
Thursday, August 22, 2013

Jumbled Stuff

It is time for a random blog. I've been taking some notes and you get the joy of trying to follow my zig zag trail. I love an adventure. Don't you?

  • I am digging Rhianna right now. I have not been a huge fan in the past, and really, I'm not running out buying all her stuff and stalking her on fan pages. She just has some songs that are speaking my language right now. Stay is killing me!! I will always dance to We Found Love no matter where I am. Full out. Like NOBODY is watching me. Or maybe like EVERYBODY is watching me. Hmmm, there's a thought isn't there?
  • Hubby and I have found a new source for jigsaw puzzles. We were in the mall, kidless for a couple of days and hit the dollar store for something. We had been wanting to work a puzzle, but have you looked at the prices for puzzles? For grins and giggles we checked the toy aisle. Jackpot! They had several, so we got three. They are 500 piece puzzles and we had a great time working them. And they were $1! I even sent hubby back to the store for 2 more. He ended up going to the big box dollar store where things are not generally a dollar (see what I did there? That was nice) instead of the place where everything is a dollar. Even their 500 piece puzzles were $1. I have to be careful, though. I could $1 us half to death with puzzles.
  • We went to Disney for the big girl's birthday last week. That girl turned 15!! What the hell is that? I haven't aged a bit!! Anyway, I have noticed a trend. Those awful high waisted shorts are back in style. I just got to the point I like low rise jeans, don't put me back in mom jeans!! Not only are they ugly, but as far up as they go, is not how far down they go. In other words, the waist may come up to your ribs, but there's 8 miles of ass hanging out of the bottom! What's worse is that parents are letting their tween and young teen daughters wear them. I guess they don't check the back. And again, a trend is a trend because we allow it. Just slap a price tag on it and send it out the door. I was telling hubby this while we were filling our water bottles. And there was a girl wearing them standing there. Well, crap. But know what she did? She adjusted her shorts so they covered her butt more. Thank you!
  • I joined a homeschooling Disney group. They are having a meet and greet soon and the kids and I are thinking about going. They've set up a scavenger hunt and a meet and greet then go do what you want at the park. They have several trips a school year or sometimes post that they are going if anyone wants to join. We are so structured this year, it'll be fun to maybe have a little spontaneous down time. 
  • And now to get political. I have a friend that sells insurance. She and I were discussing ObamaCare. She mentioned that Native Americans would qualify for free insurance. Free, huh? Not interested. But you know I had to ask. I could say the devil made me do it, but it wasn't him. It was all me. "You know it isn't free, right?" Well, damn. She tried to insist that I wouldn't have to pay anything. Why could she not leave it alone? "Of course I'm paying for it. Every time they take money out of hubby's paycheck, I'm paying for it. The best part, though, is that every body else is paying for it, too. That's where our taxes are going. Thank you for paying for my insurance." And then I changed the subject. Needless to say, we don't talk about insurance anymore. I think that's for the best.
Well, there you go. I get to delete a note in my phone! Yea! And the journey wasn't that bad. There was barely a bump.