
Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Not Much to Say

Can you believe that? Just give me a minute, I'll think of something. I felt the need to blog. I don't always have time, but sometimes I have to make time. This is my therapy. I'm one of those people that has to talk it out. Then I beat it to death. I just have to blab about it for days. But this helps alot. Without my blog, I might have lost my mind. Yeah, yeah, I know. Not much of a loss, ha, ha. Talk to the hand.

Most of the songs on my iPod are older. I've been listening to Suzanne Vega's "Tom's Diner". "You" by Candlebox got me to Las Vegas when I moved out there. The only part of that time that I regret is not liking my boss. She made my job miserable, but I loved almost everybody else I worked with. "It's Tricky" and "Christmas in Hollis" by Run-DMC are both in there. Big Head Todd is an amzing band that I got turned onto when I lived in Austin. One of the salesmen that I worked with was very into the music scene and always knew who the great up and coming bands were. And he wasn't ever wrong.

But I have some stuff that's even older. I have some Charlie Daniels, Marshall Tucker, and The Doobie Brothers. You have to love a band called The Doobie brothers. But I also have House of Pain, "Jump Around", and George Michael, "Freedom '90". That song is really great if you are hauling ass down a dark, foggy back road at about 75. It just has a really good riding beat.

I'm thinking about doing a little summer school with the kids. We need some basic Spanish before we start our curriculum. And I really want the kids to learn how to type. I do too actually. It would be nice not to have to correct my "the"s every time. I almost always type teh. Pain in my ass. But I don't really want to do summer school. I like having the break. They like having the break. We all like the break. I may use the typing as an extra next year. Or I may use it as something fun they can do this summer if they want to. I have a friend that will loan me her typing program. And they don't have to do it every day. But the Spanish may be harder. I may just wait until we start school. We don't have to start the computer program right as we start school. See, I told you I had to work it out.

I want to be a Pussy Cat Doll when I grow up. Any of them, really, but Nicole Scherzinger, specifically. She's the lead singer and she's from Hawaii. Can you tell with all that tan skin? I would love to have their bodies, but I don't like all the work it takes to get there and maintain. And I can't sing. But I'm a helluva dancer.

I am waiting expectantly for my curriculum to come in. I have two orders coming and it's like waiting for Christmas. I just want it to hurry and get here. I have been listening every time I hear a big vehicle. I'm not sure if it's coming UPS or USPS. It just needs to get here.

Hubby got a Jack LaLane juicer. He is very into juicing and came across the commercial one day. He had to have it. He has a juicer, but it doesn't quite work the right way anymore for some reason. When we got our taxes back, that's what hubby got to buy. And now that we are getting organic produce, it's even better. It came yesterday and he hasn't has a chance to use it yet. But I go Thursday to pick up fruits and veggies. He'll definitely make time then.

We had talked about getting goats. We have room for about four. But they don't do well where we live because of the climate. They need a rockier terrain and somewhere not so humid. Out of luck there as we live on a belt of sand that runs through our state, and more specifically, our back yard. Makes it damn hard to have a garden, let me tell you. You have to add soil, and nutrients, and I don't know what to get anything to grow.

We have settled on chickens. We need to do the research, make sure we have room for them , can take care of them, which birds are best for what purpose, that kind of thing. But we have set a time limit to have it done by. We would like to have them by the end of the summer if we can. The sooner the better.

That's about all the rambling I'm gonna do for now. Thanks for listening. And thanks for letting me clear out some room in my over crowded brain.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Jealous much?

I have blog envy. Is that a real thing? It's not how they look, although some are really cute. It's the number of comments.

I follow the blogs of several of our homeschool families. Some have been blogging for a very long time and have known each other for a very long time. But that doesn't make me feel any better. I like to see comments on my blog.

Sometimes I get comments from people that don't normally leave them. I don't know if they are regular readers or just one day say, "Oh, yeah, I forgot that she does a blog" and then sign on. But it's really nice to get those comments.

