
Friday, November 18, 2011


Just had to let it out. Craziness abounds and the holiday wonkies don't make it any easier. Ready? Here we go:

  • My friend Hillside Hollow got hit by a car in a parking lot!! OMG!! She broke her leg!! Egads!! The man didn't see her 'til he hit her. Hillside Hollow- I hope you get well soon. Bless your heart (and that is not the "you're so stupid" one. That's the "you poor thing, I cannot believe what happened to you" one.)!! There is a website, that I will come back and link to because I forgot to do it before I started this blog, that you can go to and sign up to send meals to families. If you can't actually be there, like you're in another state, they have an option for that, too. What a blessing. Many prayers your way...
  • The baby is spending the weekend away and since hubby was getting off work when we were in town, we met up. We took both vehicles to our drop off point, hung out for a little while, then headed home. I followed hubby and we took the back country way home. I like to go that way. As we headed around a curve, a car in oncoming traffic was coming around at a high rate of speed. In our lane. Hubby swerved to the right, I slammed on my brakes and my horn, and the driver pulled back into his lane. Accident averted. Didn't stop me from screaming at the top of my lungs "IF HE HAD HIT YOUR FATHER, I WOULD HAVE KILLED THAT MOTHER FUCKER!!" Yeah, my kids were in the van. Nice move, mama.
  • We did almost no school this week. Tuesday we ended up with errands to run. Wednesday we stopped at the new art supply store and ended up there for over an hour. Very nice people. Very willing to educate. Very, very helpful. But that didn't help us get home any quicker. So out comes the big eraser. Again. And being just a little depressed doesn't help my motivation at all. I seem to find excuses to not school. I have decided that there are certain days I can't run errands. No matter what. See what I mean about holiday wonkies.
I feel much better now. I know there's more, but it's late and I'm tired. Long day tomorrow, but aren't they all. Peace!! 


Big Sis said...

Hang in there baby!! I almost hit a guy in the parking lot the other day because he was in my blind spot. It scared the livin' crap out of me!! Well, him, too, I'm sure. Love you!!

Tiffany said...

Thanks for the shout out...I just found out today that the old man who hit me is pretty much senile and should NOT be driving a car. I wasn't mad before this but I am now. Not sure what to do though...I'll be making a lot of phone calls next week.