
Monday, December 19, 2011

Big Top

I am here, there, and everywhere these days. I wish I meant physically. My emotions are over the top, I want to cry and beat someone, or I am over the top happy and want to cry and hug someone. It fluctuates from second to second. Meanwhile, the bullshit gets deeper and deeper and deeper. That cave in Tahiti is looking better and better and better.

Big Sis says she done. She's tired of playing the game, everybody else wins. I let them win, too. By taking myself out of the game. You will hardly ever see me throw a game. I needed to throw this one. It was either that or throw someone, and that would get me jail time. I'm almost thinking it's worth it. I'm hard headed enough to convince myself, too.

Hubby's brother has been sending him messages on Facebook. Amazingly, he hasn't asked to be his friend. Wonder what that's about? He's asked me twice, but I've declined both invitations. The first message was actually kind of nice and we thought, ok, maybe. It said he loved my hubby and always would. Yeah, the second one, not so nice:

                       dido. WHY ARE YOU SO ANTIFAMILy?

Um, the first word confused me. I thought he left out an "l". No, he meant "ditto". The rest of it made me want to cry, then scream, then beat the holy living hell out of him. Antifamily? Who's the asshole now? I wanted to respond. I wanted to send an email back and make a fool of myself. I didn't. Good thing. Hubby called me a little while later and asked if I had. No, but I wanted to. Badly. Good for you, hubby said. Hubby called him. And stood his ground and told him to back off. BIL said hubby hadn't been to the parents house and hadn't spoken to the brother that is between them. Hubby said been there twice and spoke to brother last night. Quit talking about things you don't know anything about. If you have anything to say about me, talk to me first. Phones work both ways, too. He should know, he's the phone man. Oh, yeah, and SIL should stop using her sons FB account to take digs at me. Yeah, she's classy that way. Go away!!

I have been trying so hard to take the high road. That is one of the most difficult things I have ever done. I am a throw it down, in your face kind of gal. I guess you already knew that, though. My flesh screams at me to yell and scream that they know nothing. It won't do any good. We have remained quiet, except my blog. They can kiss it if they think I'll be quiet on this thing. At the park, I said "The view from the high road is AMAZING! It's boring as hell up here, but the view is worth it." Just want them to go away. And on to better topics...

Hubby had some vacation time he needed to take before the end of the year. It was just a couple of days, but it was amazing. We took a drive about an hour north of us to buy his Christmas present. We are all about instant gratification. We could have ordered it online, but then there's the wait as it ships. Who wants to do that? Hubby got a solar kit. It isn't much. It's only 45 watts, but it's enough to power our shed. Hubby is like a kid. He prepped the kit, cleaned the shed out some, rearranged some things, and realized he didn't have a good battery to store the power. So off we go, 9:30 at night, to the big box store so he can buy a battery. That man is crazy and I love him. You should have seen the smile on his face. And if he wasn't at work right now, he'd still be smiling.

This summer when I was home, my mom gave me some jewelry that had been sitting in her jewelry box, just looking pretty. One of the things she gave me was a ring that had belonged to my grandmother. Correct me if I'm wrong, Big Sis, was it her wedding ring? The diamond had actually belonged to my great grandfather. He bought it with moonshine money. People always look at me crazy when I say my grandfather ran moonshine. Well, hello, different time. When he had it, the setting was a locomotive and the diamond was the headlight. It was cut without electricty. Too cool.  My mamaw had it reset. I wanted to wear it right away, but we needed to have the prongs checked first. Prongs are good! The next issue was that my grandmother had these little skinny fingers. So do my mom and sister. Beautiful hands. The big girl got them, too. They skipped me and I have chubbier fingers. I had to wait for the weather to get cooler and my fingers to shrink a little so I could wear it comfortably. It's cooler. I love wearing it. It connects me to the past and to my grandmother, who I love very much. And miss every day. I look at my finger and I feel like she's with me. Just makes me happy.

When I blog, I usually have my headphones in. Music inspires me. Before when I plugged in, I either had to wait 'til hubby got home or put my phone where I could see it light up or feel it vibrate or both. Not with my iPhone. I am so liking this phone. I still would like a QWERTY keyboard, but I wouldn't trade this thing for another phone. Hubby is eligible for an upgrade now. He's pretty sure he's going to get one. Beware the power.

That's all I've got now. Hopefully, it's enough. If I don't see you before Christmas, make it a merry one. And screw the haters. They don't know you like I know you.



Big Sis said...

The ring was in payment for some moonshine our great-grandfather made. It was originally a man's ring. Mamaw had it reset. Seems like a shame. I would've loved to have seen it in it's original setting. Yep, part of our origins are hillbilly rednecks.

Mermie said...

Or how about riverrat rednecks? Not a hill in sight in SE Arkansas. Flat as a fritter! But they still made good shine, or so the story goes. Love..............

Cristy said...

Right about now, I'd say we taste test some shine...