And then there are the readers that I forget are reading. Sometimes I open my big fat mouth and insert both feet. I'm nothing if not a glutton. After I post a blog and get a comment, I think, "Why did I post that? Oh, yeah, I'm an idiot."

I do get emailed comments. I have a couple of readers that don't have a google account that will eamil me their thoughts. I like those, too. I just wish that I could get the comments back to the blog. One day I'm sure that will be possible. It's probably possible now, I just don't know how to do it.

But, all in all, I am who I am. Still looking for that acceptance. Do we ever really grow out of that? I'll be a better (insert your choice of words here) and everybody will love me. One day, I'll grow up. I'm not sure when, but I will. And I'll get over this blog envy. Or, really, I'll just get over myself.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

America's Favorite Past Time

I don't know who started calling baseball that, but I don't get it. I know that there are people out there that love baseball. It's just a little slow for me.

I did like the one Texas Rangers game I went to with my sister. The owners of the company that she worked for at the time had season tickets and couldn't go one night. So she got the tickets to the game and off we went. Springs and summers in Texas are a little like the ones here. They can be very stormy. They haven't been the last couple of years, but they were that night. And I never had a better time. Thunder booming, lightning crashing, beer buzzing. It was a great night to be with my big sis.

My friend Ruthie and I used to toss a baseball in her front yard. Ruthie was the one that I spent most of my time with. At one point she was dating her neighbor. I never saw the attraction, but I didn't date him. I dated his friend. He was a cutie. And, oh so BAD boy. Hold on, hot flash. I'm sorry, what? Oh, sorry, the blog. Tossing the ball? Yeah, yeah, anyway.

I don't even remember who found the gloves and the ball. It was probably her. That was the summer that I stayed with her all summer. That was in the top three best summers of my life. Have you ever had one of those friends that you could spend every hour of every day with? Someone other than your spouse. Ruthie would be that one for me. She taught me how to catch and how to hold my hand over the ball. She taught me how to leap and jump and dive and get grass stains on my knees and shorts. But I loved it. We would toss the ball and talk. And talk and talk and talk. And sometimes we would talk without saying a word. Sometimes we would just look at each other and know what the other was thinking. It was cool, and I miss that.

We played softball together two years in a row. I don't know how she talked me into it, but damned if she did. And I loved it. I think she wanted to play, but knew she had to drag me along. But I loved that, too. She was so good at every thing she tried, while most of the time I was too chicken. Can you believe that? That was the first time I had ever been hit on by a lesbian. That was nice, too. Ruthie and I would ride to practice together. I didn't have a car or a license so she had to do all the driving. And we would talk and listen to music. And talk. And talk.

Hubby was working outside yesterday and it was starting to get dark. The kids had come in and I had been working on the computer. You know, working. That translates into playing games and piddling on line. He snuck into our bedroom and asked if I wanted to get the gloves out. We had bought him a new glove several months ago and haven't had the chance to use it. But we did yesterday.

We stood outside in the gorgeous blue, purple, pinks, and oranges of the setting sun, and the frothy clouds that kicked up a cool wind and tossed the ball. We both had to get acquainted to the feel of the glove and the thump of the ball, me longer than him. But it was so nice to just spend that time together, talking. And talking. And talking. And sometimes not saying a word, but knowing exactly what the other was thinking. And enjoying each other. We laughed and ran and jumped and leaped. And then I got better. My arm was tired when we were done, and my shoulder is a little achy, but it was wonderful.

So I guess that maybe baseball is America's favorite past time. Or maybe just tossing the ball and spending time is. If it's not, it should be. And I am very blessed to have so many people that I call friend.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Tommy Lee, the drummer from Motley Crue and ex of Pamela Anderson, had an album out a few years ago called Tommyland. If I'm not mistaken that's also the name of his house in California. But this blog isn't about him, it's about a little boy in our after school program that we participate in. And that's not his real name, by the way. All names have been changed to protect the innocent, or the not so innocent.

