
Monday, February 28, 2011

Super Stuff?!?

The title is just a takeoff of my friend Amy over at High Strung Musings. I'm gonna talk about the Super Bowl and she had a post about the whole anthem debacle. I'm also gonna talk about some other stuff, but I'm leading in with that. Shall we?

I didn't get to see the beginning of the Super Bowl since the big girl and I had youth that night. Hubby, being the good doobie that he is, recorded it so I could watch the commercials. That man is good to me and I love him for it. I finally got to sit down last night and watch it. We are trying to watch all our stuff on the DVR since we don't know when we're moving. We aren't getting satellite or cable when we move and we won't have the box, so it's now or never. That and it takes up too much room on the DVR. I didn't care for many of them this year. They were stupid and most of them I wouldn't watch with my kids in the room. It was weird to fast forward through the show to watch commercials. I almost felt dirty. Not really.

When the Super Bowl was on, I got to hear the Black Eyed Peas but I didn't get to see them. When I heard Fergie, she was awful. They were all out of tune. Usher danced wonderfully, but he was lip syncing. Actually, to be correct, I guess they were playing a backing track. What. Ever. If you aren't singing live all by yourself, you are lip syncing. But back to my original point. When I watched the half time show, I have to say it was better than I remembered. I still like the original GnR version of Sweet Child of Mine, but she wasn't bad. I actually enjoyed it.

The weather here has been beautiful. Warm and sunny during the day, cool in the evenings. It was pretty windy today, though. I hung sheets on the line and the wind filled them up like they were sails on a ship. I had to take them down and put them in the dryer instead. I thought my clothesline was going to come out of the ground. It has been perfect beach weather.

I know people are interested, but I wish they wouldn't keep asking if we've heard anything about the job. Like I can keep my big mouth shut. That and I would put it on Facebook, so there. We think, hopefully by April, there will be a notice of some sort. The merger will be complete by the first of the month and the new budget will be out. We are just slow and steady getting stuff done. Hubby is taking a couple days off this week so we can do some chores.

I got an iPod touch with tax refund money. OMGosh, Angry Birds is addictive. I am killing pigs left and right and I cannot get enough. Damn pigs!!

And really, that's it. It's late, I'm tired, and I have pigs to lob birds at.  

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

I am glad...

  • my kids love to laugh
  • hubby has a job
  • it has been in the low 80's all week
  • I marked two things off the "pack to move" list
  • I have great friends
  • I am healthy
  • I have the high score on Baby Girl on Just Dance 2
  • I have a clothesline to hang clothes on
  • that it's dinner time
That's better...

I wish...

  • I didn't have to worry about money
  • I didn't have to worry about my kids
  • I read my bible more
  • I could get the high score on The Power on Just Dance 2
  • I could lose 40 pounds without diet and exercise
  • I had more room in my closet for shoes
  • we were going to be in Texas for Easter
  • my boy didn't have allergies
  • people were nicer
  • I had a Camaro to just toodle around town in
It is what it is...

Friday, February 18, 2011


Great day at the park. No drama, no distress. The boy skinned his knees pretty bad and it really hurt. He even cried just a litte. I had to hide him, and I stood really close so he could lean on me. I gave him a quick one armed hug. That seemed to do the trick and his friends didn't see a thing. We got it all cleaned up, threw a couple of bandaids on 'em, and off he hobbled. Crazy kid.

After the park was the grocery store. I really don't like taking dirty, sweaty kids to the park, but what I don't like even more is coming back to town if I don't have to. And they were having a sale. It's Italian days and they had some really great deals. I spent $19.15, but I saved $34.54 with coupons. I had to get the boy one of those carts he could ride in. I like the ones at our grocery store. They have the buggy up front and the seat is just a bench. No cars, or animals or ride in carts that all my kids have outgrown.

By the time we got home, I was tired. I had groceries to put away. I got the good block mozzarella to make lasagna with. I mean the kind that you have to slice, you can't shred it. It was on sale and I had a coupon. I had a lunch bag that had to get emptied. I had dirty kids that needed showers. I had to pee so bad I thought I was going to burst. I do NOT use the bathrooms at the park, and I hate the ones at the grocery store. And I had just sat down to check my email after I went to the bathroom when my phone rang. It was my dad.

He is in Hawaii spending some time with my sister. Not Big Sis, my other sister. She is my half sister, and we only met once. My dad wanted to know if I wanted to talk to her. My first thought, and actually I said it out loud was, "I just got home from the park." Dumb ass. What I did was stop and take a breath. "I would love to talk to her."

I have often wanted to talk to her. I would get snippets of information about her from time to time. But I would have liked to have a relationship with her. I would like to have a relatonship with her now. She is my sister, after all. At one point I had an email address for a store that she owned. I thought many times about writing her a letter, but I never did. I regret that. I was unsure of what to say, unsure of her reaction, unsure of many things. But here was an opportunity being handed to me. I wasn't about to throw this one away, too.

I hope that today was a first step. I hope that there is another step made. Her daughter, my niece, is one of my friends on Facebook now. Is that one more? I hope...

I'm Done

Fine, Queen of Rock it is. I really can't find one I like more than that, so there you have it.


This is why I don't like change...

Last One

For now, anyway. The purple was too distracting, the second was way too calm. I don't really like the green, but I like all the accents.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

And because I'm a woman...

I am entitled to change my mind. What about this?

