- Saturday is the big girl's birthday party. We are doing it big this year. Hubby has been working a ton of overtime and we are greatful and thankful and praise God every time he gets the overtime text message. He has been faithful and true to us. We have gotten quite a few bills paid off and have made a dent in several others. That feels really good. But we decided it was time for a little fun. The big girl seems to get jipped on her birthday some how. It's just not usually a good time financially. That's how we came up with special days. But Saturday,we are renting a water slide for her party. It's kind of for us, too. She has about fifteen kids and some parents coming over. We are all excited. Hubby is even taking Friday off so he can help get things straightened up around the house. It will be nice to have him home for a little while.
- There has been a big coupon sensation going on in my homeschool group. It really is fascinating to see the savings that some people are able to achieve. I have couponed for years, but these ladies make it a sport. I love it. I've even learned a thing or too. I went to Target the other day with a handful of coupons. They were $1 off General Mills cereals. Target has their single serving size of GM cereals on sale for $1. They put more in those than I would normally give my kids. I bought 10 of them and a Pepsi. It cost me $1.36. That was for the Pepsi. It was awesome! We went to KMart last Sunday. It's Double Coupon Days. They double anything from $2 and down. We went armed with coupons and even picked up a couple from the flyers and cut our bill in half. I had three $1 off coupons for Colgate toothbrushes. They had some on clearance for $1.49. The coupon doubled to $2. They paid me to buy toothbrushes. I like that part. You should try it if you haven't. Yeah, I know, "I always forget." Blah, blah, blah. You don't want to save any money. Come on now, no cop outs. Try it. Make your list, get your coupons, look at the flyers for the best deals, and go. It's fun. Check your stores coupon policy online. Most take competitors coupons in addition to manufacturer's and their own. That's three coupons for one item.
- I had a couple of really nice compliments on my hair. My friend Scott took one of those Facebook quizzes and it asked who had the best hair. He said me. He called it amazing. My friend Frances concurred when she took her quiz. Thanks, y'all. That makes me feel really good. I have enough hair for a small country. It's kind of a trademark. It scares me to let it out when it's really humid. It soaks up the moisture and just gets bigger and bigger. Sometimes I feel like a chia pet. I love my hair. I hated it when I was a kid. I almost know how to keep it somewhat tamed now.
- I helped the kids clean their rooms. I took an afternoon to help each one. I started with the big girl, then the baby, then the boy. The boy had a full 13 gallon trash bag. I vacuumed the floors, except the boy's. He has tile. He volunteered to sweep his floor. You could have knocked me over. The big girl was funny. We were about half way done and she said she would finish the next day. Oh no, Little Missy. We are in this for the long haul. The baby actually cooperated. She cannot stand to clean her room, but she stuck with it. She didn't whine or complain once. That was a big relief. I did threaten them to within an inch of their lives if the mess them up before Saturday.
- I have this weird pain in my thumb. It doesn't hurt all the time, just when pressure is applied. It's between the joint at the hand and the next one up. It started about a week ago. If I put pressure down on the tip, into the joint, no problem. But if I put pressure like trying to hold something with it, it can almost floor me. Weirdest thing.
- We have decided not to bury as much of the pool as we had originally planned. At this point, it's not worth the hassle. We are going to level what we have now and start putting that bad boy up. We might actually get to swim sometime this year. I'm almost excited about it. When we get to swim, I won't be so jaded. Until then, I'm jaded.
- I finished my story about Tyler and Lydia. I had planned a to do two more chapters, but Caleb and Amanda are pushing them out. I should say now that any part of this blog and all other posts on this blog, including comments, are my property. They cannot be reproduced without my permission. Caleb is Josiah's older brother and Amanda is Caleb's ex. I have the whole family in a story and relationship of some kind. Simon and Gillian, who I referred to briefly, started this whole thing. Then Josiah and Josie followed. Caleb and Amanda are next. And bringing up the rear right now is Abe and MaryAnn, who I also touched on. But there are six brothers and one little sister, Rebecca. Poor Rebecca. Six older brothers who are alpha males. Tyler made an appearance in Josiah and Josie's story. I may tell the stories, or write them down one day, who knows.
I think that's good enough for tonight. I have a busy day tomorrow. I'm gonna check Facebook one more time, and I am out. See ya' later.