- I don't watch The View. I absolutely cannot stand to listen to the mostly liberal panel spout nonsense. Joy Behar and evolution are two topics that should never go together. She said at one point that evolution should be taught to every child because it had been proven a fact and to not teach it was the same as child abuse. No, it's still a theory because it's never been proven. Even Darwin said he was wrong. Keep up, people. There I go off topic again. Michael Moore was on ranting and raving about who knows what. I only caught the clip on the internet of him squabbling with Elisabeth. I think what set me off was that he wanted Osama Bin Laden brought back to the states and tried instead of killed. I'm afraid I agree with Elisabeth. I don't think so. He said something along the lines of we needed to show the world that if you attack us, we will hunt you down and bring you to trial and punish you to the fullest extent of the law. Dumb ass!! Frankly, I like being part of a country that if you attack us we will hunt you down and kill you. Until you're dead. And instead of dumping the body in the ocean, we hang it high for all his friends to see. Then he said the war was over. Is that why our soldiers are still there? Is that why we still have men and women dying over there? Is that why thousands of families are seperated, some permanently? Because if the war is over, they can come home now.
- Our illustrious leader has a jobs plan. How's that working for you and where was it three years ago when you took office? First you give half a billion dollars (it looks like this: $500,000,000) to a company that is supposed to produce solar panels. Instead they declared bankruptcy. Then they got additional money and still failed. It must be great to be a friend and political supporter of the person who sits in the White House. Maybe that's my problem. I should start saying nice things about him and he'll give me money. Yeah, I'll take my chances, but I appreciate the offer. Green jobs, remember the prediction about that? Only about 3500 have been created. Thousands went to China, though. Wait how does that help us? And then, to promote the jobs bill that he so eloquently hyped, he goes to a production company in NC. A company that just opened a factory in Costa Rica so it could save money on employee costs. A company that shipped jobs over seas. One day, he'll get it. Not today apparently, but I have hope. Of course, he may be out of office by then.
- Political correctness is killing this country. Everyone should have a piece of the pie. Let's not hurt anyone's feelings. Shut up, shut up, shut up. We are making excuses for behavior that is unacceptable. We are coddling our future generations, raising them with a feeling of entitlement. We shouldn't hurt each other's feelings. We probably shouldn't. Tact is a great thing. But that doesn't mean we shouldn't tell it like it is and get over it. We are all Americans, why do we have to identify each other by our ethnic background? Isn't it illegal to discriminate because of that? Then why does it matter? There isn't a block for stupid or not stupid. That should be more important. Grow a pair, people, and use them.
- Big debate on arsenic in our apple juice. Did Dr. Oz scare the American public into not drinking apple juice? Considering they can use 48 different pesticides on as apple, I think arsenic is the least of our worries. The FDA allows more arsenic in apple juice than water. Want to know why? Because we drink more water than apple juice. Exposure to arsenic through apple juice is less likely to happen than exposure by drinking water. That's just stupid. Who's drinking apple juice? Children are. Smaller bodies should be exposed to smaller amounts of arsenic. Arsenic is naturally occuring, but not as a poison or pesticide that can kill you. Did you know that most potato growers grow their own, seperate crop of potatoes? Too many pesticides used on potatoes that go to the general public. Think about that next time you open a bag of potato chips. Just don't serve them with apples or apple juice. Inform yourselves.
Friday, September 16, 2011
Letting Off Some Steam
Want to know what I like about having my own blog? One of the many reasons? I don't have to follow grammar rules if I don't want to. Crazy, I know. I used to want to be an English teacher. The English language is so confusing and if I can help just one student get through it. Ok, if I can help my 3 get through it and maybe a couple of their friends, that'll do. I don't teach grammar every year. I don't have to so that's a huge blessing. But sometimes, it rears it's ugly head. Anyway, ready for bullet points?
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