
Friday, December 21, 2012

Stupid People Piss Me Off

I should probably just shut up, but good luck with that. I posted on my social site that my mantra for the season is "You're argument is invalid because you're stupid". Yea, I say and think that A LOT! For example:

Mt friend KS posted a pic of a shirt that poked fun of the whole end of the world thing. The last line said that Mayans were extinct. Honey, it was on from there. One of her "friends" posted that the Mayans were not extinct, as she was one of them. Um, ok it was a joke. She went on and on. She posted links. People made fun of her. People tried to tell her it was just a joke. And she was adamant that Mayans still existed because she was one of them. She was mixed, but still Mayan. Somehow, corn got brought into the conversation. I offered to bring popcorn to the show because it was getting good. That was soooo the right thing to do. Over 100 comments later, she apologized for hijacking the post and we all went on with our lives. Can we not take life so seriously? Life will get serious when we least expect it. Chill. And stop being stupid.

My hopefully soon-to-be-ex SIL is as stupid as they come. I have known that since the beginning, but it took years for everyone else to catch up. She is dating. Although the divorce is not final yet, she has a new man. Her husband's best friend. Also, he is the soon-to-be-ex husband of her now former best friend. Ow, I think my head hurts. She has turned her kids against their father by having him come get his stuff, including the dog, then telling the kids that he just came and got the stuff that meant something to them because he's mean. She will get hers one day. Wish I could be there. There is a special place in hell for people that manipulate their children. Stupid ass.  

During a conversation that hubby was having with the aforementioned brother, the brother asked if we were going to be at the parents' house for Christmas. Really?!? Not so much, but thanks for asking. Even MIL asked hubby if we were going to be there. How about I would rather get my foot caught in a bear trap and gnaw my own foot off to get out of it? Hubby politely (because he's so much better than I am. Really, he is. I would have laughed out loud and said something HUGELY inappropriate and stupid) told both of them no, but thank you. The stress of the last holiday season and all of the hard feelings that are still there need to be reconciled before we can even think about spending what should be a joyous time together.

People are jumping on the gun control band wagon. I guess if you're going to jump on a band wagon, you might as well play drums. Play it loud enough, people won't be able to hear reason. We don't need more gun control. We need to stop giving the spotlight to people that shoot up malls and schools and movie theaters and whatever else. Report the news, give some FACTS, then let it go. Too many want to be famous and will go out like that if they have to. Too many see the reports and decide, in their delusional fog, that that seems like a great way to go. Guns didn't go into that school and pull their triggers. A man who had serious mental problems did that. And it doesn't matter that I don't need an assault weapon to hunt with. They aren't made for that. They're made for assaulting, stupid. Good thing that's correct grammar or this blog could be taken the wrong way. It's not about the guns, it's about the people that use them for stupid things.

Can we talk about how the holidays brings out the stupid in people? You've dealt with it. Hell, we've all been stupid at the holidays. My kids get 1 present from each set of grandparents, 2 from hubby and me, and 1 from Santa. Nothing over the top. Nothing that costs more than about $30. Maybe $40, depending on how good Santa is to them. He has lots of overhead, you know, with all those elves. I cannot even imagine what it costs to feed those reindeer.

We've all been stupid. Hell, I'm there every day. Stupid is as stupid does. I just try to remove myself before it gets filmed. I could talk about how stupid that is, but that is a whole blog in and of itself.

Low key this year for us. I miss my mom. Time doesn't make it better. That's just stupid. It just makes it easier to pretend it didn't happen. Grief is something else, I'll tell you what. Enjoy your holidays. Hug your kids. Spend time having fun and making memories that bring warmth to the heart. That is NEVER stupid.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012


I'm still here. It's the holidays and I need some quiet time. Give me a bit and I'll be back.

Monday, December 10, 2012

I Got nothin', Well, a Little Something...

I need to blog, but I just don't know what to blog about. Even my list is boring. There's some political stuff (I canNOT believe that we have to relive all this crap for another 4 years. Really, people? He fucked us the first 4 years with no kiss, and here we go again. If this keeps up, I'm going on the dole. Then the bitches can pay for me!), some school stuff (I have ideas for field trips, it's just getting off my tuckus to make some calls and get it done.), some family stuff (we really are pretty boring. Good grief!), and some random stuff (cricket, cricket, cricket).

I just want to write. I have tons of stuff to keep me occupied, but I'm done with being occupied. I have all these characters and story lines. Sometimes the characters won't get out of my head until I write them down. I started a notebook to put them in. That way I don't lose track and I can get them out of my head. November is write a page a day month or write 1000 words a day or some kind of writer's month. It was also blog every day month, but that didn't happen either. I also haven't had much time for me. We were sick and now we have to play catch up. I know where we need to be by the time we break for Christmas, and by gosh, by golly, we're going to be there. But that cramps my writing time.

I just bought a Ninja. Not the dress in black, Japanese bad ass Ninja, although that would be cool. The food processing, smoothie making, and in this case, dough making Ninja. I don't plan on making a lot of dough and I have a big stand mixer for that anyway. I do like some homemade pretzels, the soft kind with all the salt and a little bit of mustard. Crackers are fun and tasty. They don't last, but they are good. I'm hoping for smoothies that will boost my energy. Hubby is excited about that, too. I have a friend that loves hers. It's my Christmas present, but I'm opening that bad boy today. Look, a spark of interest.

I have to take a nap EVERY DAY. I am old. It gets to be about 2 o'clock and my eyes just want to slam shut. Not good when you're driving, but it keeps me on my toes. It's that whole depression thing. The holidays normally suck for me because I can't be with my family. This year is super sucky. A cave to hide in until it's over would be much appreciated. We finally got the Christmas stuff out, but it took us another 3-4 days to open the tubs and get it done. The tree that I put in our room didn't get decorated for another couple of days. Depression is for the birds.

I think it would have been amazing to win the powerball. Can you imagine the size of the shoe room I would build? Can you imagine the shoes I could buy to fill that bad boy up? Amazing!! I think a Hawaiian/European vacation would be in order. I want to go to Hawaii, Fiji, Tahiti, Tonga, Germany, Italy, Spain, Portugal, England, Ireland, Scotland, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, and I know some of those aren't in Hawaii/Europe, but if I'm planning a vacation, I am going to plan a VACATION!! And somewhere in there I may help some of the poor people, because I'm nice like that.

Reality television is the downfall of our society. Multiple wives, rich housewives that have no idea about the real world, redneck beauty queens, redneck Muslims (what the hell?), and now Amish that "keep the peace" in their towns. Shut up!! Go back into the backwards hole you crawled out of. We need to take our television programming back. There is no way Sugar Woowoo should be such a huge hit. It's the train wreck mentality. It's happening and is so gross you can't look away. Yeah, yeah I can. I just don't watch.

See, it wasn't much, but it was a little something. I'm going to make some oatmeal and get my day going. And bonus, I feel a little better. I love it when that happens!