- Last night was book club. I had a really good time. I like having the opportunity to maybe read some things I haven't read before. I also got to see some friends that I haven't seen for awhile. And the best part, I've already read the book for next time. I am really glad I do not have to fight the library. I am so tired of fighting them. At least the kids have turned in their books and are fine free. The people that work there drive me crazy.
- I have felt a little off kilter lately. I'm not sure why or what to do about it, but I have this foggy feeling. I don't feel disconnected, I just don't feel completely connected. Hubby said he's noticed, but he knows I get this way sometimes. I wish he knew why so I could fix it. If I've been a little snarky with you, sorry.
- I still have a hole in my backyard where the pool is supposed to go. I told hubby I'm done. I cannot be attached to the thought of a pool in our back yard. I have half a mind to ship the liner back and get my money back. I'm ready to fill it in and ge have my yard again.
- It's rained so much I haven't been able to use my clothesline. It is a blessing to have the rain, but my electric bill is higher now. On a bright note, it was so sunny today, I got to hang two loads out. I even managed to get them both in the house by the time the sky opened up and let it fly. Gotta love the rain.
- Lots of rearranging going on here. I have to clean out the big girl's closet, clean out ours, move a computer and a desk, get rid of a computer and move another desk, and buy a couple of dressers. Yeah, that shouldn't take long. I'll squeeze it in between bonbons and soaps. I don't remember the last time I watched a soap. I don't think I've ever had bonbons. I did just have a piece of ice cream cake that was really good. But it was dessert after dinner, not a mid day snack.
- I couldn't text for two days. I could receive, I just couldn't send. Hubby and I were looking at something and realised that some how some of the numbers weren't quite right. We fixed it and I can text now. I love texting. I hate paying for it, but I like having the option.
It wasn't too bad, was it? I tried not to keep you too long. Of course, after the boredom sets in, trouble shows up. I feel like that Mayhem guy in the Allstate commercials. Only cuter.