So, What Do Y'All Think?

I did some work on the blog. I like it. Comments? Questions?

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Adults Only

I have a couple of things on my mind. Some of the topics are a little on the steamy side, so if you are under the age of 18, you need your parents permission to read this. It's really not that bad. It just makes me feel better to say that.

Empowerment has been on my mind lately. There's a line in Nicolas Cage's new movie that just struck a chord with me. The line is, "Between now and then, I'm gonna mess you up." Love it. I was reading a blog today and there was a line that made me laugh out loud. "That bitch is going to get deep fried if she pecks me one more time." I have a feeling I may have to use that some time soon. But the one thing that comes up when I think of female empowerment is Erykah Badu's Tyrone. If you have never heard it, you need to. But don't listen to it around little ears. You better call Tyrone...

I'm watching Gone With the Wind. What a crock of shit! I have never watched this, and I have never read the book. From the snippets I've seen, and the stuff I've read, all I can say is what?!?! I don't much care for simpering, conniving women. Play games somewhere else. And, I guess being a modern woman, I just don't care for women depending on men like they do. I know it was a different time. Just drives me crazy!! I was raised by a very strong woman that taught me that I need to know how to stand on my own two feet. I don't care for female characters in movies, books, whatever that are constantly the victim. Put your big girl panties on, cowgirl up and ride. Shit happens, but you don't have to keep stepping in it. I just can't watch anymore.

I have a filthy, dirty mind. Every time I hear the word "nuts", I think about nuts. You know what I'm talking about. The danglies, the buddies, the huevos of the rancheros, the sac. Nuts, nuts. It's just one of those things. Sometimes I smile when people say they ate nuts. Sometimes I laugh. Out loud. For a long time. Here's my favorite nuts joke: What do you call nuts on the wall? Walnuts. What do you call nuts on your chest? Chestnuts. What do you call nuts on your chin? A blowjob. I'm giggling now. Nuts. Nuts, nuts, nuts. I crack myself up.

There's more I could talk about. Specially the dirty mind part. Like when I have to put butternut squash in an order I always hold it by the bottom. You know, by the "nuts". Then I smile, and giggle a little. No, really, that's the last one. For now.

Monday, February 7, 2011

The List

I had an eventful day at the park on Friday. I also had some great conversations at Chess Club on Saturday. And Friday was my anniversary. Hubby, bless him, has put up with me for 16 years. All of this and some wacko things happening in the news got me to start a list. I started listing things I wanted to talk about here. When I told hubby, he said I should title this "The List". Works for me.

  • The word "militant" has come up alot lately. I hear it on the news, I hear it on the radio, and I probably was one on Friday, but that's for a different bullet point. You hear it on the news, usually in reference to a war or a very violent act. Well, duh. But my point is that that word is used to describe all kinds of people and all kinds of groups. You hear it in reference to all kinds of religions. I think that's what really pisses me off. Militant Christians bombing abortion clinics and militant muslims setting themselves off as bombs. My God doesn't want that. You can't tell me He does. I understand passion and obsession, but I have to say I don't understand that. You never hear of a militant Buddhist. That's an oxymoron, I know, but still. I could go into this more, but I have a feeling hubby wouldn't want that. So, in deference to him, I leave it at that.
  • I very much dislike bible thumpers. I have never been a shove-it-in-your-face kind of girl. Now, wait a minute, quit laughing and let me explain. I don't like having things shoved in my face. Bible thumpers to me are the worst. Instead of planting the seed, they grind it up. I know what I know. I have a relationship with Jesus Christ, now back off me before you need His healing and comfort. If you want my testimony, I am more than willing to give it. I love the words in the bible and how they make me feel. I do my own studying. Do not thump your bible at me.
  • Our country is in debt. China owns more of us than we do. I don't know about you, but when we're broke (which is all the time), we call people that owe us money. Hey you got that $20 I loaned you 2 months ago? I really need it. Why aren't we doing that? Why are we still giving foreign aid to countries that may or may not be on our side when push comes to shove? Why are we not calling due all that money? I know it's only a small fraction of our national debt, but you would be amazed at what I can do with $20. I can put a week's worth of food on the table for that. I think it is time for tough love. Thank you little third world struggling country, but it's time you learn how to walk. By the way, you owe us $4 trillion. Thanks and good luck. All you guys in Europe that are broke, too, because you combined all your money, yeah, we're gonna need our cut. Just sayin'.
  • Conversation at the park got a little heated. I even said twice that this was not a conversation that needed to occur. They went on anyway. It started with, "No offense, but...". You meant to be offensive, and shame on you for it. For example: "Why would God make them gay?" My response: "Did you think God didn't know they were going to be gay? If He didn't know, doesn't that negate everything in the bible?" Then there was: "Their god isn't the same as ours." My response: "We all have a different God. You tell me what you think God is in your heart, mind, and soul, and I guarantee it's something different than mine." And, it is the same God. He is the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, but that's another discussion for another time. Do not take that to mean I am a bleeding heart, though. I'm just stating facts. And the one that set me off more than anything: "I can't stand how she's rasing her kids." My response: "It has nothing to do with you. Those are her kids, it's her family, so back off. If you want to do something, then pray." It didn't have anything to do with abuse, but lifestyle choices. If it had been something bad, I wouldn't have been so defensive.

That's part of the list. I'm still jotting ideas down. Who knows where the next list will take us.