
Tuesday, June 14, 2011


I cried and cried. As tears poured down my face, I have resolved to do better, to be better, to spread the word. It is a beautiful truth.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Don't Believe the Hype

I have always said that this is my blog. This is my online journal where I let it all hang out, so to speak. This is where I use my voice for good as well as evil. I have also said that I don't care if you agree with me. I really don't. You don't like what I write, read something else. I have not been completely honest. I have avoided certain subjects because I didn't want to offend some people that are very important to me, namely my family. But this has been weighing on my mind. Since I'm leaving soon to go visit said family, I guess I better get this off my chest so I don't explode while I'm there. That never ends well. That would lead to me packing up three kids and heading back east. And lots of hurt feelings. That part sucks. So here goes.

My mom has breast cancer. It is Stage 4, inoperable and has metasticized to her bones. She had a lumpectomy and removal of several lymph nodes. That's when they found the rest of it. The diagnosis has never scared me. It may have upset me, but I have never been scared that the cancer would kill her. I would have loved to go to her doctors appointments with her to question the doctor. I would have loved to turn the doc upside down and inside out to see how my mom was going to be treated and why. I know several people that have inoperable cancer (which just means that you can't operate. I mean, what are you supposed to do, go in and scrape every bone in her body?) and have lived with it for over 20 years. The disease has not progressed. Many of them have seen a regression of the cancer. Why?

Proper nutrition and no chemo or radiation. A recent study suggests that more people die from the effects of the chemo and radiation than the cancer it treats. Chemo is no more than poison. Some chemos given to children contain components of DDT. Do you remember DDT? It was dropped into the jungles of Vietnam during that war and used as a pesticide. It has been banned by the federal government due to it's toxicity. But they are making chemo drugs for children with parts of it. Most of the chemo drugs out there cause cancer themselves. The side effects are hair loss, loss of appetite, leukemia, and death. Death? I thought the side effects of diarrhea and constipation were a turn off. Malnutrition was the number one killer of chemo patients for many years. Radiation for some cancers leave you scarred and burned for life. It also tears down all the good, healthy cells along with the cancer cells. What happens when you don't have good healthy cells? Um, death? Yes! Why would anyone knowingly put themselves through that?

Because when you hear the word cancer, you freak out. When it's you it's directed at, you really lose your mind. I cannot blame anyone for that. The doctor is not God. Only God knows when our time is up. It's not written in stone and given to us when we're born. We don't have an expiration date etched into the bottom of our foot with a lot number. Important questions need to be asked. Did your doctor say "cure" or did he say "containment". When the doctor spouts quality of life bullshit, does the doctor mean your's or her's? Is there a chance that the cancer can come back, bigger, badder, stronger because of the damage you are doing to do to my body? Are you going to treat me holistically or do you give a shit about my overall well being?

Your body is a temple. Treat it right, feed it right and this disease can be gone, and yes, even cured. With the proper treatment, instead of poisons pumped into your body, you can outlive and overcome anything thrown your way. Most doctors do not care or give a crap about nutrition when it comes to cancer patients. If they did, they would be out of a job in most cases. I can't remember where I found the article, but I'm looking for it so I can link it, about a doctor that sued a patient because the patient left his practice, sought alternative therapy, and was cured. The doctor sued for several hundred thousand dollars, the exact amount he would have made had the patient undergone the prescribed treatment. He lost, thankfully.

There is so much good, quality, solid information about heat therapy instead of chemo. There is so much good, quality, solid information about nutrition. There is so much good, quality, solid information about antineoplastin therapy. But all of this is ignored, controlled, and even contained. And for the record, the Susan G. Komen Foundation is not about finding a cure. It's about informing people about breast cancer. Guess what? We know it's there. Find a proper cure that doesn't kill people. Fund research and development of therapies that are helpful and healthful.

I have always said that you need to do your own research. I have never compromised about that. I am very vocal about that issue. Do your research with an open mind. Closed minds equals closed lives.

I never worried about the cancer diagnosis. That, I could fix. The chemo, that's a more difficult problem. That will take longer than I have time to spend with my mom. I have sent several emails to her and my sister, but have never gotten a response from them. Did they read them? I don't know. I would like to think that they did. I hope they did. I hope they read this with an open mind and know that I want my mom to live many more years. She has two daughters that love her to the moon and back and a thousand times more than that. She has seven grandkids that think she hung that moon just for them. And I hope that I'm still welcome to visit after this blog. This is one of the hardest I have ever written, knowing that it will upset people that I love more than my own life. 

I'm getting down from my soapbox now. For a minute. Wait til I get started about flouride!

Friday, June 10, 2011


You read my blog. You know I'm not talking about me.No, this is about something much more important. We are not moving to Texas. It sucks. I could expand on that, but why? Just suffice it to say it ain't happening. The most important word to add here is: YET.