Tommy can be a very nice boy. But he can also be quite the handful. Tommy has some developmental issues, for a lack of a better term. There are times that he is disruptive and loud and he really needs to be somewhere else. I think there are some sensory issues. Sometimes loud noises or noise for an extended period of time can really set him off.

He was really bad last week. He was so bad, I thought we were going to have to call his mother to come get him. He was actually told that she was going to be called, but he settled down enough that we let him stay. But he still had his moments.

Two weeks ago, he threw the baby down on the ground, not once but twice. Keep in mind that I call her the baby because she is the youngest of my three and she will always be my baby. But she is less than 20 days away from 5, so she really isn't a baby baby anymore :(. Anyway, she will let you pick her up because she can be very lazy. And she let Tommy pick her up. And then he dropped her. On purpose. And then he picked her up again, without her wanting him to, and dropped her again. Tommy is in second grade and isn't very big. She didn't have far to fall. But he dropped her on purpose two times. Her brother, who isn't much bigger than Tommy, was furious. He yelled at Tommy while cuddling his sister. He can be such a great big brother. I thought he was going to hit Tommy.

We had two teenage volunteers that week. And they were both outside and saw what happened. One of them is a total sucker for the baby. He would carry her around all day if I'd let him, but sometimes he has to work, too. He couldn't get there fast enough to prevent the second one, but I thought HE was going to hurt Tommy. I'll call him B. A is our other volunteer. He is there consistently. Tommy ran off and A chased him. Tommy knocked his glasses off. And A was not happy about that either. So here comes A,B, Tommy (crying and trying to pull away from A), the boy and the baby (being carried by B. Sucker). Yeah, I needed to see that parade come at me.

Tommy got put in time out. I'm not allowed to beat the shit out of any of the kids but mine. I think it sucks, but who am I? He still was very wild that day, but since I didn't really see any of the incidents, and the baby was alright, I couldn't really do much else. I know, you think it's a cop out. But do you really think I would take Tommy's side against my baby? No. And I don't have much recourse except calling his mother. But we were close to being done for the day, and his mother was going to be there soon anyway.

B has become very good at handling Tommy. He talks very sternly to him. And Tommy seems to respond to that. He handles him without putting his hands on him. It's all A can do not to beat him. And I understand that reaction, really and truly. But I have a mantra that I repeat over and over to myself that all of the volunteers use now. "Jesus loves Tommy". It isn't much, but it helps us focus on the real reason that we are doing this program.

Tommy and his mother both go to our church. His mother is as sweet as she can be. You can tell that sometimes she is a little overloaded. But she is a single mom with a child that has a sensory disorder. If you have never been around a child with a sensory disorder, sometimes it is not pretty. They get overloaded and sometimes just can't handle things and they react. Not always in a good way, but they do react.

And here's another story about how good my boy is. I like to brag on my children as often as possible. But when the boy is good to the baby, it's specially brag worthy. Tommy wanted to talk to the baby and be her friend. But she hid behind her brother every time Tommy came around. She doesn't want anything to do with him, not that I blame her.

Tommy says, "Why won't she be my friend?"

The boy, "Because you picked her up and dropped her. Twice."

T, "But I said I was sorry, and I am. Why doesn't anyone want to be my friend?"

TB, "Because you do mean things, Tommy. If you would try to be nice, you would have more friends."

T, "Will you talk to her and ask her if she will be my friend now?"

TB, "Hold on." Conversation between the boy and his sister. "She said no. Now please leave her alone. She's scared of you. Stay away from my sister."

T, "But I won't drop her again. She's so cute. And I always wanted a little sister. Do you think she would be my sister?"

TB, "No, Tommy. You need to show her that she can trust you. You have to be nice and say nice things. And you have to do that with everybody, not just her. Be nice and you will have lots of friends and maybe someone will want to be your little sister. Now leave her alone or I'm telling my mom. And she'll tell your mom. And then you'll be in trouble."

