- Recital is over. That means another year of dance down. I love dance. The kids were amazing. I posted some pictures on the other blog. I'll get the videos downloaded when I get to high speed connection. I would like to send a big shout out to the ladies in my tap class that participated. Much love to you, ladies. You were so very, very good. Maybe next year; I don't know. The big girl and I are thinking about taking jazz next year. I love my tap class, I just feel like a little something different. I think the big girl is ready, too. She's done hip hop for the last 4 years. We were going to try to take summer classes, but we just aren't going to be able to afford it. Oh, well.
- Our illustrious leader is an idiot. Because BP screwed up, he is shutting down the other rigs in the area. I don't know if that's to try to take the pressure and attention away from them and the mess in the gulf, I just know it's wrong. There goes the production of domestic oil, which means HUGE prices at the gas pump. Get ready for $4 a gallon prices and higher. That just makes us more dependent on foreign oil and Muslim countries and puts more Americans out of work. Way to go!
- I had a great day at co-op. I really like our veggie co-op. I call it veggie, but we get fruit from there as well. I really like the lady that runs it and feel like I have made a true friend. I have also gotten to know a fellow homeschool mom better. Love that. Good, solid, relationships are so important. It feels good to have surrounded our family with like minded people. The food is amazing. One lady says I have talked her in to buying the organic garlic. She won't switch back now. I'm not really sorry. It is a little more oily, but that makes more flavor. It's funny because I don't want to wash my hands. I like the smell of the garlic. I just look weird walking around the house smelling my hands. The kids just roll their eyes and give me that look. You know the look. It's the "My mom is crazy" look. Kiddos, you don't know the half of it.
- Hubby is mostly done digging the hole for the pool. I'm not excited. Yet. When the hole is done and the frame is going up, I'll be excited. When the pool is being filled up and chlorine is being added, I'll be excited. When I am floating and working on my tan at the same time, I'll be excited. Until then, the update is that the hole is almost complete.
- Hubby and I have put ourselves on a "no extras" budget. We are nickel and diming ourselves half to death. We look at our check register and see the same thing over and over and over. We have gone to making a menu for breakfast, lunch and dinner. We plan the meals around veggie co-op so we know what produce we'll have. Then I check my coupon websites and make a grocery list. There are a couple of things that always go on the shopping list: ground turkey, ground beef, milk, eggs, and bread. The rest is planned to within an inch of it's life. My friend M was a little surprised that we plan for all three meals, but we have to. I won't have something I need if I don't. And amazingly, hubby actually sits down and helps me. I love that man.
- We are going to eventually switch the pool to a salt water pool. Chlorine is so horrible for you. And if you get wrong levels, it can really do a number on you. Our water softener system and the pool will be salt. Huh, hadn't thought about that before. Of course, no real planning until the pool goes up.
- We are the proud new owners of three tomato plants, one cucumber, two pepper, and one eggplant. Hubby stopped at his mom and dad's and she loaded him up. They all have stuff on them already. We just need to remember to water them and we could actually have a crop this summer. Hubby is going to build a shade or cover for them. We don't have any shade, and it gets hot at noon. All that sun beating down on the poor little plants. They'll wish they could swim in the pool pretty soon, too. We'll see how we do.
- We are also the proud new owners of a hand me down computer. We put it in the big girl's room. It also belonged to my in laws. It is strictly for school. There will be no internet access to it. I'm going to load our Spanish program and typing on it. Hopefully, it'll get used. Apparently it got a virus. We need to check it out. We may need to wipe it clean and reset it before we do anything to it. Great. More junk. I need that like I need another hole in my head. It will go back if it doesn't work, that's for sure.
Wow, that was more than 7 and I still have stuff to say. Amazing. Not really because I like to talk. And talk, and talk. I guess I'll wrap it up. Until next time when I talk your ear off again. See ya'.