We were so excited when we got the news that hubby had gotten the job. We weren't as close as I'd like to be. We were still a couple of hours from my sister and about 3-3 1/2 from my mom. But that's alot closer than four states. I pictured cookouts and holidays and my beautiful nieces spending as much time with us as they could. I pictured seeing my friends, many of whom I have reconnected with lately and am very excited about that. We even found a house. 20+ acres, 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, 2 bonus rooms, and 2 ponds. We were gonna get chickens and goats, maybe a milk cow. We were thinking about buying 2-3 more towers and starting an organic co-op.

I am not a patient person. After four months of delay and more delay on the horizon, it was fish or cut bait. We cut bait. Sometimes, you just have to. We have not given up. Hubby is even looking in (shudder, shudder) Oklahoma. That's big for this Texas girl. That would put us closer still to Mermie. We just aren't looking right now. Right now, there is more overtime on the horizon than we can think about and the very real possibility of paying off some bills. That would make our move so much easier. Because we are moving one day. Just not today. I need to be patient.

Who am I kidding? I don't know what patience is. I'd rather jump in and fix it, get it done, quit wasting time. Wasting time is like wasting money. There isn't enough of either so I'd rather not. They say patience is a virtue. It's just not a virtue I have.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Taking a Breather

Don't I wish I had time for a breather! It has been a bit of a whirlwind the last couple of weeks. That and hubby has been working his cute tushy off. That means I work overtime, too. I do have a list so I hope that makes up for being gone so long. I think stress is starting to creep up on me because I defnitely need to vent. So here I go...

  • We missed a house payment. Believe it or not, we did it intentionally. We were trying to get me to Texas to visit my mom. We needed the money for expenses and everything else. We ended up getting caught up on some other bills instead, so really it was ok. We have made late payments before. The bank just sends a slip for the next month and a reminder that we missed a payment. Wells Fargo is our mortgage company. Don't let them hold your mortgage. Bunch of damn crooks is what they are. Anyway, I guess since they're in hot water for illegally foreclosing on houses, they suddenly decided now was the time to start the documentation process. I told the last person that called, she was the fourth in a week and a half, that nothing had changed and they could leave us alone. When the money hit my bank, I would write them a check. I also told her that I had written down the dates, times, and names of the people that had called. I also had a record of the messages they left on the answering machine. If they didn't leave me alone, I was going to file a harassment suit. They actually waited four days until they called again. I told them that since it was my birthday, I didn't have to talk to them. Then I told them to have a happy my birthday and hung up. See if I ever make a payment on time again. Push me again, assholes.
  • Sarcasm is what I do best. I'm not sure how I got so damned good at it, but I'm teaching my kids all the necessary skills to be sarcastic as well. The boy has doen a fine job. Sometimes, stuff comes out of my mouth so fast, I don't have time to stop it. Not sure if I'm changing that, just thought I'd bring it up.
  • Jack Kevorkian died. I think that's sad. I really don't care for late night talk shows anymore, but I'm sure he was the butt of many jokes. I think he was a highly misunderstood man. When he first came to the forefront of the news, he was looked at as a quack. I think he just wanted to help people die with some dignity. Other doctors would tell of how the people Kevorkian helped die could have had many more years with the proper treatment. What would the quality of those years be, though? What kind of treatment? It wasn't the doctors' choice. It was the patients'. 
  • I think apathy has become the fastest spreading disease this country has ever seen. We have let the media and TV and the internet dictate our behavior and what's acceptable. I'm breaking that chain. I can't cure everyone of the disease, but I can prevent my kids, my family, and myself from getting it. Hubby and I are raising our kids to use manners and kindness. They hold doors for people, they pick up things that someone may have dropped, and we even pick up clothes from the floor and dressing rooms and put them back on hangars when we're shopping. I have a hard time going to the junior's section at one of my favorite department stores. I could be there for hours hanging stuff up and folding it. Drives me crazy to see all that. People should take better care of things. They should have more respect for other people. There is no discipline it seems. I'm hoping for a pay it forward kind of thing. See someone help out then do something nice for someone else. Maybe, just maybe, there can be a remission of apathy.       
  • Tired of waiting for the job in Texas to open again. Hubby is going to call his Texas boss and kind of lay it on the line for him. Need something to happen now or we're moving on. We just cannot continue on this path. We need the wheel to stop turning. Then we figure something else out if we have to. I don't want to be jaded with this process. Kinda can't help it, though.
That's all I've got for now. It was a short list, but it feels good getting it off my chest. Now, hubby and I sit and make a menu. We're going a little more vegetarian this summer. We'll see how that goes. I'm going blog stalking for ideas. Peace!


Been away awhile. Sorry about that. I've had a bunch to do on the other blog, and for once, we were busy. Go figure. For now, though, I gotta go cook crab legs for hubby for his birthday. I will be back. And I have a list.