He can be such a good boy when he wants to be. So now we are doing the Tommy watch. We have all decided that he has a couple more weeks for us to evaluate his behavior. He actually did improve today after the boy talked to him. And when I'm firm with him, he backs off. He is starting to realize that he can't get away with much with us. I'll keep you updated. In the mean time, if you are so inclined, please pray for our band of merry volunteers. Sometimes it takes awhile for the mantra to get through and ease the tension in the jaw. But, Jesus loves Tommy. Jesus loves Tommy. Jesus loves Tommy.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Happy Anniversary

Tomorrow is the day. Hubby and I will be married 14 years. Someone has actually put up with me that long. That's what really freaks me out. So tonight's blog is all about the man I love. Here goes.

I love you, Daniel. You are the most special person I have ever known. I am so thankful that God saw fit to bring you into my life. I am truly blessed to have shared the last fourteen years with you. I love the way you look at me, I love the way you look. I love the way that you smile and laugh and giggle. I love the way that you make me feel special and treasured and loved. My heart sings when I hear your voice and see your face. My soul feels light when you are near.

You make me laugh and smile and giggle. You make me yell and scream and throw things. And that is one way that I know that I love you more than anyone or anything. You are my soul mate, the love of my life, the man of my dreams.

You work so hard for our family and we are thankful and grateful for the things that you do for us. Every day, rain or shine, you provide for us. Not just financially, but spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and in so many ways that we could never express how deep our gratitude and love go. You have missed so many things to provide, yet you never complain. And I thank you for that.

I could never spend enough time with you. I miss you when you aren't with me. I love to hold your hand, and touch your knee, and put my arms around you. I love the way your skin feels against mine. I love when you hold my hand, sit by me at dinner, touch my knee, and put your arms around me. I want to spend every minute of every day with you.

You are the man for me and I would marry you all over again. I would go through every good time and bad time and every time. I look forward to spending the rest of forever with you, loving you and being loved by you.

Happy Anniversary, Daniel. I love you so very, very much.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Smoking a what?!

Michael Phelps got caught smokin' a bong. Rule number one when you are a famous person and make your living on endorsements-never have a picture taken. It makes me think that the chlorine got to his brain. I don't have issue with him smoking. I have issue with him getting caught. That was just plain dumb.

Many of you know that I have partaken in the past. If it wasn't for kids and responsibility, I would probably be partaking right now. Toby Keith has a song called "Weed with Willie" that is almost too much for me to listen to some days. Can you imagine how good the stuff is that Willie Nelson smokes? Wow just seems so bland a description. I have been in many a smoke filled room and never gotten a contact high. But in the song Toby gets one.

I think that there are many misconceptions about smoking pot that need to be cleared up. And yeah, I am clearing them up here. Nobody said I was the smartest Putt Egg. You should have seen last night's Wipeout. That was the nickname for one of the contestants. His kids gave him the name. Great kids, huh? I think they've been smoking a little too much.

I have never known anyone that smoked pot and suddenly turned into a heroin fiend. The people that I know that smoke pot and have done heroin are people that have serious issues. They would have ended up doing really hard drugs regardless. Their addictive natures have become the issue, not the fact that they smoked pot. Or whatever was driving them to smoke and get high and forget that they have a name or a home. They are usually escaping from something and would have found a harder drug, whether it was smack, crank, crack, pills, or any other number of drugs. They are running from their feelings, emotions, and turmoil in their lives that they cannot face sober.

People who smoke pot would rather eat, laugh, and watch TV with a giant smile than commit crimes. They have involved themselves with the wrong people. That is a feeling of wanting to belong to a group or "family" than getting high and stealing a car. That comes more with a gang mentality than a big, fat hoobie.

The war on drugs is a losing battle that has cost tax payers several million dollars, if not billions. And for what? So some guy who spent $35 on a quarter bag can go to prison for 20 years? How was the crime he committed worse than the pedophile in the cell next to his? All this started because the government couldn't agree on a way to regulate it so they could get their cut out of it. Smoking pot is in no way comparable to killing someone or raping someone or setting your ex spouse on fire. We need to all get over that. $35 for a quarter bag? Man, if anything, pot smokers are getting ripped off. I remember when you could get a bag for $20.

