painted our bathroom!! I have hated the wall paper from the second I laid eyes on it. So now, almost 7 years later, it's mostly gone. I say mostly because there are a couple of spots that you can see we should have painted better. Oh, well. It's mostly gone. Now if I could get the cabinets replaced. I'd settle for the cabinet doors. If we were going to rip out the cabinets, we would have waited to paint. The next big project is the kids' bathroom. But we would do the cabinet before we paint. And, unfortunately, they have the same tacky wall paper. One step at a time.
- I like to coupon. It saves us quite a bit of money at the grocery store and for Christmas and all that stuff. What I don't like is signing up for a giveaway and getting spammed to within an inch of my life. The spam has been bug nuts crazy. I can't even remember what I signed up for that opened the magic spam portal. I better win whatever it was!
- We are satellite free right now. It's kinda nice. It's still a little freaky to not have TV in our bedroom. It was my timer for so many things. I used the shows and then the commercial breaks as a sort of countdown. We are still working on the whole antenna thing. We have an indoor one, but the reception isn't always the best. Still not going back for awhile.
- While we had satellite we DVR'd quite a bit of stuff. But when we cancelled, it shut down the whole box. We couldn't even watch the stuff we recorded. The things I'm the most upset about are Hawaii Five-O and Burn Notice. I would have liked to watched the Matisyahu concert I recorded, but it doesn't do me any good to whine about it now. Doesn't mean I'm not whining, just means it doesn't do me any good.
- I have been trying desperately to clean up all the yucky piles. Clothes that are clean, clothes that need to get hung up, curriculum I was given, curriculum I need to sell or get rid of, junk on my desk, junk around my desk. I'm starting to feel a little penned in. Wish I had a magic wand.
- And now to get up on my high horse. This time of year government offices get all wonky because of one simple phrase: Merry Christmas. Really? You take down the Ten Commandments and now if for any reason someone says those two dreaded words, they could be fired. Do they not realize that nowhere in the Constitution does it say that there is a seperation of church and state? It says the government won't force you to follow a religion. And if people are going to say Merry Christms, they aren't necessarily foisting Christian beliefs on people. Lots of people say Merry Christms that aren't Christians. They also celebrate Christmas with that cool dude in the red suit. Get over it, people. Stop being so damned sensitive. Good grief.
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Unlisted Number
I know, I know. I'm a bad blogger. My blog called Big Sis the other day. It told her I needed to sit my punk ass down and blog. Strange part of that is that I got the same call. It's like it wanted to make sure it covered all the bases. Well, ok then, here we go.
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I started to redo my bathroom about 11 years ago and NEVER finished!!! hahahahahaha!! I'm not sure I've ever completed a project. Oh, well. Just so you know, you guys are always welcome here. For realz!!! Love you!!
Whatever is going on between you and your in-laws is not going on between your children and your in-laws. I'm speakig from a grandmothers point of view. Please don't ever keep your children from seeing their grandparents!!! Please. If you could see me on my knees begging then that is what I would do. Just let everything be between you and your in-laws. Period. Love....
Oh, Mermie, if it were only that easy. It has gone beyond anything it has ever been before. A couple of years ago, hubby and I decided that what was the most important thing to us was to surround our family with people that love us, which includes each of us, not just most of us. I can no longer fake my way through the backhanded compliments that are meant to hurt more than uplift, the talking behind my back that would never happen to my face, and the more than uncomfortable feelings and emotions that are stirred up when we "visit". If there were an effort made to see the kids, talk to the kids, whatever, the decision would be much harder for me. But it's not there. You are asking to save a relationship that isn't there. It's all well and good when we make the effort, but there is no effort from the other side. It would be a harder decision if my kids didn't see what they see and hear what they hear. But when we sat down with them to explain the situation, the insight from my super intelligent children would have broken your heart. My kids deserve so much more than that. They DESERVE to be around people that love all of us and not just part of us. I will not expose them to the negative infighting that happens ALL THE TIME over there. My ILs seem to enjoy arguing and fighting with each other, but I have no desire to expose my kids to that anymore. It's not Heaven, it's not perfect, but it's also not good for anyone to sit through that. I don't expect you to understand or even agree, but I do ask that you respect whatever decision we make regarding our pod.
I hate writing this out because you can't hear tone in writing, you can only assume. This was not written in a badgering, fussy tone, but a quiet, reflecting one. I hope that carried through.
Love you, too...
Of course it carried through, and I get what you're saying. All I'm asking is to not keep your kids from their grandparents if grandparents want to see them and make an effort to see them. The grandparents have to love the kids. It's mandatory (just jokeing). I feel sorry for the grandparents cause they don't know what they're missing. Or maybe in time they will figure it out. But the kids don't need to be around people that don't love and respect them either. because you're a grandparent you're supposed to carry around sacks and big buckets of love and apparently those don't, but let's hope they open their eyes. Love............
You are the best Mermie. EVER!
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