Smoking pot is not addictive. I quit. And as much as I smoked, if I can quit, you can to. Did I want to quit? No, but I didn't want to quit smoking cigarettes either. I have a slightly addictive personality. I know what it is to quit a habit. But it was harder to quit smoking cigarettes and stop drinking than it was to stop smoking weed.

President Clinton inhaled and liked it. He liked it so much, he was probably sitting on Willie's tour bus. He's probably there now, lucky bastard. Politicians that say they tried but couldn't get high think we're all high. And they're wrong, too. Just be honest. I'm waiting for Obama to spark one in the oval office. Wouldn't that be a picture?

I know a lot of you are still smoking. You know who you are. And I know who you are. And I know that the next time you spark one you better be thinking about me. And you better inhale. And you better like it. If not, quit wasting it and let someone else smoke it.

Too much time on my hands

With hubby being sick last week, he had three days off from work and then took two vacation days. And the kids weren't feeling very good either, so we took an early vacation and not alot of school got done. Ok, one day of school. And then it was why bother. Nobody was well enough to care. With that being said, probably the only thing we got done was alot of TV watching. And I reconnected with an old favorite of mine, West Wing.

What a fantastic show that was. I cannot imagine my work day, much less my life, being that hectic and crazy all day long. On call 24/7, trying to deal with the head of the country, dealing with self involved politicians, and having to explain every little move to the nation and the world. What a pain in my ass. I have a very bad attitude. I don't like anyone to stick their nose in my business and tell me what I'm doing is wrong before they know why I'm doing it. To have to defend the actions of my boss would drive me to slapping people and a whole lot of poor language.

The episode today has me even more convinced that politicians are stupid assholes that have nothing better to do with their time than push their own political, religious, and personal agendas, regardless of policy, law, and whoever stands in their way. It was just another reason for me to not like the game of politics. I refuse to call it a profession until I see a politician, real or fictitious, actually do something for the American people without demanding that his/her agenda be slipped into a new law/bill/whatever.

But it did reacquaint me with some fantastic acting and script writing. It is a marvelous show that is fast paced and exciting. I don't always understand the point of the episode, or follow the rhetoric very well, but this time around I have a DVR. I love the rewind button. I love the flow and the action and the way it still makes me sit on the edge of my seat. I love television that makes me forget it's just a show. And frankly, CJ Craig (Allison Janey) sitting next to big bird is just too funny.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Super Bowl Sunday

I love football. It probably comes from my Texas roots, but I love the game. I don't always understand the formations and why the ref threw his flag, but I love it. I love going to the game, being with the crowd, or drinking a six pack at home in front of the TV. The Super Bowl makes me sad because I know that it's over. But I also know it's party time. Here are a few of the things we do.

We always stand during the National Anthem. And, of course, I have to cry. It is a beautiful song that just makes me so proud of our country. I have this deep seated patriotism that I believe comes from my father. You cannot spend as much time as I have on an Air Force base and not have pride in this country of ours. That's why I get so peeved at politics and politicians and people that take advantage of the working American. Too much has happened for the citizens of this country to have someone wipe their feet on us.

I always have an Italian sausage on a hoagie roll with grilled peppers and onions. I love those damn things. The boy had one with me, but not on a hoagie roll. He just had his cut up on a plate. And hubby had a hoagie roll. He's still on his BRAT diet. Poor baby. But he did sneak a couple of potato chips. It sucks eating bland food.

And the kids always bug the stuffing out of us to change the channel. But with all the great commercials, how can we? I mean really. They have had some really good commercials over the years, and we love them.

This year I am rooting for Arizona. Go Cards! I really like Kurt Warner and have since he was with St. Louis. He is a man of honor and faith and knows that his path on this Earth was predestined by God. He does all he can for those that are less fortunate. And he's cute to boot. But I like his playing style and think he got the short end of the stick a couple years ago. So I hope Arizona rips it up.

It's going to be a long night. Enjoy it. And if you're drinking beer, have one for hubby!